Plumpton Park Plantation (Bradley)

From International Robin Hood Bibliography
Coordinate 53.6837, -1.7403
Adm. div. West Riding of Yorkshire
Vicinity c. 5.25 km NE of central Huddersfield
Type Area
Interest Literary locale
Status Defunct
First Record c. 1851
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Plumpton Park Plantation.

By Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2017-03-30. Revised by Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2022-05-17.

In the Gest, King Edward is exasperated at noticing the scarcity of deer in Plumpton Park after Robin and his men have been poaching there during their stay with the knight. We should almost certainly take this to be in Lancashire, but it could just possibly be some place King Edward is meant to have visited after his progress in Lancashire, and in that case, a possible locality might be a Plumpton Park Plantation that figures in the 1851 tithe award for Huddersfield.[1]


[Gest; c. 1500:]
All the passe of Lancasshyre
He went both ferre and nere
Tyll he came to Plomton Parke
He faylyd many of his dere.[2]


MS sources

  • The Genealogist, Piece 043, sub-piece 226, Image 524, and Piece 043, sub-piece 226, Image 524.

Printed sources

Also see


  1. The Genealogist, Piece 043, sub-piece 226, Image 524, and Piece 043, sub-piece 226, Image 524.
  2. Gest, st. 357.