Seymour, T 1774a
From International Robin Hood Bibliography
Seymour, T. A Concise Account of the Properties and Effects of the Poudre Unique, in the Cure of the Most Dangerous Putrid As Well As Inveterate and Complicated Diseases. The Third Edition. With very considerable Improvements, and the Addition of Two Hundred Cases, wherein this valuable Medicine has proved successful. Together with a Variety of efficacious and long experienced Prescriptions, Medical, Surgical, and Domestic; among which is a cheap and easy Method of making an agreeable and salutary Wine, Ale, or Small Beer, Medicinal Milk, Whey, &c. The Whole interspersed with Rules, Observations and Cautions. Whereby a Person may (in many Cases) not only become his own Physician, but be enabled to remedy the Afflictions of others. By T. Seymour. London: Printed for the Author; and sold by G. Robinson; Richardson and Urquhart; E. Macklew; at the Chemical Laboratory and Dispensary, in Jermyn-Street; and at the Booksellers and Pamphlet-Shops, in Town and Country, 1774. viii, 120 pp.