Anonymous 1942a
From International Robin Hood Bibliography
Anonymous. Robin Hood (Classic Comics, No. VII). New York: Gilberton Company, December 1942. 52 pp. 26 cm. Comic book. Manuscript by Evelyn Goodman. Cover artist, penciller, inker: Louis Zansky. Lettering: [Fred Eng?]. Illustrators: Louis Zansky; Fred Eng.
No HRN. The first printing of the first Classics Illustrated edition of Robin Hood. Eleven later printings of this edition were issued, five under the series title Classic Comics (before March 1947), six under the new series title Classics Illustrated (March 1947 and later).
Bibliographical sources
- Classics Central
- Wikipedia: Classics Illustrated
- Espeland, Velle; Hjorth-Jørgensen, Anders, adapt. 'Robin Hood – den Ædle Røver', in: Hjorth-Jørgensen, Anders, ed.; Nielsen, Michael G., ed. Illustrerede Klassikere, vol. 11 ([Copenhagen], 2008), pp. 8-11, p. 11.
Later editions/printings
- Anonymous. Robin Hood (Classic Comics, No. VII) (New York, [1943-c.1946])
- Anonymous. Robin Hood (Classic Comics, No. VII) (New York, [1943-c.1946])
- Anonymous. Robin Hood (Classic Comics, No. VII) (New York, [1943-c.1946])
- Anonymous. Robin Hood (Classic Comics, No. VII) (New York, [1943-c.1946])
- Anonymous. Robin Hood (Classic Comics, No. 7) (New York, [1943-c.1946])
- Anonymous. Robin Hood (Classics Illustrated, No. 7) (New York, [1947-c.1955])
- Anonymous. Robin Hood (Classics Illustrated, No. 7) (New York, [1947-c.1955])
- Anonymous. Robin Hood (Classics Illustrated, No. 7) (New York, [1947-c.1955])
- Anonymous. Robin Hood (Classics Illustrated, No. 7) (New York, [1947-c.1955])
- Anonymous. Robin Hood (Classics Illustrated, No. 7) (New York, [1947-c.1955])
- Anonymous. Robin Hood (Classics Illustrated, No. 7) (New York, [1947-c.1955])
- Anonymous. Robin Hood (Classics Illustrated, No. 7) (New York, Nov. 1955)
- Anonymous. Robin Hood (Classics Illustrated, No. 7) (New York, [1957-1964)