Robin Hood pub sign (Clifton Reynes)

From International Robin Hood Bibliography
Coordinate 52.152214, -0.681992
Adm. div. Buckinghamshire
Vicinity Intersection of Newton and Clifton roads, immediately E of Clifton Reynes
Type Miscellaneous
Interest Artifacts
Status Extant
First Record
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Robin Hood Pub Sign, Clifton Reynes.
Robin Hood pub sign, Clifton Reynes / Google Earth Street View.

By Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2018-10-20. Revised by Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2021-01-07.

As the village of Clifton Reynes is situated at the end of a cul-de-sac, the sign of its Robin Hood pub has travelled to an intersection immediately east of the village in order to serve its purpose better. At this vantage point, a small sign below the painted signboard informs the traveller that he is just 359 paces, or about as many metres, from a drink.



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