1692 - Proceedings of the Old Bailey (1)

From International Robin Hood Bibliography
Date 1692
Topic Criminals go to the Robin Hood in Shoe Lane, Holborn, after a house robbery
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Site of the Robin Hood, Shoe Lane, Holborn.

By Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2018-01-16. Revised by Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2022-05-17.


[15 Jan. 1692:]
Anne Brodnix was tryed for being accessary to James Philips and Abraham Stacy in the Felony and Robbery they lately committed in the House of William Kent a Brewer, in Liquor-Pond-Street, in the Parish of St. Andrews Holbourn, on the 26th of December, which they confest upon their Arraignment. The chief Evidence was Griffith, who is before mentioned in the single Tryal of Stacy, who was with them at the Robbery which was done by himself: Philips, Stacy and Morris Moore, after they had compleated their Work, they went to the Robin Hood in Shoe-lane and then Griffith went and sold the Plate to Mrs. Brodnix the Prisoner for 34 l. 13 s. 9 d. part of which Money was paid him by the Prisoner's Order, and the Remainder was to be paid him when the Plate was melted down, which he afterwards received, and he said further, that he used to sell stolen Plate to the Prisoner, very frequently: The Prisoner denied the Charge against her, and said, she knew nothing of it; and would have called several Witnesses to prove her Reputation, which was not allowed of, because it was unnecessary in respect to the Law; for Philips and Stacy having confest their Indictment, she could not lie under any penalty, neither be found guilty upon that Indictment, so she was acquitted.[1]

Source notes

IRHB has regularized the use of spaces before punctuation marks in the quotation. As of 8 Feb. 2018, it has not been possible to collate the HTML version of the text at the Proceedings of the Old Bailey with the PDF of the original publication as the link to the latter does not work.



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