Allusions 1701-1800 (texts)
By Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2013-08-01. Revised by Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2021-01-07.
The following 41 allusions are found for the period 1701-1800:
1703 - Thoresby, Ralph - Diary
[...] Thence by Darrington and Stapleton Lees to Wentbrig, beyond which, upon the heights, may be seen York Minster, and it is said, also, that of Lincoln, but it was too duskish for us to do it; what I was more intent upon was the famous Roman highway, which is not only visible for several miles, but its complete dimensions, near which we drank at a curious spring, which receives its denomination from Robin Hood, the noted outlaw; after which we left the common road to Doncaster, and followed the old one, as is evident from the said Roman rig, which we followed for some time, in our road to Sprotburgh [...][1]
1712 - Hearne, Thomas - Remarks and Collections
22 jan. 1712-13
Robin Hood the famous Out-law was buried in the Nunnery Church of Kirkley in ye County of York. Leland. ibid. p. 53.[2]
1713 - Storr, William - Book of Remarks
Of mother's side. My mothers maiden name was Mary Ward & had 5 sisters, & one brother, one sister Jane married to one Cockerill at fila near Robin hood bay died without Issue, the other 4 sisters was hellen, married to one hew fryer near hackness, & mary married to Robert poole at flaxton, & Elizabeth married to one george russill at Whitby lathes.[3]
1720 - Strype, John - Survey of London and Westminster (01)
In the Month of May, namely on May Day, in the Morning, every Man, except Impediment, would walk into the sweet Meadows and green Woods, there to rejoice their Spirits with the Beauty and Savour of sweet Flowers, and with the Noise of Birds, praising God in their Kind. And for more notable Example hereof, Edward Hall hath noted, that King Henry the Eighth, as in the Third of his Reign, and divers other Years, so namely in the Seventh of his Reign, on May Day in the Morning, with Queen Katharine his Wife, accompanied with many Lords and Ladies, rode a Maying from Greenwich to the high Ground of Shooters Hill; where as they passed by the Way they espied a Company of tall Yeomen, clothed all in Green, with green Hoods, and with Bows and Arrows to the Number of 200. One, being their Chieftain, was called Robin Hood, who required the King and all his Company to stay and see his Men shoot, whereunto the King granting, Robin Hood whistled, and all the 200 Arches shot off, losing all at once; and when he whistled again they likewise shot again; their Arrows whistled by Craft of the Head, so that the Noise was strange and loud, which greatly delighted the King, Queen, and their Company.
Moreover, this Robin Hood desired the King and Queen, with their Retinue to enter the green Wood, where, in Arbors made with Boughs, and decked with Flowers, they were set and served plentifully with Venison and Wine, by Robin Hood and his Men, to their great Contentment, and had other Pageants and Pastimes, as ye may read in my said Author.[4]
1720 - Strype, John - Survey of London and Westminster (02)
Bow lane begins at Trinity lane, and falls into Cheapside, by St. Mary le Bow Church. The part of this Lane, in this Ward, begins about fifty Foot from Cheapside, on both sides the way; and sixty Foot beyond Basing lane: And then on the West side, only to Trinity lane. This was antiently called Cordwainers street, being very well inhabited and built. In this Lane are these Courts and Places of Name; viz. Half moon Court, by some called Lugg Yard: a Place something open, but ordinary. It is likewise, by some, called Whalebone Court, from one that there boileth Whalebones. Taylor's Court, a pretty handsome open Place. Robin Hood Court, indifferent long, and well built. New Court, a very handsome genteel Place, with a Door next the Street, to shut up at Nights. St. Mary Aldermary Church, the West End seated in this Lane. Goose Alley, but ordinary; at the upper end of which is Twelve Bell Court, which is but small and narrow. It hath a Passage through Compter's Alley into Bow Church Yard, both Places of small account. George Alley, or Yard, but narrow, hath a Passage into New Queenstreet, through Weld Court. Rose Court, but mean and ordinary. St. Mary le Bow Church, the Front seated in Cheapside, but the back part in Bow lane.[5]
1720 - Strype, John - Survey of London and Westminster (03)
Adjoining to this Steet [i.e. Cheapside], on the North side, is Hony lane; being now, as it were, an Alley with a Free stone pavement, serving as a passage to Hony lane Market; the former Lane, and other Buildings, being, since the Fire of London, converted into this Market. Amongst which Buildings, was the Parish Church of St. Alhallows Hony lane; and by reason it was thought fit not to rebuild it, the Parish is united to St. Mary le Bow. This Market is well served every Week, on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, with Provisions. The Place taken up by this Market, is spacious; being in length, from East to West, 193 Feet; and from North to South, 97 Feet. In the middle, is a large and square Market-house, standing on Pillars, with Rooms over it, and a Bell Tower in the midst. There is in the Market, 135 standing Stalls for Butchers, with Racks, Blocks, and other Necessaries; all covered over, to shelter them from the Injury of Weather; and also, several Stalls for Fuiterers. The West end of the Market lyeth open to Milkstreet, where there is Cock of Conduit Water, for the use of the Market. There are two other Passages unto it, that is, one out of St. Laurence Lane, besides that which comes out of Cheapside; which Passages are inhabited by Grocers, Fishmongers, Poulterers, Victuallers, and Cheesemongers. On the Northwest corner of this Market, is Robinhood Alley, being a passage into Milkstreet. Trump Alley, lieth against Bow Church; which, turning Eastward, falleth into St. Laurence Lane: This Alley is indifferent good in the middle part, but the entrances are but narrow.[6]
1720 - Strype, John - Survey of London and Westminster (04)
The Courts and Alleys in this Street [sc. Milk Street], are, Castle Tavern Court, so called from the Castle Tavern therein seated. It hath a narrow passage into Woodstreet. Feathers Court, pretty long and open, with a Free stone Pavement. Robin Hood Alley, hath a passage into Honey lane Market. Crown Court, but small. Mumfords Court, a good large Place, well built, with a Free stone Pavement. About the middle, is a passage into Castle Court, or Alley; which is likewise long, falling into St. Laurence lane, and well inhabited. Clement Court, a very handsome open Place, with good Houses; and hath a Passage up Steps into Fryers Court, which leads into Woodstreet.[7]
1720 - Strype, John - Survey of London and Westminster (05)
Grubstreet, very long, coming out of Foresteet, and running, Northwards, into Chiswel street; but some small part, to wit, from Sun Alley to Chiswell street, is not in the Ward, but in the Liberty of Finsbury. This Street, taking in the whole, is but indifferent, as to its Houses and Inhabitants; and sufficiently pestered with Courts and Alleys, the Names of which are as followeth.
Lunds Alley, long and ordinary, falls into Moor lane. Honysuckle Court, pretty good, with new built Houses. Flower de lis Court, very small and ordinary. Little Bell Alley, but mean. Flying Horse Court, long but ordinary built; and, by consequence, the Inhabitants answerable. George Inn, for Livery Horses. Nags Head Inn, lately rebuilt, and fitted up handsome; with good Stables, both for Livery Horses, and a Horse Courser; being built out of a Place called Soldiers Court, which was before old and decayed.
Over against the Pump, is a pretty good Court, without a Name. Oakley Court, large and open; the greatest part, at present, unbuilt, and lying wast. Butlers Alley, narrow and ordinary; giving a passage into Moor lane, where it is pretty broad. Cross Keys Court, indifferent large, and old built; leads into Halfmoon Alley, and so into Whitecross street. Maidendhead Court, pretty handsome, and indifferent well built and inhabited. Great Bell Alley, small, but indifferent good. Haberdashers Square, very genteel, with new well built Houses. The Court is square, and inclosed in with Palisade Pales, except a handsome passage to the Houses round about; and in the midst is a Dial. This Court was made out of two old ones, viz. Paviers Court, and Robin Hood Court. Sun Alley, but small.[8]
1720 - Strype, John - Survey of London and Westminster (06)
MAster Drurie the Priest.
Mr. Redyate the Priest.
Lady Webbe.
Lady Blackstone's Daughter.
Thomas Webbe, her Man.
William Robinson, Taylor.
Robert Smith, Master Hick's Man the Apothecary.
Mr. Davison's Daughter.
Anthony Hall his Man.
Ann Hobdin, }
Mary Hobdin, } Lodging in Mr. Davison's House.
John Galloway, Vintner.
Mr. Pierson, }
His Wife, } In Robin Hood Court, in Shooe lane.
Two Sons. }
Mrs. Vudall. }
Abigal her Maid. }
Two more in her House. }
John Netlan, a Taylor.
Nathaniel Coales.
John Halifaxe.
Mrs. Rugbie in Holborn.
John Worral's Son in Holborne.
Mr. Becket, a Cornish Man.
Thomas Mersit, his Wife, and his Son and Maid. In Mountague Close.
Mrs. Summel, and Mary her Maid. In Black Friers.
Andrew White's Daughter, in Holborn.
Mr. Staker, Taylor, in Salisbury Court.
Elizab. Sommers, in Gray's Inn lane.
Mr. Westwood.
Judeth Bellowes.
A Man of Sir Lues Pemberton's.
Elizabeth Moore, Widdow.
John James.
Morris Beucresse, Apothecary.
Davie Vaughan.
Anne Field.
Mr. Ployden.
Robert Heisime.
One Medalfe.
Mr. Maufeild.
Mr. Simons.
Dorothy Simons.
Thomas Simons, a Boy.
Robert Pauerkes.
Anne Davison.
Anthony Hall.
Mrs. Morton and her Maid.
Francis Downes.
Edmond Shey.
Josua Perry.
John Tullye.
Robert Drury.
Thomas Draper.
John Staiggs.
Thomas Elis.
Michael Butler, in Woodstreet.
Edmund Rivals.
Edmund Welsh.
Bartholomew Bauin.
Davie, an Irish Man.
Richard Price.
Thomas Wood.
Christopher Hobbs.
Elizabeth Astime.
John Butler.
Clarentia, a Maid.
Jane Turner.
Mrs. Milbourne.
Frithwith Anne.
Mrs. Elton.
Mrs. Walsteed.
Margaret Barrom.
Henry Becket.
Sarah Watson.
John Bethoms.
Mr. Harris.
Mrs. Tompson.
Richard Fitguist.
George Ceaustour.
Mr. Grimes.
One Barbaret, }
One Huckle, }
Walter Ward, } inquired for.
Rigaret. }
John Brabant, a Painter in Little Britain.
A Man-servant of Mr. Bucket's, a Painter in Aldersgate street.[9]
1720 - Strype, John - Survey of London and Westminster (07)
This Street [sc. Thames Street] enjoyeth a good Trade, and hath a great Resort, occasioned by the several Wharfs on the Water side: and therefore much pestered with Carts. Black Boy Alley, long and narrow, having a great Diers at the lower end. Boss Alley, also long and narrow, with a Diers by the Thames side. Betwixt this Place and Black Boy Alley, is a large passage to Wood Wharf. Robin Hood Court, but very ordinary. Trig Stairs, so called from the Stairs on the Water side, which is indifferently well supplied by Watermen. The Lane is pretty open, reasonably well built and inhabited. Castle Lane, pretty broad for Carts, having a Wood Wharf at the lower end; the Buildings are but ordinary, as are the Inhabitants. George Yard, being good and large, and taken up by Timber Merchants and Wood Wharfs at the lower end. Broken Wharf. By this is a Water House to convey the Thames Water in Pipes. Which of late Years hath been much improved, as to the Revenue, to what it was at first, by the Industry of those concerned therein; but not managed without a great Charge, in keeping so many Servants, and Horses for the forcing the Water up into the Cistern at the top of the Building, which is very lofty.[10]
1720 - Strype, John - Survey of London and Westminster (08)
The Parish of St. ANDREWS Holborn.
This Parish of St. Andrews is of a very large extent; good part of which lieth within the Freedom of London, and in the Ward of Faringdon without. To lay down the Bounds thereof, together with the names of the Streets, Lanes, Alleys, and Courts.
As to the Bound of this Parish, I shall begin at Holbourn Bridge, which Southwards runs down by the Ditch side, a little beyond Eagle and Child Alley; where it crosseth the Houses into Shoe lane. And from thence, betwixt Robin Hood Court and New street, into Fetter lane, by the South side of Dean street, where it crosseth into Churchyard Alley. Thence by the South side of Cursitors Alley, and so into Chancery lane. Which it also crosseth, and runs by the back Side of Lincolns Inn, by the St. John's Head Tavern, into the new Court lately built by Sir Thomas Cook, Kt. Alderman, and others; and made a part of the said Inn. Where, by the Pump set up by the Pallisado Pails, which severeth the Court from the Garden, it runs Northward cross the Gardens, and so into Holbourn, by Gridiron Alley, which is a little Eastward of great Turnstile Alley; and there it crosseth the Street, and runneth Westward, taking all the North side of High Holborn, as far as the House where the Stone Mark is set at the Door, which is about six Houses short of Kings Gate. And at this House, it crosseth the Buildings into Eagle street; and turning to the Corner of the said Steet, runneth along Kings Gate street, and so on the back Side of the Gardens of King street, into the Fields, taking in all the South side of the said Street. And so runs Eastward, by the North side of Lamb's Conduit; and from thence to the Hamstead Road; and leading from Gray's Inn lane, to that and other Towns. And crossing the said Road, runs to the Brook or Ditch, which after a turning passage by Hockney the hole, runneth down the East side of Saffron hill, and Field lane; and thence under Holbourn Bridge, falleth into the new Canal; and this Brook is the Eastern Bounds of this Parish, from that of Clerkenwel. Which said Bounds of the Parish doth appear by the prick'd Line incompassing the Map; and the Part within the City Liberty, is severed from the rest by a Chain Line.[11]
1720 - Strype, John - Survey of London and Westminster (09)
I shall begin at Holbourn Bridge, and so run Westward to the Bars. And then the first is Horn, or Horners Alley, the Bull head Tavern, Plumtree Court, St. Andrew's Church, St Andrew's Court, Thavies Inn, Bartlets Court and Buildings, Kings head Court, Bernards Inn, Castle Yard, and White's Alley. Then on the North side, beginning at the Bars, are these Places. Warton's Court, Ely Court, Scroop's Court, Sutton Court, Plough Yard, and Cock Yard, near the Bridge. The Courts and Allies in that part of Shoe lane which are in this Parish, are Well Alley, Plumbtree Court, Molin's Rents, Spectacle Rents, Cockpit Court, Eagle and Child Alley, Brewers Yard, and Robin Hood Court. In the part of Fetter lane, which is is in this Parish, are Dean street, Churchyard Alley, Plough Yard, Horseshoe Alley, Blewit's Court, Magpie Yard and Inn, Bernard's Inn, the Passage into Bartlet's Buildings, and Kings head Court. Then Castle Yard, with part of Cursitor's Alley, and Duck's Court.[12]
1720 - Strype, John - Survey of London and Westminster (10)
The next Lane in Fleetstreet is Shoe lane, very long, runneth North from Fleetstreet, over against Salisbury Court, into Holbourn, by St. Andrew's Church; a Lane of no great Note either for Buildings or Inhabitants. In it are a great many Alleys and Courts, though of little Account. I shall begin first on the East side next to Holbourn, and so towards Fleetstreet: And then the first is Plumbtree Court, the best of all; being large and well built, with Inhabitants according. It hath a passage into another Court, so called, which falls into Holbourn; that Part towards Shoe lane being pretty broad. Well Alley, very mean and ordinary. Molins Rents, indifferent good, but hath a narrow passage into it. Isaac's Rents, very ordinary. Near unto this is Spectacle's Rents, very small and mean. Eagle and Child Alley, narrow, but indifferent good; hath a passage into Fleet Ditch, down Steps. Brewers Yard, so called from a Brewhouse at the lower end there, and with some small Tenements; this hath a passage into Fleet Ditch. Queens Arms Alley, but narrow, with a Freestone Pavement which leads to the Ditch side, down Steps. George Alley, but narrow, hath also a passage down to the Ditch side. Rose and Crown Court, but indifferent, hath a passage into George Alley. Stonecutters street, pretty good and open, with indifferent Inhabitants. This leadeth down to the Ditch side. Curriers Alley, very ordinary, runs to the Ditch side. Harp Alley, but narrow, runs down to the Ditch side; a Place of great Trade for old Houshold Goods, for which it is of Note; but the Buildings very mean. Angel Court, small and ordinary. Fountain Court, but ordinary.
Places on the West side of this Lane: Robin Hood Court, pretty broad and large, but mean Houses and Inhabitants; hath a passage up Steps into Goldsmiths Rents. Cockpit Court, pretty handsome, with Brick Building at the upper end, and hath a Freestone Pavement. Brown's Court, but small and mean. Faulcon Court, but ordinary; near unto the Corner of Newstreet. Kings head Court, a narrow Place, which comes out of Wine Office Court, mentioned in Fleetstreet, and leads into this Lane. Globe Court, but small. And thus much for Fleetstreet.[13]
1720 - Strype, John - Survey of London and Westminster (11)
With their several Gifts bestowed on this Parish [of St George the Martyr, Southwark], as they are set down in a Table in this Church, are as follow:
Years. | Donors. | Gifts. | |||
1588. | James Savage gave out of the Bridgehouse near the Kings Bench, to be yearly distributed for ever | 3 | 0 | 0 | |
1590. | William Evance gave out of his Robin Hood Rents in Blackman Street, in Bread yearly for ever | 5 | 4 | 0 | |
1622. | Sir William Cowper gave an House in Pright Alley in Tower Street. | ||||
1630. | And an House in Bishopsgate Stret for ever | 9 | 6 | 0 | |
Years. | Donors. | Gifts. | |||
1625. | J. Simon gave out of Lands in Tilbury in Essex, for ever. | 10 | 0 | 0 | |
1626. | Purchased in the Parish the Spread Eagle and three Houses adjoining, by the Parishoners and others, for ever. | 24 | 0 | 0 | |
1626. | Henry Smith gave out of the Manour of Beahill in Sussex, for ever, per ann. | 20 | 0 | 0 | |
1627. | William Brooks, Yeoman, gave out of thirteen Cottages, one Messuage and Garden in White Street, for ever, per ann. | 2 | 0 | 0 | |
1633. | Sir John Fenner gave, to buy Bibles and other Uses, out of two Farms, Truedoves and Goodales, in Suffolk, | 11 | 0 | 0 | |
1635. | Humfrey Williams gave eight Tenements, (the same now, eleven) — Acres of Land, in Kent Street, for ever. | 8 | 0 | 0 | |
1645. | Edward Martin gave out of his Farm at Low Layton in Essex, to buy Bibles yearly for ever. | 3 | 0 | 0 | |
1648. | William Brook gave out of Blew Boar Rents, in White Street, yearly, for ever. | 5 | 0 | 0 | |
1679. | Tho. Grayson gave out of the old Birdeage yearly, for ever. | 2 | 0 | 0 | |
Robert Shaw settled a burying Place, and an Acre of Land, whereon a House is since built, for ever. | 5 | 0 | 0 | ||
In Consideration of some Privileges granted him by the Parish. | |||||
1672. | Edmund Dudson, Esq; gave out of two Tenements in Lower Tooting, 12d. each Friday in Bread, for ever. | 2 | 12 | 0[14] |
1720 - Strype, John - Survey of London and Westminster (12)
BLACKMANS STREET runs from St. Georges Church almost unto Newington, the Street is broad, but the Buildings and Inhabitants not much to be boasted of; the End next to Newington hath the West side open to St. Georges Fields; being rather a Road than a Street. Here are these Places beginning at the East side next to St. Georges Church.
The SWAN BREWHOUSE. ARROW ALLEY, a little narrow Place, very meanly Built and Inhabited. BLACK SPREAD EAGLE COURT, a pretty open Place and indifferent good. GIRFFINS ALLEY, very long and narrow, with old Timber Houses, ordinary Inhabited. DOLPHIN YARD, a pretty open Place, but very indifferent. LAMB ALLEY an open Place, also well Built and Inhabited. CROSS SHOVEL ALLEY, small narrow, and ordinary. WHITE HORSE ALLEY, very mean, with a narrow Passage. TWO BREWERS YARD also of mean Account, with a narrow Passage. REDCROSS ALLEY, now pulled down, in order to Rebuild. UNICORN INN, very neat and fine, being adorned with carved Figures, and sundry sorts of Birds stuft, and set about, as if they were alive, with a small Ship, such as are hung in great Halls. ROCK YARD small and very mean. DRAPERS ALMS HOUSES, being erected for four Men, and twelve Women, their Allowance being 5s. per Month; at the end of the House is a Chappel where one of the four Men reads Prayers every day, for which he hath 12d. per Month more. The West side of Blackman's street beginning next to St. George's Fields are these Places. BROAD YARD, a dirty but open Place containing about five or six Houses; hath a Passage into CROWN INN which is but small, with a Passage likewise into St. George's Fields. DIRTY LANE, only a Passage, or Road along by the Mint, and St. George's Fields into Gravel Lane. BEARS FOOT ALLEY, hath a narrow Entrance, and contains ten small Houses, all built in a Row like unto Alms Houses. PEACHES WOOD YARD, pretty large. AXE YARD hath a narrow Entrance. but is very clenn and airy within, with pretty good Buildings. ROSE ALLEY, narrow, small, and ordinary. ROBIN HOOD COURT, containing three small Houses, reasonably Inhabited, hath a narrow Passage.
The MINT, generally so taken, is very large, containing several Streets and Alleys; In this Tract of Ground called the Mint, stood the Duke of Suffolk's House. The chief Street in the Mint is so called, being that which gives an Entrance into it out of Blackman's street; It is long and narrow, running into Lombart street, thence into Suffolk street, and also into George street, which said Suffolk street and George street have open Passages into St. George's Fields: Then on the North side are several Places intended to be built, several Foundations of Houses being laid, but whether they will be finished, is a Question. PEALE YARD of which there are two, one within another, and both small and ordinary. SOULS YARD, a little open Place with two Houses. ACORN ALLEY, but small, runs into Birdcage Alley, and so into Harrow Alley. BIRDCAGE ALLEY, very well built, with Gardens behind. HARROW ALLEY goes into Mint street, it hath good Buildings with Gardens to them, and here is a small Court which bears the same Name. CROOKED LANE, very narrow and mean both to Buildings and Inhabitants. WHELERS RENT, very ordinary, hath its Entrance into Mint street. BLUE BALL ALLEY, very ordinary, with several Turnings amongst the Gardens; at the upper End of the Mint are several Streets, which are pretty good, as already taken notice of, viz. Lombard street, Suffolk street, and George street.[15]
1720 - Strype, John - Survey of London and Westminster (13)
I shall next walk into the Strand, and view the Alleys and Courts therein: And first begin with those on the North Side, and next pass to Burleigh-street, as far as St. Martin's Lane; then to those on the South Side, beginning at Salisbury Buildings. And according to this Method, the first is,
Marygold Alley, a pretty large Place, but indifferent as to Buildings and Inhabitants. It hath a Passage up Steps into another Place of an ordinary Building, also so called; and thence it hath a Passage into Bennet's Court, which hath but a narrow Entry into the Strand; but after a little Way up Steps it hath pretty good Buildings. Denmark Court already spoken of. Curle Court hath a pretty good Row of Building on the East Side, which hath the Prospect of Bedford House and Yard, and at the upper End is a good House, much better than the rest. Then beyond Bedford House, unto Half-Moon-street, are these Places; Oliver's Alley, which is but small and ordinary; Lumley Court, indifferent good; Globe Alley, but ordinary Buildings; Bull Inn Court, a good large Place, better built then inhabited, hath a Passage with a Freestone Pavement into Maiden Lane. Blue Ball Court, of no great Account. Baylies Alley, very narrow, with a Passage into Maiden Lane. Heathcock Court hath pretty handsome Buildings. The Thatch'd Alley, but narrow, and not over good, hath a Passage into Maiden lane. Exchange Court hath indifferent good Buildings, with a Free-stone Pavement.
Half Moon Street, against the New Exchange, runneth up into Bedford-Street in Covent Garden; and here the Passage is but narrow, and very troublesome for Coaches to pass. All this Street, except some few Houses near Shandois-street and Maiden Lane, is in this Parish; and the Street is well inhabited by Tradesmen, except in the narrow Passage next the Strand. Then beyond this Street, unto St. Martin's Lane, are these Places: Harvey Court, a pretty handsome open Place, with good Buildings. Long Court or Alley, hath a narrow Passage through Entries into Shandois-street. Round Court, after a narrow Passage through an Entry out of the Strand, openeth into a pretty square Court; and from that into another Place, which leadeth into another Entry, and so into Shandois-street. This Place is of considerable Note, and much resorted unto, as being inhabited by Silk-men, Mercers, and Lace-men, who drive a considerable Trade, occasioned from the Opinion that the Females have, that they there buy better Pennyworths than elsewhere. Out of this Court there is lately made a Passage into New Round Court, designed for Shop-keepers as the other; but whether it will take, Time must shew: This Court is more open, and the Buildings far better than the other, and hath a better Passage into it out of the Strand, and therefore the more Prabability of its taking. Robin Hood Court, very ordinary, and ill built. Church Lane, very ordinary, which runneth up into Thackham's Court, a pretty handsome square Place, with a Freestone Pavement; which Court hath two Passages into a Street called, The Backside of Round Court, which falleth into Shandois-street, near St. Martin's Lane. This Place hath a Passage into Moors Yard, which leadeth into St Martin's Lane; also another Passage into New Round Court, and another turning Passage to St. Martin's Church, all but indifferently built or inhabited. Hewit's Court, a pretty good Court, with a Freestone Pavement into Church Lane. St. Martin's Court, a new built Court, with good Houses, and a Freestone Pavement, into Church Lane, near the Church. King's Head Inn, and Star Inn, both Places well resorted unto. Then a little beyond St. Martin's Lane, is the Checker Inn and Court, already spoken of; and almost against the Statue of the King on Horseback in Charing-Cross, is a pretty Court called Woodstock Court.[16]
1723 - Defoe, Daniel - History and Remarkable Life of Col. Jacque
But to go back where I left off. Will came to me, as I have said, and telling me how much better business he was fallen into, would have me go along with him, and I should be a gentleman. Will, it seems, understood that word in a quite different manner from me; for his gentleman was nothing more or less than a gentleman thief, a villain of a higher degree than a pickpocket, and one that might do something more wicked, and better entitling him to the gallows, than could be done in our way. But my gentleman that I had my eye upon was another thing quite, though I could not really tell how to describe it either.
However, the word took with me, and I went with him. We were neither of us old. Will was about twenty-four; and as for me, I was now about eighteen, and pretty tall of my age.
The first time I went with him, he brought me into the company only of two more young fellows. We met at the lower part of Gray's Inn Lane, about an hour before sunset, and went out into the fields toward a place called Pindar of Wakefield, where are aundance of brick-kilns. Here it was agreed to spread from the field-path to the roadway, all the way towards Pancras Church, to observe any chance [p. 95:] game, as they called it, which they might shoot flying. Upon the path within the bank on the side of the road going towards Kentish Town, two of our gang, Will and one of the others, met a single gentleman walking apace towards the town. Being almost dark, Will cried, "Mark, ho !" which, it seems, was the word at which we were all to stand still at a distance, come in if he wanted help, and give a signal if anything appeared that was dangerous.
Will steps up to the gentleman, stops him, and put the question; that is, "Sir, your money ?" The gentleman, seeing he was alone, struck at him with his cane; but Will, a nimble, strong fellow, flew in upon him, and with struggling got him down. Then he begged for his life, Will having told him with an oath that he would cut his throat. In that moment, while this was doing, comes a hackney-coach along the road, and the fourth man, who was that way, cries, "Mark, ho !" which was to intimate that it was a prize, not a surprise. And accordingly the next man went up to assist him, where they stopped the coach, which had a doctor of physic and a surgeon in it, who had been to visit some considerable patient, and, I suppose, had had considerable fees. For here they got two good purses, one with eleven or twelve guineas, the other six with some pocket-money, two watches, one diamond ring, and [p. 96:] the surgeon's plaster-box, which was most of it full of silver instruments.
While they were at this work, Will kept the man down who was under him; and though he promised not to kill him, unless he offered to make a noise, yet he would not let him stir till he heard the noise of the coach going on again, by which he knew the job was over on that side. Then he carried him a little out of the way, tied his hands behind him, and bade him lie still and make no noise, and he would come back in half-an-hour and untie him, upon his word; but if he cried out, he would come back and kill him.
The poor man promised to lie still and make no noise, and did so; and had not above 11s. 6d. in his pocket, which Will took, and came back to the rest; but while they were together, I, who was on the side of the Pindar of Wakefield, cried, "Mark, ho !" too.[17]
1725 - Stukeley, William - Diary
[Drawing in William Stukeley's MS Diary:] Robin Hood's well and the Hermen street, 20 Sept., 1725.[18]
1730 - Gent, Thomas - History of York (1)
Kirkleys Nunnery, towards Wakefield, now in the Possession of Sir John Armitage. A very learned Writer seems to be mistaken, in calling it Birkleys where (says he) Robin Hood was bled to Death in the Time of King Richard the first. But if we believe Mr. Camden, it must be Kirkleys aforesaid, which he confirms, by declaring, that in the same Nunnery that genteel Robber had a Tomb over him; tho' others write, it was where his Arrow fell, in the Highway-side. This Story has been told me, That his Tomb Stone, having his Effigy thereon, was order'd, not many Years ago, by a certain Knight to be placed as a Harth Stone in his great Hall. When it was laid over the Night, the next Morning it was surprizing removed one Side; and so three times it was laid, and as successively turned aside. The Knight thinking he had done wrong to have it brought thither, order'd it should be drawn back again; which was perform'd by a pair of Oxen and four Horses, when twice the Number could scarce do it before. But as this is a Story only, it is left to the Reader, to judge at pleasure.[19]
1730 - Gent, Thomas - History of York (2)
Over a Spring, call'd Robin Hood's Well, (3 or 4 Miles this Side of Doncaster, and but a Quarter if a Mile only from 2 Towns call'd Skelbrough and Bourwallis) is a very handsome Stone Arch, erected by the Lord Carlisle, where [p. 235:] Passengers from the Coach frequently drink of the fair Water, and give their Charity to two People who attend there.[20]
1730 - Gent, Thomas - History of York (3)
So likewise a Part of the Sea takes its Name from this famous Robber, call'd Robin Hood's Bay, not very far from Whitby.[21]
1730 - Gent, Thomas - History of York (4)
Wakefield, a fair, uniform, large Town, well situated in the W. R. and Agbridge 100, 20 Miles S. of York, with 2 Markets on Thursdays and Fridays for Cloth, Provisions, &c. a great Clothing Town. It is noted for a Battle between the Houses of Lancaster and York, where Richard Duke of York Father to Edw. IV. was slain, whose Head was afterwards crown'd with Ivy at York Castle. In this Town was born John Green, the famous Pinder, who fought Robin Hood so manfully. It stands on the River Calder, over which is a fair Stone Bridge, and on it a fine Chapel, built by the said King Edward IV. in Memory of, and to pray for those, who with his Father lost their Lives in that Battle.[22]
1733 - Hearne, Thomas - Note in Chronicon Prioratus de Dunstaple
[Joseph Ritson's translation:]
Certainly Silchester, in Hampshire, signifies nothing but the city of flints (that is, a city composed or built of flint-stones). [. . .] And what is more, in that very Chiltern country you may frequently see houses built of flints, in erecting which, in ancient times, I suppose that many persons involved themselves deeply in debt, and that, in order to extricate themselves, they took up money at interest of I know not what great men, which so far disturbed their minds that they would become thieves, and do many things in no wise agreeable to the English government. Hence, the nobility ordered that large woods in the Chiltern country should, in a great measure, be cut down, lest they should conceal any considerable body of robbers, who were wont to convert the same into lurking places. [. . .] It concerns this matter to call to mind, that of this sort of robbers was that Robin or Robert Hood, of whom the vulgar dayly [sic] sing so many wonderful things. He (being now made an outlaw) before he retired into the north parts, frequently robing [sic] in the Chiltern country, linked[23] [sic] in the thickets thereof on purpose that he should not be taken. Thence it was, that to us boys, (exhilarating, according to custom, the mind with sports) certain countrymen, with whom we [vol. I, p. cii n.:] had accidentally some conversation, shewed us that sort of den or retreat (vulgarly called Robin Hoods bower) in Maydenhead-thicket: which thicket is the same that Leland in his Itinerary, called Frith, by which name the Anglo-Saxons themselves spoke of thickets. For although frið in reality signifys [sic] peace, yet since numerous groves with them (as well as before with the Britons) were deemed sacred, it is by no means to be wondered at that a great wood (because manifestly an asylum) should in the judgment of the Anglo-Saxons be called by no other name than friðer: [sic] and that Maydenhead-thicket was esteemed among the greater woods Leland himself is a witness. Rightly therefor [sic] did Robin Hood (as frið-bena) reckon himself to abide there in security.[24]
1740 - Stukeley, William - Diary
At Doncaster. A chapel, and a bridg with a gate over it. A man in armour, over the gate, in a threatening posture, looking over the battlements, cut in stone. Danum, Daunum, Caer Daun, by Neunius, was the station of the Equites Crispiani; the name is British, Davon the river, now Don. On this side Robin Hood's well, the Roman road appears in a very elevated ridg, composed of a huge body of stone, for miles together. Robin Hood's well a pretty ornament to the road; Sir John Vanbrugh the architect.
1744 - Gale, Roger - Poem on Robin Hood's Well
"Nympha fui quondam latronibus hospita sylvæ
"Heu nimium sociis nota, Robine tuis.
"Me pudet innocuos latices fudisse scelestis,
"Jamque viatori pocula tuta fero,
"En pietatis honos! Comes hanc mihi Carliolensis
"Ædem sacravit quâ bibis, hospes, aquas.[26]
1746 - Johnson, Maurice, Jr - To Mr Neve
[...] my friend Dr. Stukeley of Stamford [...], by whom, being a member, we have been favoured with his minutes of their Society there, wherein are, amongst many very curious acts and observations, many remarks he made, in a journey he took to visit Mr. Gale of Scruton, his lady's brother, on many parts of Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire, and Yorkshire, which with his good leave I lay together and extract, but pretty fully and occasionally communicated at our meetings, much being discovered since Camden's time, and many of these not noticed in the additions to his Britannia, or in the Atlas or other authors, and some of those in Yorkshire which have escaped the mention of Dr. Heneage Deering, Archdeacon of Rippon, in his "Reliquiæ Eboracenses," a quarto poem printed at York in 1743. Give me leave to send you here an epigram from the second volume of the Doctor's Minutes, p. 596, made by his brother Gale on [p. 497:] Robin Hood's well, a fine spring on the road, ornamented by Sir John Vanbrugh:
"Nympha fui quondam latronibus hospita sylvæ
"Heu nimium sociis nota, Robine tuis.
"Me pudet innocuos latices fudisse scelestis,
"Jamque viatori pocula tuta fero,
"En pietatis honos! Comes hanc mihi Carliolensis
"Ædem sacravit quâ bibis, hospes, aquas.
"Roger Gale."[27]
1751 - Deering, Charles - Nottinghamia Vetus et Nova
[p. 73:] Near this Well [...] which is frequented by many Persons as a cold Bath, and reckoned the 2d. coldest in England, there stood anciently a Chappel dedicated to St. Anne, whence the Well obtained the Name it bears, tho' before this Chappel was built, it was known by the Name of Robin Hood's Well, by some called so to this day. The People who keep the Green and Public House to promote a Holy-day Trade, shew an old wickered Chair, which they call Robin Hood's Chair, a Bow, and an old Cap, both these they affirm to have been this famous Robber's Property; [...] this little Artifice takes so well with the People in low-Life, that at Christmas, Easter and Whitsuntide, it procures them a great deal of Business, for at those Times great Numbers of young Men bring their Sweethearts to this Well, and give them a Treat, and the Girls think themselves ill-used, if they have not been saluted by their Lovers in Robin Hood's Chair.
Of the Chappel I find no Account; but that there has been one in this Place is visible, for the East Wall of that quondam Chappel supports the East side of the House, which is built on the Spot where that Place of Worship stood. In the Room of the Altar is now a great Fire-place, over which was found upon a Stone the Date of the building of the Chappel, viz. 1409, which whilst legible one Mr. Ellis a Watchmaker took down into his Pocket-Book, and communicated to me; by this it appears that it was built in the Reign of King Henry IV. 335 Years ago, and who knows whether it might not be founded by that King, who resided about that Time at Nottingham; it did not stand much above 200 Years, for my oft mentioned Anonymous Author does not remember any of the Ruins of the Chappel, who wrote his Account in 1641, which however he might plainly have seen, had he taken Notice of the East Wall of Stone, when all the rest of the present House is a Brick Building.
ST. Anne's Well was about a hundred Years ago, a very famous Place of Resort, concerning which take the above Author's Account in his own words.
AT the Well there is a Dwelling House serving as an Habitation for the Woodward of those Woods, being an Officer of the Mayor. This House is likewise a Victualling House, having adjoining to it fair Summer-Houses, Bowers or Arbours covered by the plashing and interweaving of Oak-Boughs for Shade, in which are Tables of large Oak Planks, and are seated about with Banks of Earth, fleightered and covered with green Sods, like green Carsie Cushions. There is also a Building containing two fair Rooms, an upper and a lower, serving for such as repair thither to retire in Case of Rain or bad Weather. Thither do the Townsmen resort [...] by an ancient Custom beyond Memory.
THIS Well is all Summer long much frequented, and there are but few fair Days between March and October, in which some Company or other of the Town, such as use to Consort [sic] there, use not to fetch a walk to this Well, either to dine or sup, or both, some sending their provision to be dressed, others bespeaking what they will have, and when any of the Town have their Friends come to them, they have given them no welcome, unless they entertain them at this Well. Besides [p. 74:] there are many other Meetings of Gentlemen, both from the Town and the Country, making Choice of this Place rather than the Town for their Rendezvous to recreate themselves at, by Reason of the sweetness and openness of the Air, where besides their Artificial, they have Natural Music without Charge; in the Spring by the Nightingale and in the Autumn by the Wood-Lark, a Bird whose Notes for Variety and sweetness are nothing inferiour to the Nightingale, and much in her Tones, which filled with the Voices of other Birds like inward parts in Song serve to double the melodious Harmony of those sweet warbling Trebles. Here are likewise many Venison Feasts, and such as have not the Hap to feed the Sense of Taste with the Flesh thereof when dead, may yet still fill their Sight with those Creatures living, [...] which all Summer long are picking up Weeds in the Corn-Fields and Closes, and in Winter and hard Weather, gathering Sallets in the Garden of such Houses as lie on the North-side of the Town.
AMONG other Meetings I may not omit one Royal and remarkable Assembly at this Place, whereof myself was an Eye Witness, which was that it pleased our late Sovereign king James, in his Return from Hunting in this Forest, to Honour this Well with his Royal Presence, ushered by that Noble Lord Gilbert Earl of Shrewsbury, and attended by many others of the Nobility, both of the Court and Country, where they drank the Woodward and his Barrels dry."[28]
1751 - Pythagoras - Advertisement
From the Whitehall Evening Post.
Whereas an Advertisement was published in the Whitehall Evening-Post, on Thursday last, intimating that a Court of Common Sense would be held on Monday the 28th of this Instant, at the Sign of the Robin-Hood in the Butcher Row, for my Trial, requiring all Archbishops &c. to make strict Search for me, &c. with a Promise of clear Stage and all Favour: This is to give Notice, That as I never was fond of Them, so I never will be found of Them, not expecting any more Favour from a Gang of Robertsmen, assembled in the Butcher-Row, than from a Portuguese or Spanish Inquisition; but am resolved to abscond and hide myself till the Commencement of the Grand Milennium, when I will make a full Display of myself, like the Day spring from on High, and will mount the Shoulders of wicked Will. Wh–st–n, who shall carry me Headlong to Jerusalem, when I shall be found of all Men. CHRISTIANITY
N. B. The above Advertisement being sent on Saturday, was too late to be inserted in this Paper.[29]
1771 - Pennant, Thomas - Tour in Scotland
Left Scarborough, passed over large moors to Robin Hood's Bay. On my round, observed the vast mountains of alum stone, from which that salt is thus extracted: It is first calcined in great heaps, which continue burning by its own phlogiston, after being well set on fire by coals, for six, ten, or fourteen months, according to the size of the heap, some being equal to a small hill. It is then thrown into pits and steeped in water, to extract all the saline particles. The liquor is then run into other pits, where the vitriolic salts are precipitated, by the addition of a solution of the sal sodæ, prepared from kelp; or by the volatile alkali of stale urine. The superfluous water being then evaporated duely by boiling in large furnaces, the liquor is set to cool; and lastly, is poured into large casks, to crystallize.
The alum works of this county are of some antiquity; they were first discovered by Sir Thomas Chaloner, in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, who observing the trees tinged with an unusual color, made him suspicious of its being owing to some mineral in the neighborhood. He found out that the strata abounded with an aluminous salt.
At that time, the English being strangers to the method of managing it, there is a tradition that Sir Thomas was obliged to seduce some workmen from the Pope's alum-works near Rome then the greatest in Europe. If one may judge from the curse which his Holiness thundered out against Sir Thomas and [p. 22:] the fugitives, he certainly was not a little enraged; for he cursed by the very form that Ernulphus* has left us, and not varied a tittle from that most comprehensive of imprecations.
The first pits were near Gisborough, the seat of the Chaloners, who still flourish there, notwithstanding his Holiness's anathema. The works were so valuable as to be deemed a royal mine. Sir Paul Pindar, who rented them, payed annually to the King 12,500l. to the Earl of Musgrave 1,640l. to Sir William Pennyman 600l. kept 800 workmen in pay, and sold his alum at 26 l. per tun. But this monopoly was destroyed on the death of Charles I. and the right restored to the proprietors.
In these alum rocks are frequently found cornua ammonis, and other fossils, lodged in a stony nodule. Jet is sometimes met with in thin flat pieces, externally of the appearance of wood. According to Solinus, Britain was famous for this fossil**.
The sands near Robin Hood's village were covered with fish of several kinds, and with people who met the cobles in order to purchase their cargo: the place seemed as if a great fish fair had been held there; some were carrying off their bargains, others busied in curing the fish; and a little out at sea was a fleet of cobles and five men boats, and others arriving to discharge the capture of the preceding [p. 23:] tides*. There are 36 of the first belonging to this little place. The houses here make a grotesque appearance, are scattered over the face of a steep cliff in a very strange manner, and fill every projecting ledge, one above another, in the same manner as the peasants do in the rocky parts of China. Sand's End, Runwick, and Staithes, three other fishing-towns on this coast, are (as I am told) built in the same manner.
The country through this day's journey was hilly, the coast high.[30]
1774 - Seymour, T - Properties and Effects of the Poudre Unique (1)
CASE XIX. A Complication of Disorders, viz. Pleuritic, Asthmatic, and Dropsical, attended with a Sharp Humour from the Knees to the Feet.
Mrs. Pearce, wife of Mr. Pearce, at the Robin Hood, in Charles-Street, St. James's-Square, was for many years in an ill state of health, being often afflicted with a pleurisy, an asthmatic cough, dropsical swellings; and in particular, when she first began with the Powder, which was in September, 1771, she had for upwards of a year been afflicted with a most violent sharp humour, that broke out in both legs, from the [p. 60:] knees to the ancles [sic] and feet, attended with great itching and swelling. For several months, she was in such agonies, she could get little or no sleep, which made her life quite miserable. By taking a few papers of the Powder, she received so great benefit, that she has ever since enjoyed a good state of health.[31]
1774 - Seymour, T - Properties and Effects of the Poudre Unique (2)
CASE CLIII. Fever and Disorder in the Stomach, after Child-Birth.
Mrs. Pearce's niece, at the Robin Hood, in Charles-Street, St. James's-Square, having been for some months very feverish and ill, from catching cold after her lying-in, had, among many other complaints, a most violent pain in her stomach and bowels. of which she was cured by the Powder, taken in May, 1773.[32]
1775 - Watson, John - History and Antiquities of Halifax (1)
On Saltonstall moor [...] Soon after I had left the moor, on the right side of the road leading to the village of Luddenden, I saw what is generally called Robin Hood's Penny-stone, for the country people here attribute every thing of the marvellous kind to Robin Hood, as in Cornwall they do to king Arthur. Thus, for instance, he is said to have used this stone to pitch with at a mark for amusement; and to have thrown the standing stone in Sowerby off an adjoining hill with a spade as he was digging; but I confess, that some of the common people will smile when they relate these stories; they are not quite so credulous now as their great grandfathers were. This last mentioned remain is a stone of several tons weight, laid upon a massy piece of rock, with a large pebble of a different grit between them, which is wedged so fast, that it is very plain it was put there by human art, or strength. I could not learn whether this [p. 28:] would ever rock or not, (meeting with but one person to converse with,) but if it did, probably it was poised on this pebble, and might some time or other have been thrown off its center. (See No. 6. of the plate.)[33]
1775 - Watson, John - History and Antiquities of Halifax (2)
Callis. An house which some believe to be the oldest in the vicarage, and where tradition sais [sic] that Robin Hood some time resided; but no other marks of its antiquity appear at present, than that the north part of it is studded after the manner of building in former times. It might take its name from the Latin word Callis, which meant a path made by wild beasts in forests and mountains, and there was certainly fine shelter hereabouts for the deer in winter, and therefore a proper place for the residence of Robin Hood, who lived by his bow.[34]
1775 - Watson, John - History and Antiquities of Halifax (3)
From his [i.e. Thomas Nettleton's] observations it likewise appears, that Halifax is in the latitude of 53. 47. that [sic] the height of Blackstone-edge, at Robin-hood's-bed, is two hundred and thirty-nine yards and a quarter; that Halifax Bank bears from this 60°. from north to east; Manchester 40. 30. from south to west; Rochdale 70. 20. from south to west.[35]
1779 - Charlton, Lionel - History of Whitby and of Whitby Abbey
In the days of this Abbot Richard, and Peter his successor, lived that famous and renowned outlaw Robin Hood, who took from the rich that he might have wherewithal to give to the poor. He many years kept under him a considerable number of men, who lived by rapine and plunder. He resided generally in Nottinghamshire, or the southern parts of Yorkshire: But when his robberies became so numerous, and the outcries against him so loud, as almost to alarm the whole nation, parties of soldiers were sent down from London to apprehend him: And then it was, that, fearing for his safety, he found it necessary to desert his usual haunts, and, retreating northward, to cross the moors that surrounded Whitby, where, gaining the sea-coast, he always had in readiness near at hand some small fishing vessels, to which he could have refuge, if he found himself pursued; for in these, putting off to sea, he looked upon himself as quite secure, and held the whole power of the English nation at defiance. The chief place of his resort at these times, where his boats were generally laid up, was about six miles from Whitby, to which he communicated his name, and which is still called Robin Hood's Bay. There he frequently went a fishing in the summer season, even when no enemy approached to annoy him; and not far from that place he had butts or marks set up, where he used to exercise his men in shooting with the long-bow. It was always believed that these butts had been erected by him for that very purpose, till the year 1771, when one of them being dug into, human bones were found therein, and it appeared they had been burying-places for the dead used by our pagan ancestors, either the Danes, the Saxons, or the ancient Britons, all of whom, it is certain, raised such kind of monuments over the bodies of their deceased friends and relations; which practice they borrowed from the Celts and Gauls; and these probably had it from the Jews, the Egyptians, and other eastern nations, who used it soon after Noah's flood. However that be, there is no doubt but Robin made use of those houes or butts when he was disposed to exercise his men, and wanted to train them up in hitting a mark.
Tradition further informs us, that, in one of these peregrinations, he, attended by his trusty mate Little John, went to dine with the Abbot Richard, who, having heard them often famed for their great dexterity in shooting with the long-bow, begged them after dinner to shew him a specimen thereof; when, to oblige the Abbot, they went up to the top of the Abbey, whence each of them shot an arrow, which fell not far from Whitby-Laths, but on the contrary side of the lane; and in memorial thereof a pillar was set up [p. 147:] by the Abbot in the place where each of the arrows was found, which are yet sanding in these our days; that field where the pillar for Robin Hood's arrow stands being sill called Robin Hood's Field, and the other where the pillar for Little John's arrow is placed, still preserving the name of John's Field. Their distance from Whitby-Abbey is more than a measured mile, which seems very far for the flight of an arrow, and is a circumstance that will stagger the faith of many; but as to the credibility of the story every reader may judge thereof as he thinks proper; only I must here beg leave to observe, that these very pillars are mentioned, and the fields called by the aforesaid names, in the old deeds for that ground, now in the possession of Mr. Thomas Watson.[36]
1788 - Bolton, James - History of Fungusses growing about Halifax
It [sc. woolly boletus] is a rare plant here. The specimen from which this description and these figures are taken, grew in Robin Hood's Scar, in Southowram, near Halifax, in September, 1784.[37]
1790 - Hookham, Thomas - Tour of the Isle of Wight
The town of Bishop's Waltham is a small, disagreeable, ill-paved, inconvenient spot, and possessed of no one requisite to make it otherwise. It received the name of Bishop's Waltham, from its being formerly a palace of the bishop of Winchester. [Vol. I, p. 106:]
Some years ago a party of the inhabitants of this town retired to a recluse dell in the forest, from whence they issued forth during the night; and, their numbers rendering them formidable, committed depredations in the neighbourhood, killing deer, sheep, &c. for their subsistence. As they chiefly made their appearance in thenight [sic], they were named the Waltham Blacks. The place of their residence was a recess, inaccessible by any other way than a subterranean passage. They dressed like foresters; the cross-bow was their weapon; and some say they asserted that they were the descendants of Robin Hood; certain however it is, that they lived, like him, by plunder. In this licentious state they remained a considerable time; and at last were dispersed by the activity of the neighbouring gentlemen.
We left Bishop's Waltham without regret, and crossed the forest of Wykeham [...][38]
1790 - Throsby, John - Antiquities of Nottinghamshire (1)
WE are now arrived at that portion of our history where we must tread (I had almost said classic) magic ground, where beings like fairies danced; where deer sported in groupes [sic] unnumbered, and in limits almost unbounded; where Robin Hood, and his gay followers, performed their many and long renowned exploits; where the noble and ignoble, the king and the robber have, alike, dashed through the thicket and the woodland in pursuit of their nimble game. Here the stout archer with his bow, unmolested, traversed this vast domain, discharging his deadly darts. Here the spreading oak, the ornament of forests, stood for ages a grand monument of embellished nature, a shade and covert for the birds and beasts that inhabited this.—Here the little squirel [sic] above, sprang from spray to spray, exhibiting its playful attitudes, while the wolf below, in days or yore, made the woodlands eccho [sic] with its dreadful yells; or darting on its prey satiated its voracious appetite. Time, which works such mighty changes on the face of nature, in the passing of a few centuries, where man takes up his abode, exhibits here a scene extremely different to what it has been.—No more the woodland songsters, whose natal hymns delightfully celebrated each return of the heavenly orb, shall here be heard. All now is divided and subdivided into stumpy fences and right lined hedge rows, intersecting each other; which to him that delights in the grand and majestic scenes of nature, upon a large and varied scale, is cold and meanless [sic]. The stranger, who has sumptuous ides of field embellishments, and has refined his taste by reading and observation, if he expect to meet in this great forest any thing like what there has been, will be miserably disappointed. But no more, population in many instances, and avarice in others, have laid the splendour of nature in the dust: here granduer [sic] and sublimity is prostrate, degraded by culture, and lost, in that point of view, for ever.[39]
1790 - Throsby, John - Antiquities of Nottinghamshire (2)
St. ANN's WELL [aka Robin Hood's Well],
Near Nottingham, was, it is said, a sequestered haunt of the famous Robin Hood, which tradition has given celebrity for ages. It is situate within two miles North East of Nottingham, on the base of a hill, which a century ago, or less, was covered with fine ash trees and copice [sic], as well as a great part of the adjacent fields, which are now cleared of wood, and is [sic] become good land; some portion of which still retains the name of copice [sic] and belongs to the Burgesses of Nottingham. The house which is resorted to in summer time, stands near a Well, both which are shaded by first and other trees. —Here is a large bowling-green, and a little neglected pleasure ground. [p. 171:] The Well is under an arched stone roof, of rude workmanship, the water is very cold, it will kill a toad. [...] It is used by those who are afflicted with rheumatic pains; and indeed, like man other popular springs, for a variety of disorders. At the house were formerly shewn several things said to have belonged to Robin Hood; but they are frittered down to what are now called his cap, or helmet, and a part of his chair. As these have passed current for many years, and perhaps ages, as things once belonging to that renowned robber, I sketched them. They are represented on the annexed plate.
A remarkable circumstance happened here about fifty years since. The story is told thus: A regiment of dragoons lay at Nottingham, at that time, and five of the men agreed to go a deer-stealing, for which purpose they traversed, in the night, over a great extent of country, in vain. Chagrined at the disappointment, in passing over av eminence called Shepherd's-Race [aka Robin Hood's Race], near St. Ann's Well, two of them agreed to go down the hill and steal some geese belonging to the people who lived at St. Ann's Well.A young man who was a servant in the family, and had been out late in company instead of going to bed layed [sic] himself down upon a table in a room, or some other ready and convenient place, where he slept sometime; but was awakened by the noise of the frighted geese, which were disturbed by the soldiers attempting to steal them. The young man being a little elevated in liquor had the temerity to go from the house with an intent to protect his master's or mistress's property, in which attempt he was shot through the head, by a piece placed so near him that his brains were seen scattered about him, were [sic] he fell, in a variety of directions.
The particulars concerning this murder did not come out till about 20 years after the transaction, when two old pensioners, from Chelsea Hospital, were taken up for the fact, and brought to Nottingham gaol; but it turned out that the principals, in the horrid deed, were dead.[40]
1790 - Throsby, John - Antiquities of Nottinghamshire (3)
These places are not distinctly relate by Thoroton. In what may be denominated the former is the domain of the honourable Frederick Montague. The village here is pleasantly situated, near the delightful pleasure grounds of that gentleman. Here are extensive cotton-mills which employ many hands.
In this lordship is a hollow rock called Robin Hood's Stable, handed down, as such by tradition; it is a curious Cave on the side of a little hill, on a farm, om Mr. Montague's, near the Lodge at Papplewick-Hall. Hayman Rook, Esq. who favoured me with the drawings of the entrance and internal appearances of this Cave, from which the views below are taken, thinks there is a great probability of its being used by that celebrated depredator.
No. 1, is a perspective view of the entrance before the present door was put up and the wall erected.
No. 2, is a view of the inside. This Cave evidently appears to have been cut out of the solid rock, which seems to have been excavated with judgement; the little hollows (a) (b) (c), are well contrived for holding fodder; at (a) two horses may feed together; at (b) and (c) one each.[41]

1792 - Anonymous - Account of the Bishop's Abbey at Waltham
Waltham, called also Bishop's Waltham, is a small, disagreeable, and ill-paved market-town, situated at the distance of eight miles from Winchester and sixty-five from London. A palace of the bishops of Winchester, once situated here, gave it the name of Bishop's Waltham. [...] The pensive mind that is fond to explore the remains of desolated grandeur, or to meditate in awful retrospect on the folly of ancient superstition, may here find ample room for reflection. The lover of legal antiquities, the historian of ancient regulations, may likewise find Bishop's Waltham an object of attention; for to the history of this place must we trace the origin of that celebrated act of parliament, entitled 'The Black Act,' of which sir William Blackstone gives this account: 'The statute 9 George I, commonly called 'The Waltham Black Act,' was occasioned by the devastations committed near Waltham, in Hampshire, by persons in disguise, or with their faces blacked, who seem to have resembled the Roberdsmen, or followers of Robert Hood, that, in the reign of Richard the first, committed great outrages on the borders of England and Scotland*.'—It seems. that many years ago, a party of the inhabitants of this town retired to a recluse dell in the New Forest, whence they issued forth in the night; and, their numbers rendering them formidable, they committed great depredations in the neighbourhood, killing deer, sheep, &c. for their subsistence. As they commonly made their appearance in the night, and were disguised, moreover, as abovementioned, they were called 'The Waltham Blacks.' The place of their retreat was a recess, accessible only by a subterranean passage. They dressed like foresters; the cross-bow was their weapon; and it is asserted, that they called themselves the descendants of Robin Hood. In this licentious state they remained, a considerable time, till, at last they were dispersed by the activity of the neighbouring gentlemen, and have not since infested the country.[42]
- ↑ Thoresby, Ralph; Hunter, Joseph, ed. The Diary of Ralph Thoresby, F.R.S., Author of the Topography of Leeds (1677-1724.) (London, 1830), vol. 1, p. 411.
- ↑ Hearne, Thomas; Rannie, D.W., ed. Remarks and Collections of Thomas Hearne, vol. IV (Oxford Historical Society, vol. XXXIV) (Oxford, 1898); see p. 57, and p. 56 for date.
- ↑ Storr, William; Boulter, W. Consitt, transcr. 'The Book of Remarks of William Storr of Scalm Park, 1678–1731', Yorkshire Archæological and Topographical Journal, vol. VII, part XXV (1882), pp. 44-62; see p. 47.
- ↑ John Strype's A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster, Book 1, Ch. 29, p. 252 (hriOnline).
- ↑ John Strype's A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster, Book 3, Ch. 2, p. 24 (hriOnline).
- ↑ John Strype's A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster, Book 3, Ch. 3, p. 50 (hriOnline).
- ↑ John Strype's A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster, Book 3, Ch. 6, p. 90 (hriOnline).
- ↑ John Strype's A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster, Book 3, Ch. 6, p. 93 (hriOnline).
- ↑ John Strype's A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster, Book 3, Ch. 8, p. 190 (hriOnline).
- ↑ John Strype's A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster, Book 3, Ch. 10, p. 218 (hriOnline).
- ↑ John Strype's A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster, Book 3, Ch. 12, p. 251 (hriOnline).
- ↑ John Strype's A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster, Book 3, Ch. 12, p. 252 (hriOnline).
- ↑ John Strype's A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster, Book 3, Ch. 12, p. 282 (hriOnline). The web version has "intoGoldsmiths", which I have corrected to "into Goldsmiths".
- ↑ John Strype's A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster, Book 4, Ch. 1, p. 18 (hriOnline). IRHB has silently changed final commas to full stops in some places, removed a right bracket and changed double hyphens to single long dash.
- ↑ John Strype's A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster, Book 4, Ch. 1, p. 31 (hriOnline). As of 2018-07-04, the web version has "intoGoldsmiths" and "TWO BREWERS YARD alos of mean", which I have silently corrected to "into Goldsmiths" and "TWO BREWERS YARD also of mean".
- ↑ Strype's A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster, Book 6, Ch. 5, p. 75 (hriOnline).
- ↑ Defoe, Daniel; Maynadier, G. H., introd. The History and Remarkable Life of the Truly Honourable Colonel Jacque Commonly Called Colonel Jack (The Works of Daniel Defoe, vol. VI) (New York, ©1904), pp. 94-96.
- ↑ Stukeley, William; [W.C. Lukis, ed.] The Family Memoirs of the Rev. William Stukeley (The Publications of the Surtees Society, vols. LXXIII, LXXVI, LXXX) (1882-87), vol. III, p. 500.
- ↑ Gent, Thomas. The Antient and Modern History of the Famous City of York (York and London, 1730), p. 234.
- ↑ Gent, Thomas. The Antient and Modern History of the Famous City of York (York and London, 1730), pp. 234-35.
- ↑ Gent, Thomas. The Antient and Modern History of the Famous City of York (York and London, 1730), p. 235.
- ↑ Gent, Thomas. The Antient and Modern History of the Famous City of York (York and London, 1730), p. 253.
- ↑ Read: lurked.
- ↑ [Morins, Richard de]; Hearne, Thomas, ed. Chronicon sive Annales Prioratus de Dunstaple (Oxford, 1733), vol. I, p. 387 n. (contd. vol. I, pp. 388 n.-389 n.); [Ritson, Joseph, ed.] Robin Hood: A Collection of All the Ancient Poems, Songs, and Ballads, now Extant, Relative to that Celebrated English Outlaw, to Which are Prefixed Historical Anecdotes of His Life (London, 1795), vol. I, p. ci n. † (contd. vol. I, p. cii n.)
- ↑ Stukeley, William; [W.C. Lukis, ed.] The Family Memoirs of the Rev. William Stukeley (The Publications of the Surtees Society, vols. LXXIII, LXXVI, LXXX) (1882-87), vol. III, p. 393.
- ↑ Nichols, John, ed. Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica No. II. Part III (London, 1781), p. 427.
- ↑ Nichols, John, ed. Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica No. II. Part III (London, 1781), pp. 426-27.
- ↑ Deering, Charles. Nottinghamia Vetus et Nova or an Historical Account of the Ancient and Present State of the Town of Nottingham (Nottingham, 1751), pp. 72-74.
- ↑ Pythagoras. '[Untitled advertisement]', Salisbury and Winchester Journal (1751.02.04), p. 2
- ↑ [Pennant, Thomas]. A Tour in Scotland. MDCCLXIX (Chester, 1771), pp. 21-23.
- ↑ Seymour, T. A Concise Account of the Properties and Effects of the Poudre Unique, in the Cure of the Most Dangerous Putrid As Well As Inveterate and Complicated Diseases. 3rd. ed. (London, 1774), pp. 59-60.
- ↑ Seymour, T. A Concise Account of the Properties and Effects of the Poudre Unique, in the Cure of the Most Dangerous Putrid As Well As Inveterate and Complicated Diseases. 3rd. ed. (London, 1774), p. 103.
- ↑ Watson, John. The History and Antiquities of the Parish of Halifax, in Yorkshire (London, 1775), pp. 27-28, and plate facing p. 18.
- ↑ Watson, John. The History and Antiquities of the Parish of Halifax, in Yorkshire (London, 1775), p. 293.
- ↑ Watson, John. The History and Antiquities of the Parish of Halifax, in Yorkshire (London, 1775), p. 497.
- ↑ Charlton, Lionel. The History of Whitby, and of Whitby Abbey. Collected Rom the Original Records of the Abbey, and other Authentic Memoirs, Never Before Made Public. Containing, Not Only the History of Whitby and the Country Adjacent, But also the Original and Antiquity of many Particular Families and Places in other Parts of Yorkshire (York; London; Whitby, 1779), pp. 146-47.
- ↑ Bolton, James. An History of Fungusses, Growing about Halifax (Halifax; London; Oxford; Cambridge; York; Edinburgh; Huddersfield; Leeds, 1788-91), p. 87; and see plate 87.
- ↑ [Hookham, Thomas]. Tour of the Isle of Wight (London, 1790), vol. I, pp. 105-106.
- ↑ Thoroton, Robert. The Antiquities of Nottinghamshire: Extracted out of Records, Original Evidences, Leiger-books, Other Manuscripts, and Authentic Authorities. Beautified with Maps, Prospects, and Portraitures. 2nd ed. (Nottingham, 1790), vol. II, p. 157.
- ↑ Thoroton, Robert. The Antiquities of Nottinghamshire: Extracted out of Records, Original Evidences, Leiger-books, Other Manuscripts, and Authentic Authorities. Beautified with Maps, Prospects, and Portraitures. 2nd ed. (Nottingham, 1790), vol. II, pp. 170-71.
- ↑ Thoroton, Robert. The Antiquities of Nottinghamshire: Extracted out of Records, Original Evidences, Leiger-books, Other Manuscripts, and Authentic Authorities. Beautified with Maps, Prospects, and Portraitures. 2nd ed. (Nottingham, 1790), vol. II, p. 287.
- ↑ Anonymous. 'An Account of the Bishop's Abbey, at Waltham, in Hampshire: With a Fine View of its Venerable Ruins', The Universal Magazine, vol. XC (1792), p. 241.