Drayton, Michael 1606a
From International Robin Hood Bibliography
Drayton, Michael. Poemes lyrick and pastorall. Odes, eglogs, the man in the moone. By Michaell Drayton Esquier. At London: Printed by R. B[radock] for N. L[ing] and I. Flasket, [1606?] 8vo. Sigs.: A⁴ B⁸ (-B3-6, +chi⁴) C-H⁸ I² (-I2).
Bibliographical sources
- ESTC (search for "poems drayton")
- British Library
- Bodleian Library
- Cambridge University, Trinity College
- Edinburgh University Library
- Oxford University, Brasenose College Library
- Oxford University, Corpus Christi College
- Oxford University, Hertford College
- Oxford University, New College
- Oxford University, Queen’s College
- Oxford University, Trinity College Library
- Folger Shakespeare Library
- Harvard University
- Huntington Library
- New York Public Library
- University of Illinois
- Drayton, Michael. Poemes lyrick and pastorall. Odes, eglogs, the man in the moone (London, [1606?]).