1577 - Holinshed, Raphael - Chronicles (2)
Allusion | |
Date | 1577 |
Author | Holinshed, Raphael |
Title | Holinshed's Chronicles |
Mentions | Robin Hood's Bay |
By Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2017-05-17. Revised by Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2021-01-07.
The Darwent ryseth in the hilles that lye west of Robin Whodes baie, or two myles aboue Ayton bridge, west of Scarborow as Lelande sayth: and eare it hath runne farre from the head, it receyueth two rilles in one bottome from by west, which ioyne withall about Langdale ende. Thence they go togyther to Broxey and at Hacknesse take in an other water comming from about Silsey. Afterwarde it commeth to Ayton, then to Haybridge, and there crosseth the Kenforde that descendeth from Roberteston. After this also it goeth on to Pottersbrumton where it taketh in one rill, as it doth another beneath running from Shirburne, and the thirde yet lower, on the fader bancke, that descendeth from Brumpton. From these confluences, it runneth to Fowlbridge, Axbridge, Yeldingham bridge, and so to Cotehouse, receyuing by the way many waters [...][1]
Source notes
I have silently replaced long 's' by ordinary 's'. I have likewise silently omitted hyphens that occur at line endings. Marginal notes: "Darwent" and "Kenford". The passage recurs, with only trivial changes of spelling, in the 1587 edition:
The Darwent riseth in the hilles that lie west of Robin Whoodes baie, or two miles aboue Aiton bridge, west from Scarborow as Leland saith: and yer it hath run farre from the head, it receiueth two rilles in one bottome from by west, which ioine withall about Longdale end. Thence they go togither to Broxeie, and at Hacknesse take in another water comming from about Silseie. Afterward it commeth to Aiton, then to Haibridge, and there crosseth the Kenford that descendeth from Roberteston. After this also it goeth on to Potersbrumton where it taketh in one rill, as it dooth another beneath running from Shirburne, and the third yet lower on the further banke, that descendeth from Brumton. From these confluences it runneth to Fowlbridge, Axbridge, Yeldingham bridge, & so to Cotehouse, receiuing by the waie manie waters. [...][2]
Readers wishing to look up passages cited on IRHB in the original editions should be careful to note the book and chapter names etc. cited in IRHB's source references. The collations of the 1577 and 1587 editions of Holinshed are unusually confused, some sequences being paginated, some having leaf numbers, some neither. Note also that although the 1577 edition is in four volumes and that of 1587 in six, they were often bound (issued?) in two, respectively three, volumes. This is often reflected in PDFs of early editions.
- Not included in Dobson, R. B., ed.; Taylor, J., ed. Rymes of Robyn Hood: an Introduction to the English Outlaw (London, 1976), pp. 293-11.
- Outside scope of Sussex, Lucy, compil. 'References to Robin Hood up to 1600', in: Knight, Stephen. Robin Hood: A Complete Study of the English Outlaw (Oxford, UK; Cambridge, Massachusetts: Blackwell, 1994), pp. 262-88.
- Holinshed, Raphael: [Wolfe, Reyner]; [Harrison, William]; [Stanyhurst, Richard]. The Firste volume of the Chronicles of England, Scotlande, and Irelande. Conteyning the description and Chronicles of England, from the first inhabiting vnto the conquest. The description and Chronicles of Scotland, from the first originall of the Scottes nation, til the yeare of our Lorde. 1571. The description and Chronicles of Yrelande, likewise from the firste originall of that nation, untill the yeare. 1547 (London, 1577), vol. I, The Seconde Booke of the description of Britaine: Of such streames as fall into the maine riuers betweene Humber and the Thames. Cap. 3., leaf 69r.
- Holinshed, Raphael: [Wolfe, Reyner]; [Harrison, William]; [Stanyhurst, Richard]. The Firste volume of the Chronicles of England, Scotlande, and Irelande. Conteyning, the description and Chronicles of England, from the first inhabiting vnto the conquest. The description and Chronicles of Scotland, from the first originall of the Scottes nation, till the yeare of our Lorde. 1571. The description and Chronicles of Yrelande, likewise from the firste originall of that nation, vntill the yeare. 1547 (London, [1577]), vol. I, The Seconde Booke of the description of Britaine: Of such streames as fall into the maine riuers betweene Humber and the Thames. Cap. 3., leaf 69r.
- Holinshed, Raphael: [Wolfe, Reyner]; [Harrison, William]; [Stanyhurst, Richard]. The Firste volume of the Chronicles of England, Scotlande, and Irelande. Conteyning, the description and Chronicles of England, from the first inhabiting vnto the conquest. The description and Chronicles of Scotland, from the first originall of the Scottes nation, till the yeare of our Lorde. 1571. The description and Chronicles of Yrelande, likewise from the firste originall of that nation, vntill the yeare. 1547 (London, [1577]), vol. I, The Seconde Booke of the description of Britaine: Of such streames as fall into the maine riuers betweene Humber and the Thames. Cap. 3., leaf 69r.
- Holinshed, Raphael: [Wolfe, Reyner]; [Harrison, William]; [Stanyhurst, Richard]. The Firste volume of the Chronicles of England, Scotlande, and Irelande. Conteyning, the description and Chronicles of England, from the first inhabiting vnto the conquest. The description and Chronicles of Scotland, from the first originall of the Scottes nation, till the yeare of our Lorde. 1571. The description and Chronicles of Yrelande, likewise from the firste originall of that nation, vntill the yeare. 1547 (London, [1577]), vol. I, The Seconde Booke of the description of Britaine: Of such streames as fall into the maine riuers betweene Humber and the Thames. Cap. 3., leaf 69r.
- Holinshed, Raphael; [Wolfe, Reyner]; [Fleming, Abraham]; [Thynne, Francis]; [Stow, John]. The first and second volumes of Chronicles, comprising 1 The description and historie of England, 2 The description and historie of Ireland, 3 The description and historie of Scotland: first collected and published by Raphaell Holinshed, William Harrison, and others: now newlie augmented and continued (with manifold matters of singular note and worthie memorie) to the yeare 1586. by Iohn Hooker aliàs Vowell Gent. and others. With conuenient tables at the end of these volumes ([London], [1587]), vol. I, An Historicall description of the Iland of Britaine, with a briefe rehersall of the nature and qualities of the people of England and such commodities as are to be found in the same. Comprehended in three bookes, and written by W. H.: Of such waters as fall into the sea in compasse of the Iland, betweene the Sauerne and the Humber. Chap. 14, p. 93.
- Holinshed, Raphael; [Wolfe, Reyner]; [Hooker, John]; [Harrison, William]; [Fleming, Abraham]; [Thynne, Francis]; [Stow, John]; [Stanyhurst, Richard]. The Chronicles of England, from William the Conqueror (who began his reigne ouer this Land, in the yeare after Christes natiuitie 1066.) vntill the yeare 1577. Faithfullie gathered and compiled by Raphael Holinshed. And continued from the yeare 1577. vntill this present yeare of Grace 1585. Newlie amended and inlarged. With a necessarie table therevnto annexed, both of names and matters that are memorable (London, [1587]), vol. I, An Historicall description of the Iland of Britaine, with a briefe rehersall of the nature and qualities of the people of England and such commodities as are to be found in the same. Comprehended in three bookes, and written by W. H.: Of such waters as fall into the sea in compasse of the Iland, betweene the Sauerne and the Humber. Chap. 14, p. 93.
- Holinshed, Raphael; [Wolfe, Reyner]; [Harrison, William]; [Hooker, John]; [Fleming, Abraham]; [Thynne, Francis]; [Stow, John]; [Stanyhurst, Richard]; [Ellis, Henry, ed.] Holinshed's Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland (London, 1807-1808), vol. I, p. 158.
- The Holinshed Project: The Texts.
Also see
- Robin Hood's Bay
- Chronicles
- 1577 - Holinshed, Raphael - Chronicles (1)
- 1577 - Holinshed, Raphael - Chronicles (3)
- 1577 - Holinshed, Raphael - Chronicles (4)
- 1577 - Holinshed, Raphael - Chronicles (5)
- 1587 - Holinshed, Raphael - Chronicles (1)
- 1587 - Holinshed, Raphael - Chronicles (2)
- 1587 - Holinshed, Raphael - Chronicles (3)
- 1587 - Holinshed, Raphael - Chronicles (4).
- ↑ Holinshed, Raphael: [Wolfe, Reyner]; [Harrison, William]; [Stanyhurst, Richard]. The Firste volume of the Chronicles of England, Scotlande, and Irelande. Conteyning, the description and Chronicles of England, from the first inhabiting vnto the conquest. The description and Chronicles of Scotland, from the first originall of the Scottes nation, till the yeare of our Lorde. 1571. The description and Chronicles of Yrelande, likewise from the firste originall of that nation, vntill the yeare. 1547 (London, [1577]), vol. I, The Seconde Booke of the description of Britaine: Of such streames as fall into the maine riuers betweene Humber and the Thames. Cap. 3., leaf 69r.
- ↑ See The Holinshed Project: The Texts. Marginal notes: as 1577 ed. I have silently omitted hyphens at line endings and substituted ordinary 's' for long 's' as in the text of the 1577 edition.