Drayton, Michael
From International Robin Hood Bibliography
Drayton, Michael (1563-1631).
Items by this originator
- Drayton, Michael. Matilda. The faire and chaste Daughter of the Lord Robert Fitzwater. The trve Glorie of the noble House of Svssex (London, 1594)
- Drayton, Michael. Matilda. The Fare and Chaste Daughter of the Lord Robert Fitzwater. The trve Glorie of the noble House of Svssex (London, 1594)
- Drayton, Michael. Poemes lyrick and pastorall. Odes, eglogs, the man in the moone (London, [1606?])
- Drayton, Michael. Poemes, Lyrick and Pastorall (Publications of the Spenser Society, New Series, Issue No. 4) (1891)
- Drayton, Michael; Hebel, John William, ed.; Newdigate, Bernard H., ed; Tillotson, Kathleen Mary, ed. The Works of Michael Drayton (Oxford, 1931-41)
- Drayton, Michael; Hebel, John William, ed.; Newdigate, Bernard H., ed; Tillotson, Kathleen Mary, ed. The Works of Michael Drayton (Oxford, 1961)
- Drayton, Michael; Thomas, Vivien, ed. Selected Poems (Manchester, 1977)