Wager, William 1569a
From International Robin Hood Bibliography
Wager, William. A very mery and Pythie Commedie, called The longer thou liuest, the more foole thou art. A Myrour very necessarie for youth, and specially, for such as are like to come to dignitie and promotion: As it maye well appeare in the Matter folowynge / Newly compiled by VV. VVager. Imprinted at London: By Wyllyam How for Richards Johnes: and are to be solde at his shop under the Lotterie house, [1569]. Sig. A-G4. 4°.
Bibliographical sources
- ESTC: provides date: '[1569]'
- STC (2nd ed.) 24935.
- Wager, William; Farmer, John S., ser. ed. The Longer thou Livest the more Fool thou art (Tudor Facsimile Texts) ([Amersham?], 1910).
Later editions/printings