1367 - Richard de Lye of Albrighton
From International Robin Hood Bibliography
Record | |
Date | 1367 |
Topic | Richard de Lye among men who broke the close of the parson of Handsworth [Staffs] and stole his livestock |
North to south: Albrighton, Shrewsbury; Albrighton, Wolverhampton; St Mary's Church, Handsworth
By Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2018-11-11. Revised by Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2021-01-08.
[16 Apr. 1367:]
Commission of oyer and terminer to Richard de Stafford, Thomas de Ingelby, John de Delves, John Moubray, Robert de Grendon, Nicholas de Beek, knights, and John Kokayn, on complaint by Henry de Morwode, parson of the church of Honnesworth that Roger de Wirlegh, Richard de Wirlegh, Henry de Wirlegh, clerk, Robert Burgyloun, John de Alerwas, John Dymmok, Richard Gymvill of Honnesworth,'parker,' Adam le Charetter of Norton, Richard de Lye, and others, at Honnesworth, co. Stafford, broke his close, killed 60 swine therein worth 20 marks, took and impounded l0 oxen, 10 cows and 6 calves, and kept them so long without food that 6 oxen, 3 cows and 3 calves died and the rest were greatly deteriorated, broke his stank whereby the fish therein, valued at 40 marks, escaped, carried away his goods, and assaulted his men and servants; and also by conspiracy procured him to be indicted of felonies and trespasses, (of which by judgment of the court he afterwards was acquitted) against the form of the ordinance provided in such cases. For 1 mark paid in the hanaper.[1]
Commission of oyer and terminer to Richard de Stafford, Thomas de Ingelby, John de Delves, John Moubray, Robert de Grendon, Nicholas de Beek, knights, and John Kokayn, on complaint by Henry de Morwode, parson of the church of Honnesworth that Roger de Wirlegh, Richard de Wirlegh, Henry de Wirlegh, clerk, Robert Burgyloun, John de Alerwas, John Dymmok, Richard Gymvill of Honnesworth,'parker,' Adam le Charetter of Norton, Richard de Lye, and others, at Honnesworth, co. Stafford, broke his close, killed 60 swine therein worth 20 marks, took and impounded l0 oxen, 10 cows and 6 calves, and kept them so long without food that 6 oxen, 3 cows and 3 calves died and the rest were greatly deteriorated, broke his stank whereby the fish therein, valued at 40 marks, escaped, carried away his goods, and assaulted his men and servants; and also by conspiracy procured him to be indicted of felonies and trespasses, (of which by judgment of the court he afterwards was acquitted) against the form of the ordinance provided in such cases. For 1 mark paid in the hanaper.[1]
Source notes
Membrane 30d of the Patent Roll for 41 Edward III - Part I. Marginal note: "April 16. Westminster".
IRHB comments
From an almost identical entry on the Patent Rolls in 1368 it is clear that Richard de Lye came from a place named Albrighton. See 1368 - Richard de lye of Albrighton. There were at least two towns of that name, one northwest of Wolverhampton, c. 27 km NW of Handsworth, the other NW of Shrewsbury, about twice as far from Handsworth. Given the distances, the former would seem the more likely.
- Not included in Sussex, Lucy, compil. 'References to Robin Hood up to 1600', in: Knight, Stephen. Robin Hood: A Complete Study of the English Outlaw (Oxford, UK; Cambridge, Massachusetts: Blackwell, 1994), pp. 262-88.
- Wikipedia: Albrighton, Bridgnorth
- Wikipedia: Albrighton, Shrewsbury
- Wikipedia: St Mary's Church, Handsworth.
Also see
- 1368 - Richard de Lye of Albrighton
- 1370 - Richard de Lye of Albrighton
- Persons named Richard at the Lee (links).