1720 - Strype, John - Survey of London and Westminster (06)
Allusion | |
Date | 1720 |
Author | Strype, John |
Title | A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster |
Mentions | Robin Hood Court, Shoe Lane, Holborn |
By Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2018-06-25. Revised by Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2022-05-17.
MAster Drurie the Priest.
Mr. Redyate the Priest.
Lady Webbe.
Lady Blackstone's Daughter.
Thomas Webbe, her Man.
William Robinson, Taylor.
Robert Smith, Master Hick's Man the Apothecary.
Mr. Davison's Daughter.
Anthony Hall his Man.
Ann Hobdin, }
Mary Hobdin, } Lodging in Mr. Davison's House.
John Galloway, Vintner.
Mr. Pierson, }
His Wife, } In Robin Hood Court, in Shooe lane.
Two Sons. }
Mrs. Vudall. }
Abigal her Maid. }
Two more in her House. }
John Netlan, a Taylor.
Nathaniel Coales.
John Halifaxe.
Mrs. Rugbie in Holborn.
John Worral's Son in Holborne.
Mr. Becket, a Cornish Man.
Thomas Mersit, his Wife, and his Son and Maid. In Mountague Close.
Mrs. Summel, and Mary her Maid. In Black Friers.
Andrew White's Daughter, in Holborn.
Mr. Staker, Taylor, in Salisbury Court.
Elizab. Sommers, in Gray's Inn lane.
Mr. Westwood.
Judeth Bellowes.
A Man of Sir Lues Pemberton's.
Elizabeth Moore, Widdow.
John James.
Morris Beucresse, Apothecary.
Davie Vaughan.
Anne Field.
Mr. Ployden.
Robert Heisime.
One Medalfe.
Mr. Maufeild.
Mr. Simons.
Dorothy Simons.
Thomas Simons, a Boy.
Robert Pauerkes.
Anne Davison.
Anthony Hall.
Mrs. Morton and her Maid.
Francis Downes.
Edmond Shey.
Josua Perry.
John Tullye.
Robert Drury.
Thomas Draper.
John Staiggs.
Thomas Elis.
Michael Butler, in Woodstreet.
Edmund Rivals.
Edmund Welsh.
Bartholomew Bauin.
Davie, an Irish Man.
Richard Price.
Thomas Wood.
Christopher Hobbs.
Elizabeth Astime.
John Butler.
Clarentia, a Maid.
Jane Turner.
Mrs. Milbourne.
Frithwith Anne.
Mrs. Elton.
Mrs. Walsteed.
Margaret Barrom.
Henry Becket.
Sarah Watson.
John Bethoms.
Mr. Harris.
Mrs. Tompson.
Richard Fitguist.
George Ceaustour.
Mr. Grimes.
One Barbaret, }
One Huckle, }
Walter Ward, } inquired for.
Rigaret. }
John Brabant, a Painter in Little Britain.
A Man-servant of Mr. Bucket's, a Painter in Aldersgate street.[1]
Source notes
Curly braces as in web source. IRHB has silently omitted a right bracket from the end of the passage.
IRHB comments
On 26 Oct. 1623 (O.S.) at the French ambassador's house in Blackfriars, London, the floor of an upper room collapsed under the weight of three hundred people who were attending a religious service. Nearly a hundred were killed. The disaster is known as the Fatal Vespers. Strype, who deals with this disaster at length, sees it as God's punishment of all Englishmen – not just the Catholics – for their. Yet perhaps involuntarily he reveals another attitude when he proceeds to focus on the case of a survivor, John Gee, MA, who "when all about him were slain, and he involved and covered with heaps of Rubbish, and dead Carcasses, by wonderful Providence escaped without Hurt". Gee, we are told, had come "not so much out of Zeal to the Popish Religion (which he had now left) as out of Curiosity to hear Father Drury preach". Following "this his singular Deliverance", Gee "wrote a Book, entituled, The Foot out of the Snare: Wherein he detected sundry late Practices and Impostures of the Priests and Jesuits then in London, and other Places in England". While this does not necessarily follow from the passage, it does not require a long jump to draw the conclusion that all those who did not survive, among them the family from Robin Hood Court, did so because they had not given up their Popish beliefs.
John Gee's book does not include the list of casualties found in Strype.[2] Without a proper verifiable source reference the passage can hardly be taken as documenting that Robin Hood Court in Shoe Lane, Holborn, was already in existence in 1623.
- Not included in Dobson, R. B., ed.; Taylor, J., ed. Rymes of Robyn Hood: an Introduction to the English Outlaw (London, 1976), pp. 293-11.
- Outside scope of Sussex, Lucy, compil. 'References to Robin Hood up to 1600', in: Knight, Stephen. Robin Hood: A Complete Study of the English Outlaw (Oxford, UK; Cambridge, Massachusetts: Blackwell, 1994), pp. 262-88.
- Gee, Iohn. The Foot out of the Snare: With a Detection of Svndry Late Practices and Impostures of the Priests and Iesuits in England (London, 1624)
- Wikipedia: Fatal Vespers
- Wikipedia: John Strype.
Also see
- Robin Hood Court (Holborn)
- 1720 - Strype, John - Survey of London and Westminster (01)
- 1720 - Strype, John - Survey of London and Westminster (02)
- 1720 - Strype, John - Survey of London and Westminster (03)
- 1720 - Strype, John - Survey of London and Westminster (04)
- 1720 - Strype, John - Survey of London and Westminster (05)
- 1720 - Strype, John - Survey of London and Westminster (07)
- 1720 - Strype, John - Survey of London and Westminster (08)
- 1720 - Strype, John - Survey of London and Westminster (09)
- 1720 - Strype, John - Survey of London and Westminster (10)
- 1720 - Strype, John - Survey of London and Westminster (11)
- 1720 - Strype, John - Survey of London and Westminster (12)
- 1720 - Strype, John - Survey of London and Westminster (13).