William Wallace
By Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2013-07-15. Revised by Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2022-05-27.
William Wallace (1272-1305) is a Scottish national hero who was given the title of Guardian of Scotland after he led Scottish forces to victory over an English army at the Battle of Stirling Bridge (Sep. 11, 1297). Wallace was captured and executed by the English in 1305. His deeds are celebrated in the Middle Scots poem The Actes and Deidis of the Illustre and Vallyeant Campioun Schir William Wallace, written by Henry the Minstrel aka Blind Harry (c.1440-1492), and often called Blind Harry's Wallace. Essentially describing Wallace as a guerilla leader this poem bears similarities to the Gest and other early outlaw literature as to themes, motifs and overall tone.
Primary sources: literary works
Gude Wallace (Child 157)
Scholarly and literary editions
- Child, Francis James, ed.; [Kittredge, G. L.], ed.; [Ireland, Catharine Innes], bibl. The English and Scottish Popular Ballads (Boston and New York; Cambridge, Massachusetts; London, ©1882-98), vol. III, pp. 265-75. Additions and corrections: vol. V, pp. 242-43. Music: vol. V, p. 419.
Acts and Deeds of Sir William Wallace
- Scheps, Walter, adapt. 'From The Act and Deeds of Sir William Wallace', in: Ohlgren, Thomas H., ed. Medieval Outlaws: Ten Tales in Modern English (Stroud, 1998), pp. 253-87, 323-26. Modern English prose translation.
- Scheps, Walter, adapt. 'From The Act and Deeds of Sir William Wallace', in: Ohlgren, Thomas H., ed. A Book of Medieval Outlaws: Ten Tales in Modern English (Stroud, 2000), pp. 253-87, 323-26. Modern English prose translation.
- Scheps, Walter, adapt. 'From The Act and Deeds of Sir William Wallace', in: Ohlgren, Thomas H., ed. Medieval Outlaws: Twelve Tales in Modern English Translation. Revised and Expanded Edition (Anderson, SC, 2005), pp. 420-69. Modern English prose translation.
Studies and criticism
- A. 'Did Sir William Wallace Visit France?', Notes & Queries, Series 3, vol. III (1863), p. 8, suggests that French archives be searched for proof that William Wallace visited various French cities as claimed by 'Blind Harry'.
- Brown, J. T. T. The Wallace and the Bruce Restudied (Bonner Beiträge zur Anglistik, Heft 6) (Bonn, 1900).
- Schofield, William Henry. Mythical Bards and the Life fo William Wallace (Harvard Studies in Comparative Literature vol. V) (1920).
- Wikipedia: William Wallace.
Brief mention
- A. 'Did Sir William Wallace Visit France?', Notes & Queries, Series 3, vol. III (1863), p. 8
- A. 'Did Sir William Wallace Visit France?', Notes & Queries, Series 3, vol. IX (1866), p. 88
- Abhba. 'Old Portrait of Sir William Wallace', Notes & Queries, Series 6, vol. IV (1881), p. 69
- Anglo Scotus. 'Wallace and the "Barns of Ayr"', Notes & Queries, Series 4, vol. XI (1873), pp. 518-19
- Bennett, Henry Stanley; Wilson, F. P., ser. ed.; Dobrée, Bonamy, ser. ed. Chaucer and the Fifteenth Century (The Oxford History of English Literature, vol. II, part 1) (Oxford, 1947), pp. 168-70
- C., E. 'The Wallace Sword', Notes & Queries, Series 4, vol. XI (1873), pp. 85-86
- Bond, Robert. 'Sir William Wallace', Notes & Queries, Series 4, vol. XI (1873), p. 104
- Irving, George Vere. 'William Wallace', Notes & Queries, Series 4, vol. I (1868), p. 329
- J., F.J. 'Wallace', Notes & Queries, Series 3, vol. XII (1867), p. 47.
- Macray, J. 'Did Sir William Wallace Visit France?', Notes & Queries, Series 3, vol. XI (1867), p. 510
- Manuel, J. 'The Wallace Sword', Notes & Queries, Series 4, vol. X (1872), p. 371
- Rogers, Charles. 'Sir William Wallace', Notes & Queries, Series 3, vol. XII (1867), p. 450
- Rogers, Charles. 'The Wallace Sword', Notes & Queries, Series 4, vol. X (1872), p. 421
- Rogers, Charles. 'Sir William Wallace and the Hereditary Office of Bailie of Kyle, Ayrshire', Notes & Queries, Series 5, vol. III (1875), p. 203
- S., E. L. 'The Wallace Sword', Notes & Queries, Series 4, vol. X (1872), p. 531
- S., J. 'Blind Harry's Wallace', Notes & Queries, Series 5, vol. I (1874), p. 29
- Williams, Sparks Henderson. 'Blind Harry's Wallace', Notes & Queries, Series 5, vol. I (1874), p. 77.