
From International Robin Hood Bibliography

By Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2013-07-09. Revised by Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2022-06-01.

This section includes pages on specific ballads, a list of popular collections of Robin Hood ballads –"Garlands of Robin Hood", a list of scholarly and literary anthologies/collections that include Robin Hood ballads, a list of general criticism and studies of Robin Hood ballads, and a list of allusions that refer to folk poetry (and literature) on Robin Hood.

Specific ballads

Pages on specific ballads each include (as relevant): brief introduction, synopsis of plot, and lists of: primary editions of each version/variant, editions in scholarly and literary collections, translations, analogues and sources, allusions, criticism and studies.

Popular collections

List of Garlands of Robin Hood and similar popular collections.

Scholarly and literary ballad collections

This section consists of a short list of essential collections and an alphabetically list which will, it is hoped, become exhaustive over time.

Studies and criticism

List of relevant ballad studies and criticism

Brief mention


Allusions to Robin Hood ballads in general. Allusions to specific ballads will be found under the ballads in question.