Churchyard, Thomas 1587a
From International Robin Hood Bibliography
Churchyard, Thomas. THE Worthines of Wales: VVherein are more Then a Thousand Seuerall Things Rehearsed: some Set out in Prose to the Pleasure of the Reader, and with Such Varietie of Verse For the Beautifying of the Book, as No Doubt Shal Delight Thousands to Vnderstand. Which Worke is Enterlarded with many Wonders and Right Strange Matter to Consider of / all the which labour and deuice is drawne forth and set out by Thomas Churchyard, to the glorie of God, and honour of his Prince and Countrey. Imprinted at London: By G. Robinson, for Thomas Cadman, 1587. Sigs.: *⁴ A² B-N⁴.
- PDF.
- British Library
- Durham University Library
- National Library of Wales
- Bodleian Library
- The John Rylands Library
- Folger Shakespeare
- Huntington Library
- New York Public Library
- University of Illinois
- Yale University, Sterling Memorial.
Bibliographical sources
Later editions/printings
- Churchyard, Thomas. The Worthines of Wales, a Poem. A True Note of the Auncient Castles, Famous Monuments, Goodly Rivers, Faire Bridges, Fine Townes, and Courteous People, That I have Seen in the Noble Countrie of Wales, and Now Set Forth. Reprinted (London, 1776)
- Churchyard, Thomas; Crossley, James, introd. The Worthines of Wales. Reprinted from the Original Edition (Publications of the Spenser Society, No. 20) (, 1876)