From International Robin Hood Bibliography
By Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2013-07-14. Revised by Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2022-06-01.
This page on websites includes a short list of lists of websites and a slightly longer list of websites as well as a long list of potentially useful web resources.
Lists and webographies
- Robin Hood Project at the University of Rochester: Other Ressources. Lists a handful of dedicated sites.
Robin Hood Websites
The items included here deal exclusively with or include substantial amounts of material on the Robin Hood tradition.
- Experience Nottinghamshire: Robin Hood (official tourism website of Nottinghamshire)
- Here Begynneth A Lytell Geste of Robin Hood…
- The Legend of Robin Hood
- Our Nottinghamshire: Robin Hood
- The Outlaw Robin Hood - His Yorkshire Legend (Barbara Green)
- Robin Hood: Bold Outlaw of Barnsdale and Sherwood. Site with information on various aspects of the tradition, history etc.
- Robin Hood Loxley Yorkshire
- The Robin Hood Award 2016-17
- Robin Hood Explained (Everything Explained Today)
- The Robin Hood Project: a Robbins Library Digital Project (University of Rochester). Includes the paper 'Robin Hood: Development of a Popular Hero' by John H. Chandler (2006)
- Robin Hood - rob the rich to feed the poor
- Robin Hood of Wakefield (Midgley Webpages). On history and origins, place-names etc. This site represents a substantial original research effort. Highly recommended
- Robin Hood Outlaw Legend of Loxley. "An illustrated medieval history of Derbyshire, Yorkshire and Loxley around the time of Robin Hood and Little John"
- Robin Hood Scholars: IARHS on the Web. The web presence of the International Association for Robin Hood Studies
- 'Robin Hood: Select Literary Bibliography' by John H. Chandler with contributions from Robbins Library Staff, and a selection of illustrations, etc.
- World Wide Robin Hood Society
- Robin Hood-Wiki. In German
- Robin Hood -
Robin Hood Forums
Other web sites of special interest
Dictionaries and language history
French, including Anglo-Norman
- The Anglo-Norman Online Hub
- Dictionnaire Ancien Français: Moyen Âge (Lexilogos)
- Dictionnaire du Moyen Français (1330-1500).
- Dictionary of the Scots Language
- Liguistic Atlas of Late Medieval English
- The Middle English Dictionary
- Oxford English Dictionary.
Geography, topography and archaeology
- Heritage Gateway
- The Megalithic Portal
- Pub Wiki: Pub history in London, Suburbs & the South - Mainly 1600 to 1940
- The Sherwood Forest Trust
- The Yorkshire Archaeological & Historical Society.
- The Archery Library
- Facebook: Society of Archer-Antiquaries (private group)
Library catalogues, online book and media respositories
- Archaeology Data Search: Archive
- Bibliothèque Nationale de France
- Bodleian Libraries
- The British Library
- The British Newpaper Archive (£)
- Broadside Ballads Online from the Bodleian Libraries
- Cambridge University Library
- Eighteenth Century Collections Online
- Early English Books Online
- English Broadside Ballad Archive (University of California Santa Barbara)
- English Folk Dance and Song Society
- English Short Title Catalogue
- Evans Early American Imprint Collection
- Huddersfield Exposed
- The Internet Archive
- Library of Congress
- National Library of Scotland
- Newspapers, by
- Royal Library, Copenhagen
- Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin.
Maps and mapping
- British Library: Grace Collection of Maps of London
- British Library: Fire Insurance Maps & Plans
- British Library: Maps of the UK
- Charles Booth's London
- Locating London's Past
- National Library of Scotland: Map Images
- Map and Plan Collection Online
- Old Maps Online
- OpenStreetMap
- Romantic London
- A Vision of Britain through Time.
Record collections and directories
- Anglo-American Legal Tradition
- The Gazette: Official Public Record
- The Genealogist (£)
- Historical Directories of England & Wales (University of Leicester)
- National Archives
- The Parliament Rolls of medieval England (Scholarly Digital Editions) (£)
- Proceedings of the Old Bailey
- Records of Early English Drama Online.