
From International Robin Hood Bibliography

By Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2013-08-01. Revised by Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2022-06-01.

This section includes pages on specific films, a list of filmographies, and a list of studies and criticism.

Specific films

The pages on specific films are arranged chronologically. In principle the list is intended to include all categories of publicly available filmed or video recorded materials: Feature films, cartoons and TV series with Robin Hood as main character; feature films, cartoons and TV series with Ivanhoe as main character featuring Robin Hood as an important subsidiary character; documentary films and programs; films that are inspired by the Robin Hood figure or are named after or briefly include Robin Hood as a character.

Feature films

Feature films arranged chronologically.

Television series

Television series arranged chronologically.

Films with Robin Hood-related titles


Studies and criticism

List of studies and criticism. Titles dealing with specific films are found under the films in question.