Unknown - Robin Hood (Covent Garden)

From International Robin Hood Bibliography

By Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2014-10-10. Revised by Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2022-05-27.

According to the "Theatrical Register" column in the Gentleman's Magazine, one or more pieces entitled Robin Hood was/were performed quite frequently at Covent Garden during the 1780 and '90s. The Register lists just the titles and dates of performance. No doubt further data such as full titles and authors will be found in other sources, but in the meantime the dates of performance are collected on this page. Two other titles possibly related to the Robin Hood tradition also figure quite frequently: Marian (at Covent Garden) and Richard Coeur de Lion (at Drury Lane). The dates for these pieces are listed on the "Discussion" page.

Performances of pieces entitled "Robin Hood"

  • 1784
    • April 17, 19-20[1], 30[2]
    • May 3, 5, 11-14, 19, 24, 31[3]
    • October 12, 15, 22[4]
    • November 2, 9[5]
    • December 10[6]
  • 1785
  • 1787
    • October 18, 20, 24-25, 27, 30[9]
    • November 1, 3, 6, 10, 17, 21, 24, 27[10]
    • December 1, 4, 6, 8, 11, 13, 19[11]
  • 1788
  • 1789
  • 1790
  • 1791


1907 - Swindells, Thomas - Manchester Streets and Manchester Men

 A very different type of man from the Ormes was Wright Bowden whose fame as a singer and actor was known throughout the country a cenury ago. The son of an innkeeper (his father kept the Unicorn in Old Smithy Door in 1773), he soon showed unmistakable histrionic ability and made his way to London. There he attracted the attention of the celebrated Madame Mara, and made his first London appearance in Robin Hood at the Old Covent Garden Theatre. Michael Kelly, who was present, says: "He was received with great applause, his voice was good, and he sang with taste." Mrs. Billington was in the caste [sic], and she joined in the universal congratulations that were showered upon the new actor. After a succesful season in London, Bowden visited many of the provincial towns, where he rapidly became a favourite. He appeared on our Manchester stage several times, the first occasion being in 1788. Two years later he was here again playing Macheath, Ferdinand, and other characters. After a succesful career he retired from the stage, and returning to Manchester took up his residence at a boarding house that stood in Piccadilly, near to Port Street. He died there on April 16, 1823, in his 71st year, and was buried in St. Mary's Churchyard Parsonage.[27]



  1. Anonymous, compil. 'Theatrical Register', Gentleman's Magazine, vol. LIV, pt. 1 (1784), p. 284
  2. Anonymous, compil. 'Theatrical Register', Gentleman's Magazine, vol. LIV, pt. 1 (1784), p. 394
  3. Anonymous, compil. 'Theatrical Register', Gentleman's Magazine, vol. LIV, pt. 1 (1784), p. 394
  4. Anonymous, compil. 'Theatrical Register', Gentleman's Magazine, vol. LIV, pt. 2 (1784), p. 874
  5. Anonymous, compil. 'Theatrical Register', Gentleman's Magazine, vol. LIV, pt. 2 (1784), p. 874
  6. Anonymous, compil. 'Theatrical Register', Gentleman's Magazine, vol. LIV, pt. 2 (1784), p. 912
  7. Anonymous, compil. 'Theatrical Register', Gentleman's Magazine, vol. LV, pt. 1 (1785), p. 304
  8. Anonymous, compil. 'Theatrical Register', Gentleman's Magazine, vol. LV, pt. 2 (1785), p. 816
  9. Anonymous, compil. 'Theatrical Register', Gentleman's Magazine, vol. LVII, pt. 2 (1787), p. 939
  10. Anonymous, compil. 'Theatrical Register', Gentleman's Magazine, vol. LVII, pt. 2 (1787), p. 1035
  11. Anonymous, compil. 'Theatrical Register', Gentleman's Magazine, vol. LVII, pt. 2 (1787), p. 1131
  12. Anonymous, compil. 'Theatrical Register', Gentleman's Magazine, vol. LVIII, pt. 1 (1788), p. 87
  13. Anonymous, compil. 'Theatrical Register', Gentleman's Magazine, vol. LVIII, pt. 1 (1788), p. 183
  14. Anonymous, compil. 'Theatrical Register', Gentleman's Magazine, vol. LVIII, pt. 1 (1788), p. 375
  15. Anonymous, compil. 'Theatrical Register', Gentleman's Magazine, vol. LVIII, pt. 1 (1788), p. 471
  16. Anonymous, compil. 'Theatrical Register', Gentleman's Magazine, vol. LVIII, pt. 2 (1788), p. 1035
  17. Anonymous, compil. 'Theatrical Register', Gentleman's Magazine, vol. LIX, pt. 1 (1789), p. 91
  18. Anonymous, compil. 'Theatrical Register', Gentleman's Magazine, vol. LIX, pt. 1 (1789), p. 379
  19. Anonymous, compil. 'Theatrical Register', Gentleman's Magazine, vol. LIX, pt. 1 (1789), p. 579
  20. Anonymous, compil. 'Theatrical Register', Gentleman's Magazine, vol. LX, pt. 1 (1790), p. 283
  21. Anonymous, compil. 'Theatrical Register', Gentleman's Magazine, vol. LX, pt. 2 (1790), p. 963
  22. Anonymous, compil. 'Theatrical Register', Gentleman's Magazine, vol. LX, pt. 2 (1790), p. 1059
  23. Anonymous, compil. 'Theatrical Register', Gentleman's Magazine, vol. LX, pt. 2 (1790), p. 1155
  24. Anonymous, compil. 'Theatrical Register', Gentleman's Magazine, vol. LXI, pt. 1 (1791), p. 287
  25. Anonymous, compil. 'Theatrical Register', Gentleman's Magazine, vol. LXI, pt. 1 (1791), p. 495
  26. Anonymous, compil. 'Theatrical Register', Gentleman's Magazine, vol. LXI, pt. 1 (1791), p. 591
  27. Swindells, T. Manchester Streets and Manchester Men. Second Series (Manchester, 1907), p. 102.