1618 - Robin Hood's Elm (Woodstock)

From International Robin Hood Bibliography
Date 1618
Topic Robin Hood's Elm, Oxford Street [Woodstock, Oxfordshire]
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Oxford Street, Woodstock.
Oxford Street, Woodstock / Google Earth Street View.

By Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2017-09-21. Revised by Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2021-01-08.


Of widdowe White for an ould asshe digged upp at Symon Colliers dore and for the lopp of twoe other litle trees thereby0   7 0
Of Thomas Love for the shrewde of the trees in the almeshouse backside and of the tree before the almeshouse dore0 25 0
Of Thomas Heathen and Richard Reade for the shrewde of Robbine Whodes elme in Oxford Street0 26 0
[...] Of WIlliam Holloway gent for the shrewde of the elme before Mr Brownes dores0   6 8
Of Merriall Tayler for the shrewde of a litle elme before Thomas Gees dore0   2 6
Of William Archer for the shrewde of the elme at John Lowes the coopers dore0 15 0[1]

Source notes

IRHB's brackets. The MS source is Woodstock Chamberlains' Accounts for 20 Dec. 1617 – 21 Dec. 1618, drawn up at the latter date. The items cited are receipts.[2]

IRHB comments

For discussion, see the page on Robin Hood's Elm (Woodstock).




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