Allusions 1601-1700 (texts)
By Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2013-08-01. Revised by Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2021-01-07.
The following 55 allusions are found for the period 1601-1700:
1602 - Gilbert, Adrian - To Robert Cecil
[...] I have heard you speak well in the Parliament, and I hope you can judge of reason also; but if I may advise you (as many fools do, and talk of Robin Hood that never shot in his bow) then draw breath at such fellows as we be, and believe but one-half of our great miracles: and yet I fear you will be a loser too, for miracles appertain to gods and not to fools. [...][1]
1604 - Anonymous - Jack of Dover
Upon a time (quoth one of the jurie) it was my chaunce to be in the cittie of Herforde, when lodging in an inn I was tolde of a certain silly witted gentleman there dwelling, that wold assuredly beleeve all things that he heard for a truth, to whose house I went upon a sleeveles arrand, and finding occasion to be acquainted with him, I was well entertained, and for three dayes space had my bed and boord in his house, where amongst many other fooleries, I being a traveller made him beleeve that the steeple in Burndwood in Essex sayled in one night as far as Callis in Fraunce, and afterward returned againe to his proper place. Another time I made him beleeve that in the forest of Sherwood in Nottinghamshire were seene five hundred of the king of Spaines gallies, which went to besiedge Robbinhoodes well, and that fourty thousand schollers with elderne squirts performed such a peece of service, as they were all in a manner broken and overthrowne in the forrest. Another time I made him beleeve that Westminster hall, for suspition of treason, was banished [p. 5:] for ten years into Staffordshire. And last of all, I made him beleeve that a tinker should be bayted to death at Canterbury for getting two and twenty children in a yeere: whereupon, to proove me a lyer, he tooke his horse and rode thither; and I, to verrifie him a foole, tooke my horse and rode hither. Well, quoth Jack of Dover, this in my minde was pretty foolerie, but yet the Foole of all Fooles is not heere found that I looke for.[2]
1604 - Barlow, William - Summe and Substance of Conference
D. Reynolds [i.e. John Rainolds (1549–1607), President of Corpus Christi College, Oxford] took exceptions at those words in the Common Prayer Book, of Matrimony, With my body I thee worship. His Majesty [James I of England] looking upon the place; I was made believe, (saith he) that the phrase did import no lese than Divine worship and adoration: but by the examination I find, that it is an usual English tearm, as a Gentleman of worship, &c. And the sense agreeable unto Scriptures, Giving honour to the wife, &c. But turning to Doctor Reyn. (with smiling saith his Majesty) Many a man speakes of Robin Hood, who never shot in his Bow: if you had a good wife yourself, you would think all the honour and worship you could do to her, were well bestowed.[3]
1605 - Breton, Nicholas - Poste with Mad Packet of Letters (pt 2) (1)
7. A reply to the last Letter, with some newes.
In the Parish of St. Asse, at the signe of the Hobbi-Horse, Maid-Marrian and the Foole fell together by the ears with the Piper: so that had not the good-man of the Pewter Candlesticke set in for the Morisdance, the May-game had been quite spoiled: but when the game had gone round, and their brains were well warmed, their legges grew so nimble, that their heeles went higher than their heads: but in all this cold sweate, while lustie-guts and his best beloued were casting Sheepes eyes at a Cods head, Hue and Cry came suddenly thorow the street The Foxes haue killed a tame Goose: at the sudden noise whereof the multitude were so scared, that all the Moris dances were diuided, and the Foole ran home to your towne [...][4]
1605 - Breton, Nicholas - Poste with Mad Packet of Letters (pt 2) (2)
8. An answer to the newes.
I will hope shortly of your amendment: in the meane time let me aduise you to take patience in your vnderstanding, to direct you in a better course: for when you waked out of your dreame, you saw no body, but the man that you thought was runne to our towne, and he was putting you on a Coat with foure Elboes: for Maid Marrian, shée, I thinke, is troubled with you in her Creame-pot: but for the Hobbie-horse, alas, he hath forgot your turne [...][5]
1605 - Breton, Nicholas - Poste with Mad Packet of Letters (pt 2) (3)
28. A Letter to a proud Mistresse.
HOw beauty will make a Foole proud, I would your plaister worke did not witnesse: but had you wit to helpe wickednesse, you would put a Parrat out of countenance: your countenance is made after your conceit, as full of merrie tricks as a Monkey: and for your foot-pace, I thinke you haue sore héeles, you walke so nicely, as vpon egge-shels: your haire is none of your owne, and for your stéeple tire, it is like the gaud of a Maid-Marion, so that had you a foole by the hand, you might walke where you would in a Moris-dance: Oh fine come to it, how it fiddles like a Hackny that would tire at halfe a mile.[6]
1605 - Breton, Nicholas - Poste with Mad Packet of Letters (pt 2) (4)
43. A merry Letter of newes to a friend.
[...] Maid Marian of late was got with child in her sleepe, and the Hobby-horse was halfe mad, that the Foole should be the Father of it [...][7]
1605 - Woodhouse, Peter - Flea
Many, many things haue written,
When th' ad better still haue sitten.
Peraduenture so had I:
Yet I knowe no reason why.
It's a foolish toy I write,
And in folly most delight:
Then (I hope) it will please many,
And not be dislikte of any.
Euen from tales of Robin Hood,
Wise men always picke some good.
None (I trust) offend I shall,
So I take my leaue of all.[8]
1606 - Drayton, Michael - Sixt Eglog
What maist thou be that ould Winken de word,
that of all shepheards wert the man alone,
that once with laughter shook'st the shepheardes
with thyne own madnes lastly ouerthrown (boord
I think thou dotst in thy declining age.
Or for the loosnesse of thy youth art sory, [p. 69:]
and therefore vowed som solemn pilgrimage
to holy Hayles, or Patricks purgatory,
Come sit we down vnder this Hawthorn tree,
the morrows light shall lend vs day enough,
And let vs tel of Gawen, or Sir Guy.
Of Robin-hood, or of ould Clim a Clough,
Or els some Romant vnto vs areede,
By former shepheards taught thee in thy youth,
Of noble Lords and Ladies gentle deed
Or of thy Loue or of thy lasses trueth.
Shepheard no no, that world with me is past,
Merry was it when we those toys might tell
But tis not now as when thou sawst me last
A great mischance me since that time befel,
Elphin is dead, and in his graue is layde,
O to report it, how my hart it greueth,
Cruel that fate that so the time betrayd
And of our ioyes vntimely vs depriueth.[9]
1612 - Anonymous - Satirical epitaph on Robert Cecil
Here lies thrown, for the Worms to eat,
Little Bossive Robin [sc. Robert Cecil, 1st Earl of Salisbury], that was so Great.
Not Robin Good-fellow, nor Robin Hood,
But Robin th'Encloser of Hatfield Wood.
Who seem'd as sent from ugly Fate,
To spoil the Prince and rob the State.
Owning a Mind of dismal ends,
As Traps for Foes, and Tricks for Friends.
But now in Hatfield lies the —
Who stank while he liv'd and died of the —[10]
1615 - Braithwaite, Richard - Strappado for Diuell (1)
A Satyre.
THere is a Patron, to expresse his name,
I thinke it needlesse, for you may coniecture,
Who tis by dumbe showes: yet Ile reade a Lecture,
Vpon's Anatomy: "He thinks no shame
To be at home, yet to deny the same,
By one of 's Pander porters: he is proud [p. 63:]
Of a new Title giuen him, yet it's stale,
Knight-hood I wish: for's speech he speaks a tale,
With a Beere-brewers Grace, as for his bloud,
He saies he can deriu't from Robin hood,
And his May-Marian, and I thinke he may,
For's Mother plaid May-Marian tother day.
If a rich country-Boore come to present him,
With Pigge or Goose, he shall no sooner come,
But the gate's open, and the Knight's at home
1615 - Braithwaite, Richard - Strappado for Diuell (2)
"But hast my Muse in colours to display,
Some auncient customes in their high roade way,
By which thy louing Countrey men doe passe,
Conferring that now is, with which once was, [p. 203:]
At least such places labour to make knowne,
As former times haue honour'd with renowne.
So by thy true relation 't may appeare
They are no others now, then as they were,
Euer esteem'd by auntient times records,
Which shall be shadow'd briefly in few words.
The first whereof that I intend to show,
Is merry Wakefield and her Pindar too;
Which Fame hath blaz'd with all that did belong,
Vnto that Towne in many gladsome song:
The Pindars valour and how firme he stood,
In th' Townes defence 'gainst th' Rebel Robin-hood,
How stoutly he behav'd himfelfe, and would,
In spite of Robin bring his horse to th' fold,
His many May games which were to be seene,
Yeerely presented vpon Wakefield greene,
Where louely Iugge and lustie Tib would go,
To see Tom-liuely turne vpon the toe;
Hob, Lob, and Crowde the fidler would be there,
And many more I will not speake of here:
Good god how glad hath been this hart of mine
To see that Towne, which hath in former time,
So florish'd and so gloried in her name,
Famous by th' Pindar who first rais'd the same?
Yea I haue paced ore that greene and ore,
And th' more I saw't, I tooke delight the more,
"For where we take contentment in a place,
"A whole daies walke, seemes as a cinquepace:
Yet as there is no solace vpon earth,
Which is attended euermore with mirth: [p. 204]
But when we are transported most with gladnesse,
Then suddenly our ioyes reduc'd to sadnesse,
So far'd with me to see the Pindar gone,
And of those iolly laddes that were, not one
Left to suruiue: I griev'd more then Ile fay,
1615 - Braithwaite, Richard - Strappado for Diuell (3)
(But now for Brad-ford I muft hast away).
Brad-ford if I should rightly set it forth,
Stile it I might Banberry of the North,
And well this title with the Towne agrees,
Famous for twanging, Ale, Zeale, Cakes and Cheese:
But why should I set zeale behinde their ale?
Because zeale is for some, but ale for all;
Zealous indeed some are (for I do heare,
Of many zealous sempring sister there)
Who loue their brother, from their heart iffaith.
For it is charity, as scripture saith,
But I am charm'd, God pardon what's amisse,
For what will th' wicked say that heare of this,
How by some euill brethren 't hath been sed,
Th' Brother was found in 's zealous sisters bed?
Vnto thy taske my Muse, and now make knowne,
The iolly shoo-maker of Brad-ford towne,
His gentle-craft so rais'd in former time
By princely Iourney-men his discipline,
"VVhere he was wont with passengers to quaffe,
"But suffer none to carry vp their staffe
Vpon their shoulders, whilst they past through town
For if they did he soon would beat them downe.
(So valiant was the Souter) and from hence,
Twixt Robin-hood and him grew th' difference; [p. 205:]
VVich cause it is by most stage-poets writ,
For breuity, I thought good to omit,
1619 - Hutton, Henry - Folly's Anatomy
The idle minstrell, he cries out of wrong,
Because you doe his sonnets still prolong.
You injure much his treble squeaking note,
Deprives him of the townships armes, red coate;
Such wrongs may not passe free: invent a theam,
Rouze up your muse from her conceited dreame.
Give him a cup of ale, a pipe of To.:
And let him to his private study go.
Hee'l breake a jest, when he has drunke a glasse,
Which shal for currant mongt the tapsters passe,
And rime to any word you can propound,
Although a metre for it nere were found.
Wright panegyricks in the praise of's friend,
Make compleat verses, on his fingers end.
He has a subject he did late invent,
Will shame the riming sculler, Jack a Lent.
'Tis writ in print; perhaps you'l see't anon,
'Twas made of Robin Hood and little John:
'Twil be discovered er't be long, and ly
Under the bottome of a pippin-py, [p. 21:]
Be pind to capons backs to shroude the heate,
Fixt to some solid joynt of table meate.
Wish it be put to no worse service then
To shelter scorcht caponet or hen.[14]
1622 - Taylor, John - Errant Thiefe
England still hath bin a fruitfull Land
Of valiant Thieves, that durst bid true men stand.
One Bellin Dun, a famous Thiefe surviv'd,
From whom the towne of Dunstable's deriv'd;
And Robin Hood with little John agreed
To rob rich men, and the poore to feede.
Once the fift Henry could rob ex'lent well,
When he was Prince of Wales, as stories tell.
Then Fryer Tucke, a tall stout Thiefe indeed,
Could better rob and steale, then preach or read.[15]
1622 - Taylor, John - Sir Gregory Nonsense
With that the smug-fac'd Pluto shook his vestment,
Deep ruminating what the weighty Jest meant,
Calling to mind old Dodonæus Herbal,
With Taciturnity and Actions verbal,
Quoth he, I care not for Friend or Kinsman,
Nor do I value honesty two pins man:
But 'tis a Maxim Mortals cannot hinder,
The doughty deeds of Wakefields huff-cap Pindar,
Are not so pleasant as the fair Aurora,
When Nimrod rudely played on his Bandora.[16]
1623 - Goad, Thomas - Catalogue of Persons slain at Black-Friars
A Catalogue of the names of such persons as were slaine by the fall of the roome wherein they were in the Blacke-fryers, at Master Druries Sermon, the 16. of Octob. 1623. Taken by information of the Coroners Iurie.
Master Drurie the Priest.
Mr. Redyate the Priest.
Lady Webbe.
Lady Blackstones daughter.
Thomas Webbe her man.
William Robinson Taylor.
Robert Smith, Master Hicks man the Apothecarie.
Mr. Dauisons daughter.
Anthonie Hall his man [sig. K1v:]
Anne Hobdin. | ⎱ | lodging in Mr Dauisons |
Marie Hobdin. | ⎰ | house |
Iohn Galloway Vintener.
Mr. Peirson, ⎫
his wife, in Robbinhood Court in
two sonnes ⎬ Shooe lane
1631 - Braithwaite, Richard - Whimzies (1)
1. An Almanack-maker
IS an annuall author, no lesse constant in his method than matter; enlarging his yeerely edition with a figure or cipher. He cites as familiarly, as if they were his familiars, Euclid, Ptolemie, Ticho-Brache, &c. But beleeve it, many have spoke of Robin Hood, that never shot in his bow.[18]
1631 - Braithwaite, Richard - Whimzies (2)
6. A Forrester
IS a wood-man; but by all likelihood hee shall lose that title, if hee live to another age; for there will be little or no wood left in all his forrest. Hee proves by his windfals, it is an ill winde that blowes no man profit. [...] One would take him for the living signe of Robin Hood with a forrest bill in his hand. [...p. 35:] Hee attires himselfe to the colour of the forrest to deceive his game [...p. 36:] At wakes and maygames hee keepes a brave quarter; for our wenches of the greene hold him a marvellous proper man. [...][19]
1631 - Braithwaite, Richard - Whimzies (3)
6. A Pedler
[... p. 138: ...] A countrey-rush-bearing, or morrice pastorall, is his festivall: if ever hee aspire to plum-porridge, that is the day. Here the Guga-girles gingle it with his neat roifles: while hee sculkes under a booth and showes his wit never till then, in admiring their follies. He ha's an obscene veine of ballatry, which makes the wenches of the greene laugh; and this purchaseth him, upon better acquaintance, a posset or a silibub. [... p. 139: ...] His judgement consists principally in the choice of his ware, and place of their vent. Saint Martins rings, and counterfeit bracelets are commodities of infinite consequence: these will passe for currant at a may-pole, and purchase a favor from ther May-Marian.[20]
1634 - Anonymous - Short Survey of 26 Counties
The next morning [at Doncaster ...] we mounted and passed over the River that comes from Sheffeild, for to dine at Pomfret. In the mid-way (to season our that morning's-purchas'd travelling Plate) being thirsty, we tasted a Cup at Robin Hood's Well, and there according to the usuall and ancient Custome of Travellers were in his rocky chaire of ceremony, dignify'd with the Order of Knighthood, and sworne to observe his Lawes. After our Oath we had no time to stay to heare our charge, butt discharg'd our due Fealtie Fee, 4d. a peece, to the Lady of the ffountaine, on we spur'd wth our new dignitie to Pomfret.[21]
1638 - Braithwaite, Richard - Barnabee's Journal (1)
[Latin text:]
Veni Nottingam, tyrones
Sherwoodenses sunt Latrones,
Instar Robin Hood & Servi
Scarlet, & Johannes Parvi;
Passim, sparsim peculantur,
Cellis, Sylvis deprædantur.
[English text:]
Thence to Nottingam, where rovers
High-way riders, Sherwood drovers,
Like old Robin-Hood, and Scarlet,
Or like Little John his varlet;
Here and there they shew them doughty,
Cells and Woods to get their booty.[22]
1638 - Braithwaite, Richard - Barnabee's Journal (2)
[Latin text:]
Hinc diverso cursu, serò
Quod audissem de Pindero
Wakefeeldensi, gloria mundi,
Ubi socii sunt jucundi,
Mecum statui peragrare
Georgii fustem visitare.
Veni Wakefeeld peramænum,
Ubi quærens Georgium Grenum,
Non inveni, sed in lignum
Fixum reperi Georgii signum,
Ubi allam bibi feram,
Donec Georgio fortior eram."
[English text:]
Turning thence, none could me hinder
To salute the Wakefield Pinder;
Who indeed's the world's glory,
With his Cumrades never sory.
This the cause was, lest you misse it,
Georgies Club I meant to visit.
Streight at Wakefeeld was I seene a,
Where I sought for George a Greene a,
But I could find no such creature,
On a Signe I saw his feature:
Where the strength of ale so stirr'd me,
I grew stouter farre than Geordie.[23]
1638 - Braithwaite, Richard - Barnabee's Journal (3)
[Latin text:]
Nescit sitis artem modi,
Puteum Roberti Hoodi
Veni, & liquente vena
Vincto catino catena,
Tollens sitim, parcum odi,
Solvens obolum Custodi.
Veni Wentbrig, ubi plagæ
Terræ, maris, vivunt sagæ,
Vultu torto & anili,
Et conditione vilii:
His infernæ manent sedes,
Quæ cum inferis ineunt fædus.
[English text:]
Thirst knowes neither meane nor measure.
Robin Hoods Well was my treasure,
In a common dish enchained,
I my furious thirst restrained:
And because I drunk the deeper,
I paid two farthings to the keeper.
Thence to Wentbrig, where vile wretches,
Hideous hags and odious witches,
Writhen count'nance and mis-shapen
Are by some foule Bugbeare taken:
These infernall seats inherit,
Who contract with such a Spirit[24]
1638 - Braithwaite, Richard - Barnabee's Journal (4)
[Latin text:]
Nunc longinquos locos odi.
Vale Fons Roberti Hoodi,
Vale Rosington, vale Retford,
Et antiqua sedes Bedford,
Vale Dunchurch, Dunstable, Brickhill,
Alban, Barnet, Pimlico, Tickhill.
[English text:]
Now I hate all forraine places.
Robin Hoods Well and his chaces,
Farewell Rosington, farewell Retford,
And thou ancient seat of Bedford,
Farewell Dunchurch, Dunstable, Brickhill,
Alban, Barnet, Pimlico, Tickhill.[25]
1638 - Braithwaite, Richard - Barnabee's Journal (5)
[Latin text:]
Vale Stone, & Sacellum
Quod splendentem habet Stellam,
Vale Haywood, Bruarton, Ridglay,
Lichfield, Coventre, Colesyl, Edglay,
Meredin, Wakefield, & amæni
Campi, chori Georgii Greeni.
[English text:]
Farewell pretious Stone, and Chappell
Where Stella shines more fresh than th' apple,
Farewell Haywood, Bruarton, Ridglay,
Lichfield, Coventre, Colesyl, Edglay,
Meredin, Wakefield, farewell cleene-a
Meedes and Mates of George a Greene-a.[26]
1638 - Taylor, John - Bull, Bear, and Horse, Cut, Curtail
Heere follows the Names of the Bulls and Beares at the Beare-Garden now.
The Bulls are,
1 Goldilocks.
2 Emperour.
3 Dash.
4 Iugler.
The Beares are,
1 Ned of Canterbury.
2 George of Cambridge.
3 Don Iohn.
4 Ben Hunt.
5 Nan Stiles.
6 Beefe of Ipswich.
7 Robin Hood.
8 Blind Robin. [p. 62:]
9 Iudith of Cambridge.
10 Besse Hill.
11 Kate of Kent.
12 Rose of Bedlam.
13 Nan Talbot.
14 Mall Cut-Purse.
15 Nell of Holland.
16 Mad Besse
17 Will Tookey
18 Besse Runner.
19 Tom Dogged.
If any will one of these, or some,
Or all, let them to our Beare-Garden come:
These beasts are for their service bound & tide,
And there their pleasures may be satisfied.[27]
1639 - Taylor, John - Part of This Summer's Travels
From Leeds I went to Wakefield, where if the valiant Pindar had been living, I would have played Don Quixot's part and challenged him; but being it was so happy that he was dead, I passed the town in peace to Barnsley, and so to Wortley, to Sir Francis Wortley's ancient house.[28]
1641 - Suckling, John - Ballad upon Wedding
At Course-a-Park, without all doubt,
He should have first been taken out
By all the maids i' th' town:
Though lusty Roger there had been.
Or little George upon the Green,
Or Vincent of the Crown.
But wot you what ? the youth was going
To make an end of all his wooing;
The parson for him staid:
Yet by his leave (for all his haste)
He did not so much wish all past
(Perchance) as did the maid.
The maid—and thereby hangs a tale;
For such a maid no Whitson-ale
Could ever yet produce:
No grape, that's kindly ripe, could be
So round, so plump, so soft as she,
Nor half so full of juice.[29]
1643 - Lithgow, William - Present Svrveigh of London and Englands State
Descending thence [from a place near 'Islington hill'] to Holburne fields I accoasted a strength, named, Pinder of Wakefields Fort, being onely quadrangled, pallosaded, and single ditched, and enstalled with five great Ordonance and a Court du guard.[30]
1644 - Taylor, John - Mad Verse, Sad Verse, Glad Verse and Bad Verse
My leash of Rascalls, were mad Blades, (right Bilboes)
True tatter'd Rogues, in breech, shirts, skirts, and elboes,
They sung, and danc'd the Morris, like maide Marrian
And sweat and stunk, as sweet as sugar Carrion, [p. 7:]
I mus'd, if they were pleas'd to jeere and fob me,
Or if they meant to jest with me or Rob me:
But they to me prov'd Rebells with some reason
They had not learn'd their Grammar Rules of Treason,
They kindly brought me to a wholsome Alehouse,
Where merrily we drank like foure good fellowes,
With songs, and tales, and now and then a story
And 'ere we fell a sleep, we sung John Dorrye,
1648 - Wither, George - Prosopopœia Britannica
They, from the poorest, and the basest sort
Of people, rose, to highest place in Court.
This is their Jus divinum, whatsoe're
Their friends, or they, would make themselves appear:
Which, by clear demonstration, I make good,
And, not by tales of Tubs, and Robin-Hood.
Thus, what they were; and, what they had to do,
And, what at best their pride hath brought them to,
I have declared; that, your King no more
May cheated be by them, as heretofore:
Or, think, that Law, or Conscience, him obliges,
To keep up their usurped Priviledges,
But, thereby know, that if he shall delight
In that, which is indeed the Royall-right;
He, their vaine services, no more, well need,
And, joy, that from such Flatt'rers he is freed.[32]
1652 - Ashmole, Elias - Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum
I shall in the First place acquaint the Reader, that the kinde Acceptance my former Endeavours received at the Hands of Candid Artists, in publishing some Chemicall Collections; very earnestly invited me to finde out a Second Piece [sig. B2v:] wherewith to present those Gratefull Persons. Whereupon I intended to rally up some of my own Conceptions in this Science, and expose them also to the Test: But (to this end, reviewing the Philosophers) I found that many (assuming that Name) wrote what their Fancies, not their Hands had wrought, and further then in Apprehension had not seene Projection; (amongst whom our Ripley was sometime One, as appeares by his Ingenious Retractation, hereafter mentioned:) and being truly sensible of the great Injury such Workes have done young Students (at the first not able to distinguish, who have written upon their undeceavable Experience, who not; and consequently, not which to follow, or whiche to avoyde) I withdrew my Thoughts (having never as yet set my selfe Effectually upon the Manuall Practise) lest I should adde to the many Injuries the World has already suffered, by delivering the bare Medley of my Dubious Apprehensions, without the confident Attestation of Practise: and be justly esteemed as indiscreete as those whom Ripley mentions, that prate
Of Robin Hode and of his Bow,
Which never shot therein J trow.[33]
I delivered Council's letter to the Mayor, but it produces only the impressing of three men. Their plea was that 33 sail went for London a day or two before I came. After two days I went to Burlington and pressed nine men, finding Sir Wm. Strickland most ready to promote the service. Thence to Scarborough and delivered Council's letter to the bailiffs, but to little purpose. I could only impress six strangers, not one townsman. Then to Whitby, but some ill-affected person having warned them, they got away, and I only impressed nine by aid of Capt. Axtell, late lieutenant of the Speaker, who might be useful in the other ports. Thence I came to Newcastle, but the Mayor would not mention impressing, lest the seamen on 208 sail for which a convoy was to be sent should run away. Thence I went to York, hoping help from the judges at the assizes, but they only gave me a slight warrant to the constables at Selby and Cawood.
I have taken up 45l. from Fras. Greame, collector at Hull. I enclose a list of ships bound for London. A frigate or two would be very useful on these coasts, as many ships are lost. Two Dutch men-of-war chased two English vessels into Robin Hood's Bay, and would have taken them but for the country and Capt. Axtell's company from Whitby. .[sic] Ensign Ledgard might be useful in impressing men at Scarborough, as there are many there, and the frigates would receive them; if an order was given to stay trading for the present, the fleet would soon be supplied.[34]
1654 - Evelyn, John - Diary
16th. We arrived at Doncaster, where we lay this night; it is a large fair town, famous for great wax-lights, and good stockings. [p. 90:] 17th August [...] Passed through Pontefract; the castle, famous for many sieges both of late and ancient times, and the death of that unhappy King murdered in it (Richard II), was now demolishing by the rebels: it stands on a mount, and makes a goodly show at a distance. The Queen has a house here, and there are many fair seats near it, especially Mr. Pierrepont's, built at the foot of a hill out of the castle ruins. We all alighted in the highway to drink at a crystal spring, which they call Robin Hood's Well; near it, is a stone chair, and an iron ladle to drink out of, chained to the seat. We rode to Tadcaster [...][35]
1656 - Dugdale, William - Antiquities of Warwickshire
Thus in great glory, plentifully endowed, stood this Monastery little less then 400. years, till that K. H. 8. a person whose sensuall disposition, suting so right with that corrupt age wherein he lived, finding Instruments fit for his sacrilegious purposes, contrived the destruction of it, and all the rest of those pious foundations that his ancestors and other devout persons had made; Of whose subtile practises for effecting that work, I shall in a short Corollary, before I finish this tract make some discovery: Amongst which that generall Survey and valuation, by Commissioners from him, in 26. of his reign, at Robin Hoods penni-worths, did not a little conduce thereto: At which time this Monastery, with all its Revenues, over and above reprises, was certified to be worth CCCii.l. xv.s. iii.d. per an.[36]
1657 - Hiskocks, Mary - To Mr C
"Mary Hiskocks" (endorsed by Hyde "Little John")
to "Mr. C. viz. 240," addressed within as "Deare sister."
Complaint of Dr. Ned's failing to provide money through the
advice of his brother Robert, who is now at his shop in
Chancery Lane, and of Frederick, who is set up in Fleet Street;
in answer to all applications they delay from time to time,
although the writer sent them the letter which mentions them
most kindly and refers all to her disposal. Was not able to
pay at the day she promised, because the French merchant at
his remove commanded a greater sum than she was willing to
part with, but hopes within a month or five weeks to pay
£100 to the person addressed, and the rest with all possible
speed. Is great with the news of Monsieur George's coming
to England about Michaelmas to choose a wife, which his
father does not approve, and his mother prays that the
Scripture, Forty years long have I been grieved [&c.], may not
be a prophecy of her; hopes a way will be found to divert him,
or to prevail with his father to be more pleased. Mr. "Jamse"
has been in prison this half-year. Has received three little letters.[37]
1657 - Hiskocks, Mary - To Mr Chance
Mary Hiskocs to "Mr. Chance, at his house in Whit
chapel;" endorsed by Hyde, " Little John;" a letter from a
Royalist agent, in disguised language; sends £100, part of what
she owes. Hears that his nephew [the King] will be suddenly
at Paris, and then suddenly in England and set up for himself:
he should be advised to stay till winter at least. Dick Smith
and a good number of his kindred are at the Bath. Give the
enclosed to Mr. Browne.[38]
1659 - Nixon, Edward - To Admiralty Commissioners
Sailing from Harwich for Scotland, took an Ostend man-of-war off Robin Hood Bay, after a two hours' chase; intended to deliver her and the prisoners up at Newcastle, but there being no one there to receive them, made for Leith, and gave Lord Gen. Monk notice thereof, who ordered him to deliver them up there, which he has since done, and is now about to convoy several ships and vessels bound for London and other parts as far as the Yarmouth Roads.[39]
1660 - Hall, Thomas - Funebria Florae
The Indictment of Flora.
Flora, hold up thy hand,
Thou art here indicted by the name of Flora, of the City of Rome in the County of Babylon, for that thou, contrary to the peace of our Soveraign Lord, his Crown and Dignity, hast brought in a pack of practical Fanaticks, viz. Ignorants, Atheists, Papists, Drunkards, Swearers, Swash-bucklers, Maid-marrions, Morrice-dancers, Maskers, Mummers, May-pole-stealers, Health-drinkers, together with a rascalian rout of Fidlers, Fools, Fighters, Gamesters, Whoremasters, Lewd-men, Light-women, Contemners of Magistracy, affronters of Ministery, rebellious to Masters, disobedient to Parents, mis-spenders of time, abusers of the creature, &c.
Judge. What sayest thou, guilty, or not guilty?
Prisoner. Not guilty, My Lord.[40]
1660 - Hall, Thomas - Sir Maypole
Hath holy Pope his noble guard?
So have I too, that watch and ward:
For where 'tis noys'd that I am come,
My followers summon'd are by drum.
I have a mighty retinue,
The scum of all the rascal crew
Of Fidlers, Pedlers, Jayl-scap't-slaves,
Of Tinkers, Turn-coats, Tospot-knaves,
Of Theeves, and Scape-thrifts many a one,
With bouncing Besse, and jolly Jone,
With idle boyes, and journey-men,
And Vagrants, that their Country run:
Yea, Hobby-horse doth hither prance,
Maid-marrian, and the Morrice-dance.
My summons fetcheth far and near
All that can swagger, roar and swear,
All that can dance, and drab, and drink,
They turn to me as to a sink:
These, mee for their Commander take,
And I do them my black-guard make.[41]
1660 - Hodges, Richard - To Admiralty Commissioners
Sailing to the northward last Sunday, and descrying a sail, I gave chase, and after doing so for six hours and firing several shots, I fetched her Up, and entered 40 men on board of her, which caused them to yield. I brought her into Whitby, and while riding at anchor, a boat arrived and certified there was another small rogue in Robin Hood's Bay. Having weighed anchor and sailed there, in a short time I had possession of him; only one of the enemy was killed and 2 of our men wounded, but they are likely to do well. I have set the men of both vessels, being 60 in number, on shore at Scarborough, and have the vessels still with me. As one has 4 guns and the other 8, I desire leave to keep one of them, as it is possible it may trepan some of his consorts, and there are many of them upon the coast. In the two vessels there were 4 masters belonging to Lynn and Colchester, who were to pay 250l. each. If you have any order for ine as to disposing of the vessels, I desire you will let me have it, either at Yarmouth or Scarborough, where I intend to leave one of them, and keep the other until you order to the contrary.[42]
1661 - Wood, Anthony - Note on Robin Hood ballads
[Note on the back of a slip pasted on f. 319a of Anthony Wood's MS 'Survey of the Antiquities of the City of Oxford' (1661-66):] Robin Hood and Maid Marian; R. H. and the bishop; R. H.'s progress to Notingham; R. H. newly revived; The noble fisherman or R. H.'s preferment; R. H. and the beggar; R. H. and the butcher; R. H.'s chase; R. H. and the shepherd; Renowned R. H.[43]
1661 - Wood, Anthony - Survey of Antiquities of City of Oxford (1)
At the same towne [i.e. the lost town of 'Seckworth', probably Seacourt, immediately west of Oxford] likewise [...] (give me leave to make a digression) was in the Saxons' times, as the rude vogue here runneth, a house or habitation of a king called Donny; and part of whose fort there also built of stone was thrown downe or sunk in the river running therby; and the like.
All which, you'l say, comming from the mouths of rusticks, may be accounted noe truer then the tales of Robin Hood and Little John. But, however, such constant tradition from each other among them may have somthing in the bottome therof of truth, though much of it lost by [...] the longinquity of time since acted; as indeed this, wee have here laid downe, hath.[44]
1661 - Wood, Anthony - Survey of Antiquities of City of Oxford (2)
And all, both lodgings, chambers, aedifices and gardens [of St Bernard's College, Oxford], were (as I have seen [...] in a roll concerning the perticulars of St. Frideswide's monastery in King Henry VIII raigne) estemed in length and bredth but two acres, and worth if let to ferme but 20s per annum.
By which wee may understand (considering the praemisses) how this place at or about its time of dissolution was soe much (as 'tis here exprest) undervalued. And therfore I verily believe sold, as they used to say, for 'Robin Hood's pennyworths.'[45]
1662 - Young Robin - To Robert Harley
[16]62, August 8.—I now perceive it impossible to live within the cities of London and Westminster and not turn courtier. I wish your lodging had been at Wapping. But whether I write to a man of this world or to an angel is a dispute, yet I expect an answer and am indifferent from what place, but to let you see that a son of Robin Hood cannot be ill natured I will make this manly interpretation of your unkindness, that it is as difficult to find me as a stag in the forest of Sherwood, where men of that race could hardly be harboured, as many worthy balletical records can inform you, yet knowing you to be almost one of us (though of an Indian race) I dare tell you that I am sometimes at Swarkeston, sometimes at Warsop, and now at Bestwood, merry in all places and which is more, well pleased and drink your health [p. 42:] dead or alive, which your captain and cornet never will refuse, and thus I have given you a true and perfect account of the plots and affairs of this county as to mankind. But should I enter into or upon the other sex, and tell you a true account of my Lady Newcastle's horsematch, I must crave aid from Sir John Denham and his fellows who trade in nectar, yet to speak truth we have good squeezed malt that smells full out as well as saudwich (sic), and that well followed makes us appear like men; let others express our actions and hers, for we are not book-learned. And now Robin by name and not by nature I bid you farewell, and if thou darest meet me near Warsop upon the forest at the Lady Newcastle's horsematch the last of August, where in taffeta instead of armour bright 'tis six to four I may appear, you shall see such a fight as England affords not the fellow and possibly become one of the brotherhood, which will be no small honour, laying your ordinary knighthood aside, to you and a particular kindness from, &c.
Postscript.—I have a lady and some of my race remembers you. Direct your letters by the Nottingham post to Bestwood and they will find.[46]
1665 - Rea, John - Flora
Anemone latifolia vulgaris maxima versicolor.
The common great double variable broad-leaved Anemone cometh up before Winter, with many something broad leaves, cut in on the sides and folding the edges, seldome lying smooth and plain, of a fresher green colour than many of those that follow, and a little hard in handling, as all this kind are, and therefore by some called Hard-leaf; from among these leaves riseth up one two or more stalks for flowers, according to the age and bigness of the roots, having about the middle of them some jaged [sic] leaves, as all the Anemones have; at the top of the stalks the flowers come forth, which are [p. 126:] large and double, consisting of many narrow long sharp-pointed leaves, the out-most whereof are broadest and green, with some stripes of Orenge-tawny, the inner leaves are smaller, less striped with green, and the middle leaves being wholly Orenge-tawny, turning inward, cover the head or button which is usual in the middle of the flowers of most of this kind; the root is tuberous, large and thick, of a blackish colour of the outside, and yellowish within: this common Anemone is by many Gentlewomen, and other as ignorant, called Robin Hood, Scarlet and John, and the Spanish marigold; there are two kinds thereof, the flowers of the one being more double and less green than the other.[47]
1665 - Wither, George - Private Thank-Oblation
Moreover, it becomes not him, who sings
A Song of praise unto the King of Kings,
The Attributes of men to intermingle
With his (as to those works he worketh single) [p. 17:]
That were to follow their absurd example,
Who worship GOD and Baal within one Temple;
Or Chronicle the Deeds by HERO'S done,
With Tales of Robin Hood, and Little John:
For these respects, I know men Sober-witted
Will me excuse for what may seem omitted;
And, as for those men, who so prudent are not,
Whether they me excuse, or no, I care not.[48]
1667 - Cosin, John - Household Book
Ferrybriggs. — Payd the house bill for meate there, 11s. 6d. Payd for hay and oates there, 6s. 6d. Given the oastlers there, 1s. Given to the poore at Robin hood's well and severall other places to Doncaster, 2s.[49]
1672 - Walker, William - Paræmiologia Anglo-Latina
16[.] Many talk of Robin Hood, that never shot in his bow. 16. Non omnes, qui citharam tenant, sunt cithareds. Var.[...]
19[.] Robin Hood's penniworths. 19. Aurea pro Æreis.[50]
1675 - Ogilby, John - Britannia
[Robin Hood's Well indicated at the foot of the central scroll.][51]
1682 - Thoresby, Ralph - Diary
Whitby has a secure harbour for vessels, which by a drawbridge, after the Dutch manner, are let [p. 147:] into the town, which is of good esteem for trade. Thence four miles to Robin Hood's Bay, so named from that famous outlaw, who was born in Nottinghamshire, and flourished temp. Ricardi I. Thence over the sands to the moors, where was only observable his Butts, two little hills a quarter of a mile asunder. Thence by Cloughton to Scarborough [...][52]
1683 - Unknown author - Case against Mr Pilkington
[Summary of legal case: Pilkington and others indicted for riot. Mr Thompson, counsel for the defendants, challenged the array, the challenge being read in French. He desired it might be read in English, whereupon L.C.J. Saunders asked:] Why? do you think I don't understand it? This is only to tickle the people. [Upon the challenge being read in English. Mr Serjeant Jeffries responded:] Here's a tale of a tub, indeed. [Later Thompson said:] My lord, is the fact true or false ? I desire of these gentlemen, if it be insufficient in point of law, let them demur. [To which Serjeant Jeffries responded:] Pray tell me, Robin Hood upon Greendale stood, and therefore you must not demur to it.[53]
1692 - Unknown - Letter from officer at Whitby
Extract of a letter from the officer at Whitby, giving an account of the chasing an English pink into Robin Hood Bay, by five French privateers. The ship, when taken, was ransomed by the master going on board one of the privateers until 200l. came to him from Scarborough. They reported that they had 25 masters of ships on board on the same account, and that they were on the coast to receive their ransoms. It was suspected that they had great encouragement from the Jacobites, who would gladly go on board them to France.[54]
1695 - Thoresby, Ralph - Diary
13. Morning, walked to cousin F.'s of Hunslet; rode with him and my other dear friends, Mr. Samuel Ibbetson and brother Thoresby, to Rodwell, where took leave of relations, thence through Medley, Pontefract, and Wentbridge (upon the famous Roman highway, and by the noted Robin Hood's well) to Doncaster, where we dined; thence by Bawtry, Scruby, Ranskall, to Barnby-on-the-Moor.
14. After a weary night rose pretty early; rode over Shirewood Forest, by the noted Eel-pie-house [...][55]
- ↑ Roberts, R.A., ed. Calendar of the Manuscripts of the Most Hon. the Marquis of Salisbury, &c., &c., &c., Preserved at Hatfield House, Hertfordshire. Part XII (Historical Manuscripts Commission) (Hereford, 1910), p. 317.
- ↑ [Wright, T.], ed. Jack of Dover, his Quest of Inquirie, or his Privy Search for the Veriest Foole in England: A Collection of Merry Tales Published at the Beginning of the Sixteenth Century, edited from a copy in the Bodleian Library [by Thomas, Wright], Early English Poetry, Ballads, and Popular Literature of the Middle Ages, edited from Original Manuscripts and scarce publications, vol. VII. London: Printed for the Percy Society by T. Richards, 1842; see pp. 4-5.
- ↑ Barlow, William. The Summe and Substance of the Conference which it Pleased His Excellent Majestie to have with the Lords Bishop, and Others of His Clergie (at which the Most of the Lords If the Councill were Present) in His Majesties Privie-Chamber, at Hampton Court Jan. 14 1603 (Clerkenwell, England, 1804), p. 57.
- ↑ Breton, Nicholas; Grosart, Alexander B., ed. The Works in Verse and Prose of Nicholas Breton (Chertsey Worthies' Library) (St George's, Blackburn, Lancashire, 1879), vol. II, p. 33.
- ↑ Breton, Nicholas; Grosart, Alexander B., ed. The Works in Verse and Prose of Nicholas Breton (Chertsey Worthies' Library) (St George's, Blackburn, Lancashire, 1879), vol. II, p. 33.
- ↑ Breton, Nicholas; Grosart, Alexander B., ed. The Works in Verse and Prose of Nicholas Breton (Chertsey Worthies' Library) (St George's, Blackburn, Lancashire, 1879), vol. II, p. 41.
- ↑ Breton, Nicholas; Grosart, Alexander B., ed. The Works in Verse and Prose of Nicholas Breton (Chertsey Worthies' Library) (St George's, Blackburn, Lancashire, 1879), vol. II, p. 44.
- ↑ Dibdin, Thomas Frognall, compil. Aedes Althorpianae; or An Account of the Mansion, Books, and Pictures, at Althorp; the residence of George John Earl Spencer, K. G. To which is added A Supplement to the Bibliotheca Spenceriana (London, 1822), p. 37.
- ↑ Drayton, Michael. Poemes, Lyrick and Pastorall (Publications of the Spenser Society, New Series, Issue No. 4) (1891), pp. 68-69.
- ↑ Osborne, Francis. The works of Francis Osborn Esq; Divine. Moral. Historical. Political. 7th ed. (London, 1673), p. 513.
- ↑ [Braithwaite, Richard]; Ebsworth, Joseph Woodfall, introd. A Strappado For the Diuell (Boston, Lincolnshire, 1878), pp. 62-63.
- ↑ [Braithwaite, Richard]; Ebsworth, Joseph Woodfall, introd. A Strappado For the Diuell (Boston, Lincolnshire, 1878), pp. 202-204.
- ↑ [Braithwaite, Richard]; Ebsworth, Joseph Woodfall, introd. A Strappado For the Diuell (Boston, Lincolnshire, 1878), pp. 204-205.
- ↑ Hutton, Henry; Rimbault, Edward F., ed. Follie's Anatomie: or Satyres & Satyricall Epigrams (Percy Society) (London, 1842), pp. 20-21.
- ↑ Spraggs, Gillian. Outlaws & Highwaymen: The Cult of the Robber in England from the Middle Ages to the Nineteenth Century (London, 2001), p. 12.
- ↑ Taylor, John; Hindley, Charles, ed. Works of John Taylor, the Water Poet (London and Westminster, 1872), p. 10 of Sir Gregory Nonsence
- ↑ [Goad, Thomas]. The dolefvll euen-song, or a true, particvlar and impartiall narration of that fearefull and sudden calamity, which befell the preacher Mr. Drvry a Iesuite, and the greater part of his auditory, by the downefall of the floore at an assembly in the Black-Friers on Sunday the 26. of Octob. last, in the after noone (London, 1623), sig. K1v.
- ↑ [Braithwaite, Richard]; Halliwell, James Orchard, ed. Whimzies; or a New Cast of Characters: From the Original Edition, Published in 1631 (London, 1859), p. 13.
- ↑ [Braithwaite, Richard]; Halliwell, James Orchard, ed. Whimzies; or a New Cast of Characters: From the Original Edition, Published in 1631 (London, 1859), pp. 34-36.
- ↑ [Braithwaite, Richard]; Halliwell, James Orchard, ed. Whimzies; or a New Cast of Characters: From the Original Edition, Published in 1631 (London, 1859), pp. 137-39.
- ↑ Brayley, Edw. W., ed. The Graphic and Historical Illustrator: An Original Miscellany of Literary, Antiquarian, and Topographical Information (London, 1834), p. 93.
- ↑ Braithwaite, Richard; Haslewood, Joseph, ed. Barnabæ Itinerarium, or Barnabee's Journal (London, 1820), vol. II, pp. 38-39.
- ↑ Braithwaite, Richard; Haslewood, Joseph, ed. Barnabæ Itinerarium, or Barnabee's Journal (London, 1820), vol. II, pp. 60-63; note in vol. I, p. 93.
- ↑ Braithwaite, Richard; Haslewood, Joseph, ed. Barnabæ Itinerarium, or Barnabee's Journal (London, 1820), vol. II, pp. 272-75; note in vol. I, p. 127.
- ↑ Braithwaite, Richard; Haslewood, Joseph, ed. Barnabæ Itinerarium, or Barnabee's Journal (London, 1820), vol. II, pp. 358-59.
- ↑ Braithwaite, Richard; Haslewood, Joseph, ed. Barnabæ Itinerarium, or Barnabee's Journal (London, 1820), vol. II, pp. 364-65.
- ↑ Taylor, John; Crossley, James, introd. Works of John Taylor, the Water Poet, not included in the Folio Volume of 1630 (Spenser Society, Issue Nos. 7, 14, 19, 21, 25) (1870-78), Third Collection, Bull, Beare, and Horse, Cut, Curtaile, p. 61 (separate pagination).
- ↑ Taylor, John; Hindley, Charles, ed. Works of John Taylor, the Water Poet (London and Westminster, 1872), p. 23 of This Summers Travels.
- ↑ Suckling, John; Thompson, A. Hamilton, ed. The Works of Sir John Suckling in Prose and Verse (London; New York, Toronto, 1910), p. 30 (ll. 19-36), notes p. 371.
- ↑ Lithgow, William. The Present Surveigh of London and Englands State. Containing a Topographicall Description of all the Particular Forts, Redoubts, Breast-works, and Trenches Newly Erected round about the Citie on both Sides of the River, with the Severall Fortifications thereof. And a Perfect Relation of some Fatall Accidents, and other Disasters, which Fell out in the City and Countrey, During the Authors Abode there. Intermingled also with Certaine Severall Observations Worthie of Light and Memorie (London, 1643), sig. B3r; bracketed insert from sig. B2v.
- ↑ Taylor, John; Crossley, James, introd. Works of John Taylor, the Water Poet, not included in the Folio Volume of 1630 (Spenser Society, Issue Nos. 7, 14, 19, 21, 25) (1870-78), Second Collection, Mad Verse, Sad Verse, Glad Verse and Bad Verse, pp. 6-7 (separate pagination).
- ↑ Wither, George. Miscellaneous Works of George Wither (Spenser Society, Nos. [12-13, 16, 18, 22, 24]) (1872-77), Fourth Collection, p. 26.
- ↑ Ashmole, Elias, ed. Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum, Containing Severall Poeticall Pieces of Our Famous English Philosophers, Who have Written the Hermetique Mysteries in Their Owne Ancient Language (London, 1652), sig. B2.
- ↑ Green, Mary Anne Everett, ed.; Morris, G.J., transcr.; Thompson, G.W., transcr. Calendar of State Papers, Domestic Series, 1652–1653, preserved in the State Paper Department of Her Majesty's Public Record Office ((London; Oxford; Cambridge; Edinburgh; Dublin, 1878), p. 255.
- ↑ Evelyn, John. The Diary of John Evelyn, ed. Austin Dobson (London and New York, 1906), vol. II, p. 90.
- ↑ Dugdale, William. The Antiquities of Warwickshire Illustrated; from Records, Leiger-Books, Manuscripts, Charters, Evidences, Tombes, and Armes: Beautified with Maps, Prospects, and Portraitures (London, 1656), p. 147.
- ↑ Macray, William Dunn, ed. Calendar of the Clarendon State Papers Preserved in the Bodleian Library. Vol. III. 1655—1657 (Oxford, 1876), p. 277.
- ↑ Macray, William Dunn, ed. Calendar of the Clarendon State Papers Preserved in the Bodleian Library. Vol. III. 1655—1657 (Oxford, 1876), p. 301.
- ↑ Green, Mary Anne Everett, ed. Calendar of State Papers, Domestic Series, 1659–60, preserved in the State Paper Department of Her Majesty's Public Record Office ((London; Oxford; Cambridge; Edinburgh; Dublin, 1886), p. 462.
- ↑ Hall, Thomas. Funebria Floræ, the Downfall of May-Games (London, 1661), p. 19.
- ↑ Hall, Thomas. Funebria Floræ, the Downfall of May-Games (London, 1661), sig. G2v.
- ↑ Green, Mary Anne Everett, ed. Calendar of State Papers, Domestic Series, 1659–60, preserved in the State Paper Department of Her Majesty's Public Record Office ((London; Oxford; Cambridge; Edinburgh; Dublin, 1886), p. 440.
- ↑ Wood, Anthony; Clark, Andrew, ed. Survey of the Antiquities of the City of Oxford, composed in 1661-6 (Oxford Historical Society, vols. 15, 17, 37) (Oxford, 1889-99), vol. II, p. 111 n. 3.
- ↑ Wood, Anthony; Clark, Andrew, ed. Survey of the Antiquities of the City of Oxford, composed in 1661-6 (Oxford Historical Society, vols. 15, 17, 37) (Oxford, 1889-99), vol. I, p. 325.
- ↑ Wood, Anthony; Clark, Andrew, ed. Survey of the Antiquities of the City of Oxford, composed in 1661-6 (Oxford Historical Society, vols. 15, 17, 37) (Oxford, 1889-99), vol. II, p. 310.
- ↑ Cartwright, J. J., ed.; Rigg, J. M., ed.; Lomas, S. C., ed.; Maxwell-Lyte, A., ed.; Brodie, R. H., compil. Calendar of the Manuscripts of the Marquis of Bath preserved at Longleat, Wiltshire (Historical Manuscripts Commission, Cd. 2048, Cd. 3474, Cd. 3849) (London; Dublin; Hereford, 1904-1908), vol. I, pp. 41-42.
- ↑ Rea, John. Flora: seu, De Florum Cultura. Or, A Complete Florilege, furnished with all Requisites belonging to a Florist (London, 1665), pp. 125-26.
- ↑ Wither, George. Miscellaneous Works of George Wither (Spenser Society, Nos. [12-13, 16, 18, 22, 24]) (1872-77), Fourth Collection, Three Private Meditations, pp. 16-17 (separate pagination).
- ↑ Cosin, John; Ornsby, George, ed. The Correspondence of John Cosin, D.D. Lord Bishop of Durham: together with Other Papers Illustrative of his Life and Times. Part II (The Publications of the Surtees Society, vol. LV) (Durham, London, Edinburgh, 1872), p. 351.
- ↑ [Walker, William], compil.; [Willis, Thomas], compil. Phraseologia Anglo-Latina or, Phrases of the English and Latin tongue: Together with Paræmiologia Anglo-Latina or, A Collection of English and Latin Proverbs (London, 1672), sig. D4v.
- ↑ John Ogilby's Britannia (1675), 'The Continuation of the Road from London to Barwick, Beginning at Tuxford. & Extending to York.', Plate 3.3 at The Visual Telling of Stories
- ↑ Thoresby, Ralph; Hunter, Joseph, ed. The Diary of Ralph Thoresby, F.R.S., Author of the Topography of Leeds (1677-1724.) (London, 1830), vol. 1, pp. 146-47.
- ↑ G., W. 'Tale of a Tub', Notes & Queries, Series 5, vol. XII (1879), p. 216, p. 216.
- ↑ Redington, Joseph, ed.; Romilly, [John], introd. Calendar of Treasury Papers, 1556-7–1696, preserved in Her Majesty's Public Record Office (London, 1868), p. 242.
- ↑ Thoresby, Ralph; Hunter, Joseph, ed. The Diary of Ralph Thoresby, F.R.S., Author of the Topography of Leeds (1677-1724.) (London, 1830), vol. 1, pp. 292-93.