1692 - Proceedings of the Old Bailey (2)
Record | |
Date | 1692 |
Topic | James Lenon indicted for robbery committed near the Pindar of Wakefield [in Grays Inn Road] |
By Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2018-01-16. Revised by Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2022-05-17.
[12 Oct. 1692:]
James Lenon was Indicted for a Robbery in the High-way, Committed upon one Joshua Droaning in the Parish of Pancras near the Pinder of Wakefield, at a place call'd the Court of Guard, on the 17th of September last; There were two of them set upon him, the Prisoner and another who is fled, and took his Hat, his Peruke, his Sword, and his Breeches, and then lead him aside into the Field, and left him bound: The Prisoner denied the Fact, and called several good Evidence who proved he was in his Mother's Chamber from Six a Clock till Ten that Night the Robbery was done: So he was Acquitted.[1]
Source notes
IRHB has silently regularized the use of spaces before punctuation marks in the quotation and has corrected the HTML text from the PDF of the original printed edition.
- Not included in Sussex, Lucy, compil. 'References to Robin Hood up to 1600', in: Knight, Stephen. Robin Hood: A Complete Study of the English Outlaw (Oxford, UK; Cambridge, Massachusetts: Blackwell, 1994), pp. 262-88.
Also see
- 1696 - Proceedings of the Old Bailey
- 1709 - Proceedings of the Old Bailey
- 1722 - Proceedings of the Old Bailey (2)
- 1722 - Proceedings of the Old Bailey (3)
- 1723 - Proceedings of the Old Bailey
- 1727 - Proceedings of the Old Bailey
- 1731 - Proceedings of the Old Bailey (1)
- 1731 - Proceedings of the Old Bailey (2)
- 1732 - Proceedings of the Old Bailey
- 1734 - Proceedings of the Old Bailey
- 1742 - Proceedings of the Old Bailey
- 1747 - Proceedings of the Old Bailey
- 1791 - Proceedings of the Old Bailey
- 1812 - Proceedings of the Old Bailey (2)
- 1822 - Proceedings of the Old Bailey (5)
- 1825 - Proceedings of the Old Bailey (2)
- 1835 - Proceedings of the Old Bailey (2)
- 1838 - Proceedings of the Old Bailey (1)
- 1843 - Proceedings of the Old Bailey (1)
- 1843 - Proceedings of the Old Bailey (2)
- 1843 - Proceedings of the Old Bailey (4)
- 1844 - Proceedings of the Old Bailey (3)
- 1844 - Proceedings of the Old Bailey (4)
- 1851 - Proceedings of the Old Bailey (2)
- 1862 - Proceedings of the Old Bailey (1)
- 1870 - Proceedings of the Old Bailey (1)
- 1871 - Proceedings of the Old Bailey (2)
- 1876 - Proceedings of the Old Bailey (3)
- 1907 - Proceedings of the Old Bailey (2)
- 1910 - Proceedings of the Old Bailey
- 1911 - Proceedings of the Old Bailey (1)
- Grays Inn Road place-name cluster.