Clawson, William Hall 1909a
From International Robin Hood Bibliography
Clawson, William Hall; Langton, H. H., gen. ed. The Gest of Robin Hood (University of Toronto Studies, Philological [& Literature] Series, [extra volume]). [Toronto]: The University Library, published by the librarian, 1909. [viii], 129, [2] pp. LCCN 927376.
Part of an unpublished dissertation on the Robin Hood ballads, presented in 1907 in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Ph.D., at Harvard University (cf. p. [iii].).
- PDF.
- Gable collection, Cleveland Public Libary, Cleveland, OH
- Nottingham Public Libraries' Robin Hood collection.
Bibliographical sources
- Andrae, A., review. '[Review of:] The Gest of Robin Hood by William Hall Clawson, Ph. D., Lecturer in English, University College, Toronto', Beiblatt zur Anglia, vol. 22 (1911), pp. 211-12
- Fehr, Bernhard, review. '[Review of:] William Hal Clawson, The Gest of Robin Hood. (University of Toronto Studies. Philological Series.) University of Toronto Library II, 129 ss. Pr. $ 1,–', Englische Studien, vol. 45 (1912), pp. 302-306
- Jones, H.S.V., review. '[Review of:] The Gest of Robin Hood by W. H. Clawson, Lecturer in English, University of Toronto. University of Toronto Studies, Philological series, Extra Volume. Published by the Librarian, 1909', Journal of English and Germanic Philology, vol. IX (1910), pp. 430-32