1775 - Watson, John - History and Antiquities of Halifax (3)

From International Robin Hood Bibliography
Date 1775
Author Watson, John
Title The History and Antiquities of the Parish of Halifax, in Yorkshire
Mentions Robin Hood's Bed on Blackstone Edge

By Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2014-09-18. Revised by Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2021-01-07.


From his [i.e. Thomas Nettleton's] observations it likewise appears, that Halifax is in the latitude of 53. 47. that [sic] the height of Blackstone-edge, at Robin-hood's-bed, is two hundred and thirty-nine yards and a quarter; that Halifax Bank bears from this 60°. from north to east; Manchester 40. 30. from south to west; Rochdale 70. 20. from south to west.[1]

Souce notes

Points or full stops after numbers as in Watson.

IRHB comments

Thomas Nettleton (1683–1742), M.D., of Halifax, carried out some of the earliest systematic programmes of smallpox inoculation and made statistical investigations of the outcome.




Wikipedia: Thomas Nettleton.

Also see
