Walbran, John Richard 1863b
From International Robin Hood Bibliography
Walbran, John Richard, ed.; Fowler, J.T., ed. Memorials of the Abbey of St. Mary of Fountains. Collected and edited by J. R. Walbran. (Continued [...] by J. T. Fowler) (The Publications of the Surtees Society, vols. XLII, LXVII and CXXX) (1863-1918). 3 vols. lxxvi, 458; xx, 374, [2]; xxxiv, 323 pp.
Individual works as follows: vol. I of the work (vol. XLII of series),ed. Walbran, 1863; vol. II of the work (vol. LXVII of series), ed. Walbran, 1878; vol. III of the work (vol. CXXX of series), ed. J.T. Fowler, 1918.