Eustace the Monk
From International Robin Hood Bibliography
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By Henrik Thiil Nielsen., 2014-09-15. Revised by Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2022-05-27.
- Conlon, Denis Joseph, ed; Li Romans de Witasse le Moine: Roman du Treizième Siècle (University of Carolina Studies in the Romance Languages and Literatures, No. 126) (Chapel Hill, 1972)
- Holden, Anthony J., ed.; Monfrin, Jacques, ed. Le Roman d'Eustache le Moine: Nouvelle Édition, Traduction, Présentation et Notes (Ktēmata, vol. 18) (Louvain, 2005)
- Michel, Francisque, ed. Roman d'Eustache le Moine, Pirate Fameux du XIIIe Siècle (Romans, Lais, Fabliaux, Contes Moralisées et Miracles Inédits des XII. et XIIIe Siècles, vol. 2) (Paris; London, 1834).
- Burgess, Glyn S., transl. Two Medieval Outlaws: Eustace the Monk and Fouke Fitz Waryn (Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK; Rochester, NY, USA, 1997), pp. 1-87.
- Kelly, Thomas E., transl. 'Eustache the Monk', in: Ohlgren, Thomas H., ed. Medieval Outlaws: Ten Tales in Modern English (Stroud, 1998), pp. 12-60, 299-302
- Kelly, Thomas E., transl. 'Eustache the Monk', in: Ohlgren, Thomas H., ed. A Book of Medieval Outlaws: Ten Tales in Modern English (Stroud, 2000), pp. 12-60, 299-302
- Kelly, Thomas E., transl. 'Eustache the Monk', in: Ohlgren, Thomas H., ed. Medieval Outlaws: Twelve Tales in Modern English Translation. Revised and Expanded Edition (Anderson, SC, 2005), pp. 100-50
Studies and criticism
- Comfort, W. W. 'The Treatment of Nature in Wistasse Le Moine', Modern Language Notes, vol. XIII (1898), pp. 257-58
- Jordan, Leo. 'Quellen und Komposition von Eustache le Moine nebst Analyse des Trubert und Nachweis der Existenz mehrerer Robin Hood-Balladen im 13. Jahrhundert', Archiv für das Studium dere neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, vol. CXIII (1904), pp. 66-100.
Brief mention
- Anonymous. 'Eustace', Notes & Queries, Series 1, vol. V (1852), p. 322; reply to query by Mortimer Collins (see below)
- Collins, Mortimer. 'Eustace', Notes & Queries, Series 1, vol. V (1852), p. 322; a query; for reply see Anonymous 1852 above.