Originators in L
From International Robin Hood Bibliography
121 Originators.
- L, A H K C
- L, B H
- L, C E
- L, H P
- L, J
- L, R
- L, W H
- La'Chance, Scott A
- Labistour, Patricia
- Lacey, T A
- Lach-Szyrma, W S
- Laidlaw, William
- Laidler, Josephine
- Laing, David
- Laing, Margaret
- Lake, Fred
- Lamb, James J
- Lamberton, John P
- Lancashire, Ian
- Lancaster, William Thomas
- Langdale, Thomas
- Langland, William
- Langlois, Ernest
- Langton, H H
- Larrington, Carolyne
- Larsen, Jette Linaa
- Larsen, Sofus Kristian
- Lass, Roger
- Latham, Andrew
- Latham, Edward
- Lavington, Margaret
- Lawrance, H
- Lawrance, Hamilton E
- Lawrence, David Herbert
- Lawrence, William Witherle
- Lawson, Mike
- Lawson, Tish
- Lawton, David A
- Laxton, R
- Lea, Philip
- Leach, Joan
- Leach, K
- Leach, Robert
- Leader, R E
- Leader, Zachary
- Leahy, Mark
- Leather, Ella Mary
- Lee, Frederick George
- Lee, Sidney
- Lee, Solomon Lazarus
- Lee, William
- Lees, James Kirby
- Lees, Jim
- Leeson, Robert
- Lefroy, William Chambers
- Lega-Weekes, Ethel
- Leighton, H
- Leitch, Thomas
- Leland, John
- Lemon, Robert
- Lenanton, Carola Mary Anima
- Leslie, J H
- Lesser, Hartley
- Lesser, Kirk
- Lesser, Patricia
- Levy, Brian J
- Levy, Raphael
- Lewandowski, Andy
- Lewis, B
- Lewis, Brian
- Lewis, Henry
- Lewis, Samuel
- Lilywhite Ltd
- Lin, Erika T
- Lindner, E
- Lindsay, David
- Lindsay, Philip
- Lindström, Bengt
- Lines, Kathleen
- Lipscomb, George
- Lister, John
- Lithgow, William
- Ll, M C
- Lloyd, Albert Lancaster
- Lloyd, Eleanor
- Lloyd, R R
- Lloyd, S D
- Lloyd, Terence H
- Locher, Jakob
- Lock, Ray
- Lockhart, John Gibson
- Lockie, John
- Lofthouse, Barbara
- Lofthouse, Jessica
- Lomas, S C
- London Borough of Waltham Forest
- London Museum
- London View Co Ltd, The
- Longbotham, A T
- Lopdrup, Hanne
- Lord Howard de Walden
- Lorrain-Smith, Roy
- Louis, Cameron
- Low, David Halyburton
- Low, Donald A
- Lowe, Barbara
- Lowndes, William Thomas
- Lowther, Kenneth Ernest
- Loxdale, Thomas
- Loève-Veimars, François-Adolphe
- Lubbock, Lyulph
- Lucas, Henry S
- Lukis, W C
- Lumb, G D
- Lupack, Alan
- Lux, Sherron
- Lyon, Nina
- Lysons, Daniel
- Lysons, Samuel
- Lyttleton, Charles
- Lübcke, F