Roger de Doncaster in Sandal (record texts)

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Sandal or Sandal Magna, now a suburb of Wakefield.
{"pagename":"1327 - Roger de Doncaster","Century":14,"Decade":1321,"Year":1327},{"pagename":"1327 - Roger son of William de Doncaster","Century":14,"Decade":1321,"Year":1327},{"pagename":"1332 - Roger de Doncastre (1)","Century":14,"Decade":1331,"Year":1332},{"pagename":"1332 - Roger de Doncastre (2)","Century":14,"Decade":1331,"Year":1332},{"pagename":"1333 - Roger son of William de Doncaster (1)","Century":14,"Decade":1331,"Year":1333},{"pagename":"1333 - Roger son of William de Doncaster (2)","Century":14,"Decade":1331,"Year":1333},{"pagename":"1333 - Roger son of William de Doncaster (3)","Century":14,"Decade":1331,"Year":1333},{"pagename":"1333 - Roger son of William de Doncaster (4)","Century":14,"Decade":1331,"Year":1333},{"pagename":"1340 - Roger de Doncaster (1)","Century":14,"Decade":1341,"Year":1340},{"pagename":"1340 - Roger de Doncaster (2)","Century":14,"Decade":1341,"Year":1340},{"pagename":"1349 - Roger de Doncaster","Century":14,"Decade":1341,"Year":1349},

By Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2020-07-29. Revised by Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2022-06-01.

Roger de Doncaster first occurs in the Wakefield manor court rolls in 1327. He is referred to sometimes as Roger de Doncastre (or similar), sometimes as Roger, son of William de Doncaster (as per titles in list below). The first major section below details the available information on the ancestors and relatives of Roger de Doncaster, each in a sub-section of his or her own. Then follows another section with the records relating to Roger of Doncaster and information on his daughters.

The De Doncaster family in Sandal

We find the De Doncasters established in Sandal already in 1275, about a year after surviving court rolls begin.

Raymond de Doncaster

Reymond de Donecastre is recorded in Ravenesfeud (Ravensfield) in 1274, the first year covered by the surviving records. He occurs again later same year.[1] In 1298 we learn that he had a daughter named Alice.[2] Raymond figures again later that year.[3]

Alice de Doncaster

Alice de Doncaster, the daughter of Raymond figuring in 1298 (cf. preceding) was married to William de Cardoil, who died no later than 1298.[4] She figures in 1297 and 1298 as Alice wife/widow of William de Cardoil.[5]

Robert de Doncaster

In 1275, 'Robertus de Donecastre' pays for taking over land from another tenant.[6] He figures in the court rolls later same year and in 1284, 1289, 1297 and 1298.[7] In 1286 he sued William, son of Ralph Smith on a plea of battery and blood.[8] He is mentioned – presumably long after his death – in 1340.[9]

John de Doncaster

John de Doncastre, seems to have been appointed steward of Wakefield in 1296.[10] He figures in the court rolls in 1297-98,[11]. in a charter dated 1307 and in the rolls for 1307-1308[12] and 1313[13] An entry from 1315 refers to a case 'in this Court before Sir John of Donecastre about three years ago'; two more entries same year refer to matters as they were 'in the time of John of Doncastre, late Steward' (or similar), while there is reference to a search of 'the records of the Rolls of Sir John of Donecastir' in yet another case.[14] Similarly in 1316, referring to c. 1298 and c. 1310.[15] John de Doncastre had resumed the position by 12 March 1322-23; he figures as steward again on 4 and 23 April, and 13 May 1323.[16] In 1324 the accounts refer twice to past affairs or events during John de Doncaster's temure of the stewardship, so also once in 1330 and 1331.[17] He was also a justice of common pleas and was still steward of Wakefield on 15 Dec. 1332 but retired from both positions shortly after.[18] While not unbroken, the period of his stewardship extended from 1296 to c. 1332.

Elias de Doncaster

Elias son of Robert de Doncastre pays for license to take land in Sandal in 1297. He figures twice more in the roll that year,[19] in 1307 and 1308 ('Elias de Danecastre').[20] In 1316 Thomas of Doncaster sues Elias, no doubt his father, on a plea of land; the case is settled by concord later same year.[21] In 1316 he also acquires the use of 31 acres of land, formerly held by Robert Mayden, in Criggleston[22] He figures again in 1322; one of three entries in 1323 has him take over an area of meadow in Crigglestone; he occurs again in 1327, and in 1329 when his wife is fined for selling and/or brewing ale contrary to the assize; he figures again in 1331, when he surenders land in Crigglestone.[23] In 1333 he and his brother William, on the same day, surrender land in Crigglestone to their sons, Thomas and Roger.[24] Later that year he surrenders three more plots in Crigglestone to non-relatives.[25] Elias had died by 3 September 1339 (see next).

Alice, wife of Elias de Doncaster

In 1329 the wife of Elias de Doncaster is fined for selling and/or brewing ale contrary to the assize.[26] 'Alice formerly wife of Elias de Doncastre' figures in the court rolls in 1339, and similarly on two occasions later that year[27]

William de Doncaster

William and Elias de Doncaster are both referred to as sons of Robert, and we have two entries from 1333 referring to 'Elias de Donecastre and William his brother' (or similar).[28] William son of Robert de Donecastre pays for license to take land in Sandal in 1297, Elias being pledge.[29] William figures again in the rolls in 1307[30] 1315 and 1316.[31] In 1317, William of Donecaster is fined 2d for escaping animals, vert etc., the entry occurring in the MS under the headword 'Sandale' (Sandal).[32] In 1327, William de Doncastre is fined 2d for vert.[33] In view of 18th century West Riding of Yorkshire traditions to the effect that Little John was surnamed Nailor, it is worth noting that land surrendered to the lord of the manor by a John le Nailer in 1329 was demised to William de Doncaster.[34] In 1331, William de Doncastre is fined 2d for non-attendance at court.[35] In 1333, William and his brother Elias, on the same day, surrender land in Crigglestone to their sons, Roger and Thomas.[36] The two last entries referring to him occur in 1340.[37]

Nelle de Doncaster

Nelle de Donecastre occurs as a pledge in 1297[38] and again in 1314[39] Her Christian name may have been Eleanor, Helen or Cornelia. In view of the period and social context Eleanor is perhaps most likely. In 1316, William of Osset and Nelle of Doncaster both pay 'to remove themselves from the office of grave in Sandale', the latter being the office of 'steward, a person placed in charge of property' and/or '[i]n certain parts of Yorkshire and Lincolnshire: each of a number of administrative officials formerly elected by the inhabitants of a township'.[40] In 1327 she is fined for default, which probably amounts to non-appearance at court.[41]

Thomas de Doncaster

Thomas de Doncaster figures on a few occasions in the manor court rolls. In 1309, 'Thomas de Danecastre' pays for taking over land in Crigglestone.[42] and in 1316 he is fined for straying animals.[43]Same year he is a member of a jury; later that year he sues Elias of Doncastre, no doubt his father, on a plea of land; the case is settled by concord later same year.[44] Such cases need not be evidence of disagreement but could be a way to ensure enrolment of important decisions and agreements. In 1327 Thoams pays 6d for some unspecified transgression.[45] In 1333 he and his brother William, on the same day, surrender land in Crigglestone to their sons, Thomas and Roger, respectively.[46] Later that year he surrenders three more plots in Crigglestone to non-relatives.[47] Elias had died by 3 September 1339 (see next).

Walter de Doncastre

A Walter de Doncastre figures in the court rolls in 1340.[48]

Nigel de Donastre

In 1323, Nigel de Doncastre sues Henry Sprigonell, John de Wyke and Thomas le Pynder for debt. In 1325 Nigel de Doncaster and William de Colley have a love-day and subsequently pay for licence to agree. In one occasion in 1329 Nigel de Doncastre is fined for non-appearance at court.[49]

Roger de Doncaster

18 Sep. 1332, William de Donecastre surrenders land in Crigglestone.[50]

Records relating to Roger de Doncaster in Sandal

11 records concerning Roger de Doncaster in Sandal:

1327 - Roger de Doncaster

Roger de Donescastre, 2d, [...] for vert.[51]

1327 - Roger son of William de Doncaster

Roger s. of William de Donecastre [surrenders] [...] 8 acres [...].[52]

1332 - Roger de Doncastre (1)

For vert in Thurstonhaugh: Alice de Grene, Bate's daughter, Adam del Grene, John son of Adam, William del Grene, 2d each, John de Halifax, 3d, James Monk, 3d, Henry de Holgate, Robert son of John, Roger de Donecastre, William son of John, Henry de Ketilthorp, 2d each (total 3 s 9d).[53]

1332 - Roger de Doncastre (2)

John Dande surrenders 3 acres in Crigglestone which are demised to Roger de Doncastre to be held likewise; entry fine 2s.[54]

1333 - Roger son of William de Doncaster (1)

Elias de Doncastre surrenders half a bovate in Crigglestone which is demised to his son Thomas to be held likewise; entry fine 40d. William de Donecastre surrenders 16 acres and 3 roods in Crigglestone which are demised to Roger his son to be held likewise; entry fine 40d.[55]

1333 - Roger son of William de Doncaster (2)

Adam Whiteheved sues Roger son of William de Doncaster in a plea of trespass; pledge, Henry del Dene.[56]

1333 - Roger son of William de Doncaster (3)

A love day is given to Adam Whitheved and Roger son of William de Donecastre in a plea of debt until the next court.[57]

1333 - Roger son of William de Doncaster (4)

Adam Whitheved plaintiff does not prosecute against Roger son of William de Donecastre in a plea of debt, therefore amerced 3d.[58]

1340 - Roger de Doncaster (1)

Roger de Donecastre acknowledges that he detains from Agnes formerly wife of William Gose a third of a messuage, a third of an acre and a rood in Sandal which fell to her as dower after the death of her husband. He is to satisfy and is amerced 2d.[59]

1340 - Roger de Doncaster (2)

An inquiry of 8 jurors, namely John son of William le Grayve, John Shephird, Henry de Plegwik, Henry de Ketelesthorp, Thomas Monk, John Ploghwright, William de Plegwik and Roger de Donecastre, was taken at the suit of Adam Whitheved who, according to an inquiry at the last court, rendered 6d besides harvest and ploughing service which service was valued at 6d per annum. They say that Robert de Donecastre gave Thomas Pelleson < 2 messuages >, 10 acres and a rood for which he was accustomed to do the said service in exchange for 10 acres and a rood which he took from Thomas Pelleson. Robert by virtue of the exchange burdened himself with these services, and his heirs and assigns of these performed the said service to this point continuously. Of these tenants, Adam Whitheved holds < a messuage >, 3 acres and a rood, and works valued at 2d per annum, and Roger de Donecastre holds a messuage and 7 acres, works valued at 4d per annum. Adam and Roger are burdened with 6d for service as was claimed.[60]

1349 - Roger de Doncaster

Agnes, Joan and Cecilia daughters of Roger de Doncastre give likewise [i.e. for licence to heriot] 3s 4d for the same on a messuage and 17½ acres in Crigglestone after the death of Roger their father, whose heirs they are, to hold likewise [i.e. to themselves and their heirs according to the custom of the manor].[61]

Agnes, daughter of Roger de Doncaster

Agnes is mentioned as one of the daughters of Roger de Doncaster in the record listed above as '1349 - Roger de Doncaster'.

Cecilia, daughter of Roger de Doncaster

Cecilia is mentioned as one of the daughters of Roger de Doncaster in the record listed above as '1349 - Roger de Doncaster'.

Joan, daughter of Roger de Doncaster

Joan is mentioned as one of the daughters of Roger de Doncaster in the record listed above as '1349 - Roger de Doncaster'.


Also see


  1. Baildon, William Paley, ed. Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield, Vol. I: 1274 to 1297 (The Yorkshire Archæological Society, Record Series, vol. XXIX) (Leeds, 1901), pp. 11, 90.
  2. Baildon, William Paley, ed. Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield, vol. II: 1297 to 1309 (The Yorkshire Archæological Society, Record Series, vol. XXXVI) (Leeds, 1906), pp. 40, 42, 43.
  3. Baildon, William Paley, ed. Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield, vol. II: 1297 to 1309 (The Yorkshire Archæological Society, Record Series, vol. XXXVI) (Leeds, 1906), p. 37.
  4. Baildon, William Paley, ed. Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield, vol. II: 1297 to 1309 (The Yorkshire Archæological Society, Record Series, vol. XXXVI) (Leeds, 1906), pp. 40, 42, 43.
  5. Baildon, William Paley, ed. Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield, Vol. I: 1274 to 1297 (The Yorkshire Archæological Society, Record Series, vol. XXIX) (Leeds, 1901), pp. 14, 37.
  6. Baildon, William Paley, ed. Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield, Vol. I: 1274 to 1297 (The Yorkshire Archæological Society, Record Series, vol. XXIX) (Leeds, 1901), p. 29.
  7. Baildon, William Paley, ed. Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield, Vol. I: 1274 to 1297 (The Yorkshire Archæological Society, Record Series, vol. XXIX) (Leeds, 1901), pp. 108; 184, 186; 218; 291; Baildon, William Paley, ed. Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield, Vol. I: 1274 to 1297 (The Yorkshire Archæological Society, Record Series, vol. XXIX) (Leeds, 1901), p. 14; Baildon, William Paley, ed. Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield, Vol. I: 1274 to 1297 (The Yorkshire Archæological Society, Record Series, vol. XXIX) (Leeds, 1901), pp. 1, 14, 46.
  8. Walker, Sue Sheridan, ed.; Vaughan, Richard, gen. ed. & introd. The Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield from October 1331 to September 1333 (The Wakefield Court Rolls Series of the Yorkshire Archaeological Society, vol. III) (Leeds, 1983), p. 181.
  9. Katherine, M. Troup, ed.; Fraser, C. M., gen. ed. The Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield from October 1338 to September 1340 (The Wakefield Court Rolls Series of the Yorkshire Archaeological Society, vol. XII) (Leeds, 1999), p. 196. See 1340 - Roger de Doncaster (2).
  10. Baildon, William Paley, ed. Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield, Vol. I: 1274 to 1297 (The Yorkshire Archæological Society, Record Series, vol. XXIX) (Leeds, 1901), p. 237, also see p. 288.
  11. Baildon, William Paley, ed. Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield, vol. II: 1297 to 1309 (The Yorkshire Archæological Society, Record Series, vol. XXXVI) (Leeds, 1906), (1297:) p. 5 n. 1, 14; (1298:) pp. 32, 50.
  12. Baildon, William Paley, ed. Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield, vol. II: 1297 to 1309 (The Yorkshire Archæological Society, Record Series, vol. XXXVI) (Leeds, 1906), (1307:) pp. xvi, 78, 100, 114, 118; (1308:) p. 174.
  13. Lister, John, ed.; [Stokes, Ethel, transcr.] Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield, vol. III (Yorkshire Archæological Society, Record Series, vol. LVII (1917), p. 1.
  14. Lister, John, ed.; [Stokes, Ethel, transcr.]; [Longbotham, A.T., index.]. Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield. Vol. IV. 1315 to 1317 (Yorkshire Archæological Society, Record Series, vol. LXXVIII) (1930), p. 7, 21, 22, 40.
  15. Lister, John, ed.; [Stokes, Ethel, transcr.] Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield, vol. III (Yorkshire Archæological Society, Record Series, vol. LVII (1917), pp. 114, 119.
  16. Walker, J.W., ed.; [Stokes, Ethel, transcr.], Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield. Vol. V. 1322-1331 (Yorkshire Archæological Society, Record Series, vol. CIX) (1945), pp. 1; 3, 4, 16.
  17. Walker, J.W., ed.; [Stokes, Ethel, transcr.], Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield. Vol. V. 1322-1331 (Yorkshire Archæological Society, Record Series, vol. CIX) (1945), pp. 37, 44; 162; 166.
  18. Walker, Sue Sheridan, ed.; Vaughan, Richard, gen. ed. & introd. The Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield from October 1331 to September 1333 (The Wakefield Court Rolls Series of the Yorkshire Archaeological Society, vol. III) (Leeds, 1983), p. xiii, and see sources referred to at p. xx n. 86.
  19. Baildon, William Paley, ed. Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield, Vol. I: 1274 to 1297 (The Yorkshire Archæological Society, Record Series, vol. XXIX) (Leeds, 1901), pp. 291, 294 (bis)
  20. Baildon, William Paley, ed. Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield, vol. II: 1297 to 1309 (The Yorkshire Archæological Society, Record Series, vol. XXXVI) (Leeds, 1906), p. 77; 142, 151, 169, 173, 175.
  21. Lister, John, ed.; [Stokes, Ethel, transcr.]; [Longbotham, A.T., index.]. Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield. Vol. IV. 1315 to 1317 (Yorkshire Archæological Society, Record Series, vol. LXXVIII) (1930), pp. 55. 61, 63.
  22. Lister, John, ed.; [Stokes, Ethel, transcr.]; [Longbotham, A.T., index.]. Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield. Vol. IV. 1315 to 1317 (Yorkshire Archæological Society, Record Series, vol. LXXVIII) (1930), pp. 71; also see Lister, John, ed.; [Stokes, Ethel, transcr.] Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield, vol. III (Yorkshire Archæological Society, Record Series, vol. LVII (1917), pp. 140, 150, 151.
  23. Walker, J.W., ed.; [Stokes, Ethel, transcr.], Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield. Vol. V. 1322-1331 (Yorkshire Archæological Society, Record Series, vol. CIX) (1945). pp. 3; 4, 15, 26; 113; 146; 173, 177, 194.
  24. Walker, Sue Sheridan, ed.; Vaughan, Richard, gen. ed. & introd. The Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield from October 1331 to September 1333 (The Wakefield Court Rolls Series of the Yorkshire Archaeological Society, vol. III) (Leeds, 1983), p. 151.
  25. Walker, Sue Sheridan, ed.; Vaughan, Richard, gen. ed. & introd. The Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield from October 1331 to September 1333 (The Wakefield Court Rolls Series of the Yorkshire Archaeological Society, vol. III) (Leeds, 1983), p. 223.
  26. Walker, J.W., ed.; [Stokes, Ethel, transcr.], Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield. Vol. V. 1322-1331 (Yorkshire Archæological Society, Record Series, vol. CIX) (1945). p. 146.
  27. Katherine, M. Troup, ed.; Fraser, C. M., gen. ed. The Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield from October 1338 to September 1340 (The Wakefield Court Rolls Series of the Yorkshire Archaeological Society, vol. XII) (Leeds, 1999), pp. 113, 128, 134.
  28. Walker, Sue Sheridan, ed.; Vaughan, Richard, gen. ed. & introd. The Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield from October 1331 to September 1333 (The Wakefield Court Rolls Series of the Yorkshire Archaeological Society, vol. III) (Leeds, 1983), pp. 152, 156.
  29. Baildon, William Paley, ed. Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield, Vol. I: 1274 to 1297 (The Yorkshire Archæological Society, Record Series, vol. XXIX) (Leeds, 1901), p. 294.
  30. ,Baildon, William Paley, ed. Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield, vol. II: 1297 to 1309 (The Yorkshire Archæological Society, Record Series, vol. XXXVI) (Leeds, 1906), p. 77.
  31. Walker, Sue Sheridan, ed.; Vaughan, Richard, gen. ed. & introd. The Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield from October 1331 to September 1333 (The Wakefield Court Rolls Series of the Yorkshire Archaeological Society, vol. III) (Leeds, 1983), pp. 89, 150.
  32. Lister, John, ed.; [Stokes, Ethel, transcr.]; [Longbotham, A.T., index.]. Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield. Vol. IV. 1315 to 1317 (Yorkshire Archæological Society, Record Series, vol. LXXVIII) (1930), p. 201.
  33. Walker, J.W., ed.; [Stokes, Ethel, transcr.], Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield. Vol. V. 1322-1331 (Yorkshire Archæological Society, Record Series, vol. CIX) (1945), p. 123.
  34. See 1329 - John le Nailer (1) and Persons named Little John (links): John Nailer.
  35. Walker, J.W., ed.; [Stokes, Ethel, transcr.], Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield. Vol. V. 1322-1331 (Yorkshire Archæological Society, Record Series, vol. CIX) (1945), p. 191.
  36. Walker, Sue Sheridan, ed.; Vaughan, Richard, gen. ed. & introd. The Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield from October 1331 to September 1333 (The Wakefield Court Rolls Series of the Yorkshire Archaeological Society, vol. III) (Leeds, 1983), p. 151.
  37. Katherine, M. Troup, ed.; Fraser, C. M., gen. ed. The Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield from October 1338 to September 1340 (The Wakefield Court Rolls Series of the Yorkshire Archaeological Society, vol. XII) (Leeds, 1999), pp. 168, 173.
  38. Baildon, William Paley, ed. Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield, Vol. I: 1274 to 1297 (The Yorkshire Archæological Society, Record Series, vol. XXIX) (Leeds, 1901), p. 309.
  39. Walker, Sue Sheridan, ed.; Vaughan, Richard, gen. ed. & introd. The Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield from October 1331 to September 1333 (The Wakefield Court Rolls Series of the Yorkshire Archaeological Society, vol. III) (Leeds, 1983), p. 35.
  40. Lister, John, ed.; [Stokes, Ethel, transcr.]; [Longbotham, A.T., index.]. Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield. Vol. IV. 1315 to 1317 (Yorkshire Archæological Society, Record Series, vol. LXXVIII) (1930), p. 144. OED, s,n, grave, n. 3.
  41. Walker, J.W., ed.; [Stokes, Ethel, transcr.], Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield. Vol. V. 1322-1331 (Yorkshire Archæological Society, Record Series, vol. CIX) (1945), p. 132.
  42. Baildon, William Paley, ed. Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield, vol. II: 1297 to 1309 (The Yorkshire Archæological Society, Record Series, vol. XXXVI) (Leeds, 1906), p. 204.
  43. Walker, Sue Sheridan, ed.; Vaughan, Richard, gen. ed. & introd. The Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield from October 1331 to September 1333 (The Wakefield Court Rolls Series of the Yorkshire Archaeological Society, vol. III) (Leeds, 1983), p. 107.
  44. Lister, John, ed.; [Stokes, Ethel, transcr.]; [Longbotham, A.T., index.]. Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield. Vol. IV. 1315 to 1317 (Yorkshire Archæological Society, Record Series, vol. LXXVIII) (1930), pp. 46, 55. 61, 63.
  45. Walker, J.W., ed.; [Stokes, Ethel, transcr.], Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield. Vol. V. 1322-1331 (Yorkshire Archæological Society, Record Series, vol. CIX) (1945), p. 113.
  46. Walker, Sue Sheridan, ed.; Vaughan, Richard, gen. ed. & introd. The Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield from October 1331 to September 1333 (The Wakefield Court Rolls Series of the Yorkshire Archaeological Society, vol. III) (Leeds, 1983), p. 151.
  47. Walker, Sue Sheridan, ed.; Vaughan, Richard, gen. ed. & introd. The Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield from October 1331 to September 1333 (The Wakefield Court Rolls Series of the Yorkshire Archaeological Society, vol. III) (Leeds, 1983), p. 223.
  48. Katherine, M. Troup, ed.; Fraser, C. M., gen. ed. The Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield from October 1338 to September 1340 (The Wakefield Court Rolls Series of the Yorkshire Archaeological Society, vol. XII) (Leeds, 1999), p. 236.
  49. Walker, J.W., ed.; [Stokes, Ethel, transcr.], Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield. Vol. V. 1322-1331 (Yorkshire Archæological Society, Record Series, vol. CIX) (1945), pp. 20; 70, 72; 143.
  50. Walker, Sue Sheridan, ed.; Vaughan, Richard, gen. ed. & introd. The Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield from October 1331 to September 1333 (The Wakefield Court Rolls Series of the Yorkshire Archaeological Society, vol. III) (Leeds, 1983), p. 114.
  51. Walker, J.W., ed.; [Stokes, Ethel, transcr.], Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield. Vol. V. 1322-1331 (Yorkshire Archæological Society, Record Series, vol. CIX) (1945), p. 123.
  52. Walker, J.W., ed.; [Stokes, Ethel, transcr.], Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield. Vol. V. 1322-1331 (Yorkshire Archæological Society, Record Series, vol. CIX) (1945), p. 99.
  53. Walker, Sue Sheridan, ed.; Vaughan, Richard, gen. ed. & introd. The Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield from October 1331 to September 1333 (The Wakefield Court Rolls Series of the Yorkshire Archaeological Society, vol. III) (Leeds, 1983), p. 63.
  54. Walker, Sue Sheridan, ed.; Vaughan, Richard, gen. ed. & introd. The Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield from October 1331 to September 1333 (The Wakefield Court Rolls Series of the Yorkshire Archaeological Society, vol. III) (Leeds, 1983), p. 114.
  55. Walker, Sue Sheridan, ed.; Vaughan, Richard, gen. ed. & introd. The Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield from October 1331 to September 1333 (The Wakefield Court Rolls Series of the Yorkshire Archaeological Society, vol. III) (Leeds, 1983), p. 151.
  56. Walker, Sue Sheridan, ed.; Vaughan, Richard, gen. ed. & introd. The Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield from October 1331 to September 1333 (The Wakefield Court Rolls Series of the Yorkshire Archaeological Society, vol. III) (Leeds, 1983), p. 152.
  57. Walker, Sue Sheridan, ed.; Vaughan, Richard, gen. ed. & introd. The Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield from October 1331 to September 1333 (The Wakefield Court Rolls Series of the Yorkshire Archaeological Society, vol. III) (Leeds, 1983), p. 156.
  58. Walker, Sue Sheridan, ed.; Vaughan, Richard, gen. ed. & introd. The Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield from October 1331 to September 1333 (The Wakefield Court Rolls Series of the Yorkshire Archaeological Society, vol. III) (Leeds, 1983), p. 160.
  59. Katherine, M. Troup, ed.; Fraser, C. M., gen. ed. The Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield from October 1338 to September 1340 (The Wakefield Court Rolls Series of the Yorkshire Archaeological Society, vol. XII) (Leeds, 1999), p. 170.
  60. Katherine, M. Troup, ed.; Fraser, C. M., gen. ed. The Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield from October 1338 to September 1340 (The Wakefield Court Rolls Series of the Yorkshire Archaeological Society, vol. XII) (Leeds, 1999), p. 196.
  61. Jewell, Helen M., ed.; Vaughan, Richard, gen. ed. The Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield, from September 1348 to September 1350 (The Wakefield Court Rolls, Second Series, vol. II) (Claremont, Leeds, [1980]), p. 201.