1373 - Richard atte Lee

From International Robin Hood Bibliography
Date 1373
Topic Person pardoned for not apeparing at court in case of trespass committed against Richard atte Lee

By Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2018-11-16. Revised by Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2021-01-08.


[8 May. 1373:]
Pardon to William Reynald, alias of Kyngesnorton, of his outlawries in the counties of Worcester and Warwick for non-appearance before the justices of the Bench (1) to answer Richard atte Lee touching a plea of trespass and (2) to answer Richard Payn touching a plea of trespass; he having now surrendered to the Flete prison, as William de Fyncheden, chief justice, has certified.[1]

Source notes

Membrane 18 of the Patent Roll for 47 Edward III – Part I. Marginal note: "8 May. Westminster".



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