Marshall, Henrietta Elizabeth - Stories of Robin Hood
From International Robin Hood Bibliography
By Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2017-04-04. Revised by Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2021-01-07.
Original language
- Marshall, Henrietta Elizabeth. Stories of Robin Hood: told to the Children (Told to the Children Series) ((New York, [1905])
- Marshall, Henrietta Elizabeth. Stories of Robin Hood: told to the Children (Told to the Children Series) ((New York, [1905])
- Marshall, Henrietta Elizabeth. Stories of Robin Hood: told to the Children (Nelson's Standard Bumper Books) ((London, [1929])
- Marshall, Henrietta Elizabeth. Stories of Robin Hood: told to the Children (Nelson Bumper Books) ((London, [s.d.])
- Marshall, Henrietta Elizabeth; Chisholm, Louey, ser. ed. Stories of Robin Hood: told to the Children (Told To the Children Series) (London and Edinburgh; New York, [s.d.])
Derivative works
These are children's books more loosely based on or inspired by H. E .Marshall's work.
- Møller, B.B. 12 Fortællinger om Robin Hood og hans Mænd (Gads Lette Børnebogsklassikere, vol. [3]) (Copenhagen, 1953)]
- Møller, B.B. 12 Fortællinger om Robin Hood og hans Mænd (Gads Lette Børnebogsklassikere, vol. [3]). 2nd printing (Copenhagen, 1955)]
- Møller, B.B. 12 Fortællinger om Robin Hood og hans Mænd (Gads Lette Børnebogsklassikere, vol. [3]). 3rd printing (Copenhagen, 1960)]
- Møller, B.B. 12 Fortællinger om Robin Hood og hans Mænd (Gads Lette Børnebogsklassikere, vol. [3]). 4th printing (Copenhagen, 1964)]
- Møller, B.B. Tolv Fortællinger om Robin Hood og hans Mænd (Gads Lette Børnebogsklassikere, vol. [3]). 5th printing (Copenhagen, 1967)]
- Møller, B.B. Tolv Fortællinger om Robin Hood og hans Mænd (Gads Lette Børnebogsklassikere, vol. [3]). 6th printing (Copenhagen, 1974)]
- Møller, B.B. Robin Hood (Gads Lette Klassikere) ([s.l.], 1975)]