British analogues in general
From International Robin Hood Bibliography
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By Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2013-07-15. Revised by Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2022-05-27.
Studies and criticism
- Hanawalt, Barbara A. 'Portraits of Outlaws, Felons, and Rebels in Late Medieval England', in: Kaufman, Alexander L., ed. British Outlaws of Literature and History (Jefferson, NC, 2011), pp. 45-66
- Kaufman, Alexander L., ed. British Outlaws of Literature and History (Jefferson, NC, 2011)
- Ohlgren, Thomas H. 'The Ghostly Forester in Walsingham's Chronicon Angliae: A Template for Robin Hood?', in: Yager, Susan, ed.; Morse-Gagné, Elise E., ed. Interpretation and Performance: Essays for Alan Gaylord (Provo, Utah, 2013), pp. 23-32
- Phillips, Helen. 'Bandit Territories and Good Outlaws', in: Phillips, Helen, ed. Bandit Territories: British Outlaw Traditions (Cardiff, 2008), pp. 1-23
- Price, Adrian. 'Welsh Bandits', in: Phillips, Helen, ed. Bandit Territories: British Outlaw Traditions (Cardiff, 2008), pp. 58-72
- Rex, Peter. The English Resistance: the Underground War against the Normans (Stroud, 2004)
- Smith, Spencer Gavin. 'Property not Prophecy: Welsh "Outlaws" Owain Lawgoch and Owain Glyn Dŵr as High-Status Landowners', in: Coote, Lesley, ed.; Johnson, Valerie B., ed. Robin Hood in Outlaw/ed Spaces: Media, Performance, and Other New Directions (Outlaws in Literature, History and Culture) (Abingdon, Oxon; New York, 2017), pp. 101-10
- Spraggs, Gillian. Outlaws & Highwaymen: The Cult of the Robber in England from the Middle Ages to the Nineteenth Century (London, 2001)