Scott, Walter 1957a
From International Robin Hood Bibliography
Scott, Walter; Nodel, Norman, illus. Ivanhoe (Classic Comics, No. 2). New York City: Gilberton Company, Inc., January 1957. 64 pp. Comic book. Cover art: Anonymous. Script-writer: Anonymous. Art: Norman Nodel.
First printing of second edition. With painted cover. A total of 12 printings of this edition were issued. HRN 136. Cover price $0.15.
Bibliographical sources
- ClassicsCentral.
- Nordberg, Nils; Hjorth-Jørgensen, Anders, adapt. 'Ridderen og Jødens Datter', in: Hjorth-Jørgensen, Anders, ed.; Nielsen, Michael G., ed. Illustrerede Klassikere, vol. 10 (Copenhagen, 2008), pp. 66-69; see p. 69.
Later editions/printings
- Scott, Walter. Ivanhoe (Classics Illustrated, No. 2) (New York City, [1957-1964])
- Scott, Walter. Ivanhoe (Classics Illustrated, No. 2) (New York City, [1957-1964])
- Scott, Walter. Ivanhoe (Classics Illustrated, No. 2) (New York City, [1957-1964])
- Scott, Walter. Ivanhoe (Classics Illustrated, No. 2) (New York City, [1957-1964])
- Scott, Walter. Ivanhoe (Classics Illustrated, No. 2) (New York City, May 1964)
- Scott, Walter. Ivanhoe (Classics Illustrated, No. 2) (New York City, Jan. 1965)
- Scott, Walter. Ivanhoe (Classics Illustrated, No. 2) (New York City, 1966)
- Scott, Walter. Ivanhoe (Classics Illustrated, No. 2) (New York City, Sep. 1967)
- Scott, Walter. Ivanhoe (Classics Illustrated, No. 2) (New York City, 1968)
- Scott, Walter. Ivanhoe (Classics Illustrated, No. 2) (New York City, 1968)
- Scott, Walter. Ivanhoe (Classics Illustrated, No. 2) (New York City, Dec. 1969)
- Scott, Walter. Ivanhoe (Classics Illustrated, No. 2) (New York City, Dec. 1971)
- Scott, Sir Walter; Wright, Robin S., ed., adapt., annot. Ivanhoe (Twickenham, ©1972)
- Scott, Sir Walter; Wright, Robin S., ed., adapt., annot. Ivanhoe (New York, ©1972)
- Scott, Walter; Jørgensen, Grete Juel, adapt. Ivanhoe. 2nd printing (Sesams Klassikere) ([s.l.], 1982)
- Scott, Walter; Jørgensen, Grete Juel, transl. & adapt. Ivanhoe. 3rd ed., 3rd printing ([s.l.], 2004)
- Scott, Walter. Ivanhoe, in: Hjorth-Jørgensen, Anders, ed.; Nielsen, Michael G., ed. Illustrerede Klassikere, vol. 10 (Copenhagen, 2008), pp. 65-118