Antoninus, Titus Aurelius Fulvius Boionus
From International Robin Hood Bibliography
Items by this originator
- Leland, John, et al. The Itinerary of John Leland the Antiquary publish'd [...] by T. Hearne (Oxford, 1710-12)
- Leland, John, et al. The Itinerary of John Leland (Oxford, 1744-45)
- Leland, John; Hearne, Thomas, ed.; Plot, Robert; Talbot, R.; Antoninus, Titus Aurelius Fulvius Boionus; Vallans, W. The Itinerary of John Leland the Antiquary publish'd [...] by T. Hearne. To which is prefix’d Mr Leland’s New-Year’s Gift. (A discourse concerning some Antiquities lately found in Yorkshire. Næniæ upon the death of Sir T. Wyatt. Dr Plot’s account of his intended journey through England and Wales. Antoninus’ Itinerary through Britain, with [...] Dr R. Talbot’s Annotations upon it. A tale of two Swannes [...] by W. Vallans, etc.) The Third Edition (Oxford, 1768-1769)