Originators in C
From International Robin Hood Bibliography
213 Originators.
- C (1)
- C, A
- C, C
- C, E
- C, E N F
- C, H
- C, J A
- C, S
- C, T
- C, W A
- Caie, Graham D
- Calcuttensis
- Calhoun, Joshua
- Callender, Geoffrey
- Cameron, Jean
- Cameron, Kenneth
- Campbell and Gray
- Campbell, John B
- Campbell, Olwen W
- Campbell, William W
- Cannell, Charles Henry
- Cannon, Henry Lewin
- Capella Hafniensis
- Capp, Bernard
- Cardwell, Edward
- Carlsen, Christian J
- Carlsen, Hanne
- Carmichael, C H E
- Carpenter, Kevin
- Carpenter, Richard
- Carr, William
- Carroll, Michael P
- Carson, Neil
- Carter, H M
- Carter, R O M
- Cartlidge, Neil
- Cartmell, Deborah
- Cartwright, Christine
- Cartwright, J J
- Case, Robert H
- Castle, Eduard Friedrich Ferdinand
- Castleberry, Kristi J
- Castro, J Paul de
- Cattley, Stephen Reed
- Cavanah, Frances
- Cavell, Emma
- Cavill, Paul
- Cawte, E C
- Centerwall, Brandon S
- Chadwick, S J
- Chamberlain, Andrew
- Chambers, Edmund Kerchever
- Chambers, J D
- Chambers, L H
- Chambers, Raymond Wilson
- Champion, W
- Chandler, David
- Chandler, John H
- Chanter, H Prosser
- Chapman, Hugh
- Chapman, James
- Chapman, Jane Frances
- Chapman, John
- Chapman, W
- Chappell, William
- Charles, R
- Charlton, Lionel
- Charnock, R S
- Chaucer, Geoffrey
- Chen, Jianguo
- Cheney, Christopher Robert
- Chesnutt, Michael
- Chettle, Henry
- Child, Francis James
- Chinnery, G A
- Chinnery, Gilbert Allen
- Chippingdall, William Harold
- Chism, Christine
- Christensen, Agnethe
- Christy, Miller
- Churchyard, Thomas
- Cichon, Michael
- City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
- Clark, A
- Clark, Andrew
- Clark, George T
- Clark, J G D
- Clark, John
- Clark, Robert L A
- Clarke, David
- Clarke, Stephen Reynolds
- Clarry
- Clawson, William Hall
- Clay, C T
- Clay, John William
- Clifton, Steven J
- Clitus-Alexandrinus
- Clive, Mary
- Cloudsley, Hugh
- Clouet, Richard
- Clough, T.H. McK
- Clouston, W A
- Coastal Cards Ltd
- Coates, Richard
- Coatts, Margot
- Cochrane, Elizabeth
- Cockerton, R W P
- Cohoon, Lorinda B
- Coincy, Gautier de
- Cokayne, George Edward
- Colby, Elbridge
- Cole, John
- Cole. Andrew
- Coleman, Everard Home
- Coleman, Roger
- Collet, A
- Collier, John Payne
- Collingsridge, J S
- Collingwood, W G
- Collins, Fiona
- Collins, Henry
- Collins, Mortimer
- Collinson, John
- Collyer, Robert
- Colman, J B
- Colvin, H M
- Comfort, W W
- Committee of Oxford Historical Society
- Company of Parish-Clerks, The
- Conduit, Brian
- Congress of Archaeological Societies
- Congreve, Galfrid K
- Conlon, Denis Joseph
- Connor, Timothy
- Constable, Archibald
- Constable, J Goulton
- Constant Reader, A
- Content, Dan
- Cook, Albert Stanburrough
- Cook, J
- Cooke, Arthur Owens
- Cooper, Clement
- Cooper, Helen
- Cooper, Thompson
- Cooper, William
- Cooper, William Durrant
- Coote, H C
- Coote, Lesley A
- Coppack, Glyn
- Copt, Alec Grey
- Corney, Bolton
- Cornford, B
- Cornish, Robert
- Cornwall, I W
- Coronation Power
- Correspondent, A
- Corson, James C
- Corymbæus
- Cosin, John
- Coss, Peter R
- Costello, T
- Costembeys, Marios
- Cotten-Spreckelmeyer, Antha
- Cotteswoldiensis
- Cotton, M Aylwin
- Couch, Julie Nelson
- Coulter, James
- Courcy-Ireland, Magens Arrindle de
- Courtney, W P
- Coussemaker, E de
- Cox, Arthur
- Cox, Barrie
- Cox, John Charles
- Cox, Judith
- Crabtree, John
- Craig, W J
- Craigie, William Alexander
- Craik, Thomas Wallace
- Cranley Commercial Calendars Ltd
- Crawford, G M
- Crawford, Jack Randall
- Crawford, O G S
- Credland, Arthur G
- Creighton, Mandell
- Cresswell, F W
- Creswick, Paul
- Crittall, Elizabeth
- Crofton, H T
- Cromwell, Thomas
- Crone, John S
- Crook, David
- Crosland, Jessie
- Cross, Tom Peete
- Crossland, Charles
- Crossland, John Redgwick
- Crossley, James
- Crossley, Thomas
- Crouch, Charles Hall
- Crouch, David
- Crowe, P
- Crowther, Bosley
- Crump, W B
- Crump, William B
- Crundell, H W
- Cruse, Amy A
- Cruse, Mark
- Crutchley, Ernest Addenbrooke
- Cs
- Cudworth, William
- Culverwell, Robert James
- Cundall, Herbert Minton
- Cunningham, Allan
- Curtis, J Lewelyn