Anonymous 1728a
From International Robin Hood Bibliography
Anonymous. A New Review of London: being an Exact Survey, lately taken, of every Street, Lane, Court, Alley, Square, Close, Green, Wharf, Row, Garden, Field, and aLl Places, by what Name soever call'd, within the Cities, Liberties, or Suburbs of London, Westminster, and the Borough of Southwark. Alphabetically digested. To which are added, I. The Rates of Foreign and Domestick Letters. II. An Exact and Correct List of all the Stage-Coaches, Waggons, and Carriers, where they inn at in London, and Days they go out of Town. III. A List (never before done) of all the Houses of the British Nobility in London and Westminster. IV. The Rates of Watermen, Hackney-Coaches, Chairs, and Carts. The Third Edition. Peculiarly adapted for Trade and Business, and therefore very Necessary for all Gentlemen, Ladies, Merchants, Shopkeepers, Country-Chapmen, and others. London: Printed for J. Roberts near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, and D. Leach in Black and White Court in the Old-Baily, 1728. 56 pp.