Robin Hood Golf Course (Owston)

From International Robin Hood Bibliography
Coordinate 53.597262, -1.162195
Adm. div. West Riding of Yorkshire
Vicinity Owston Hall, Owston, Doncaster
Type Association
Interest Robin Hood name
Status Defunct
First Record 1930
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Owston Park Golf Course, formerly Robin Hood Golf Club or Robin Hood Golf
Owston Park Golf Course (photo from Owston Park Golf Course website).

By Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2013-08-07. Revised by Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2021-01-06.

Since 1988 this has been a commercially operated "pay and play" nine holes golf course named Owston Park Golf Course. It still figures in Google Earth as "Owston Hall & Robin Hood Golf Club".[1] Its is indicated on the 1930 and 1950 O.S. 6" maps of the area as Robin Hood Golf Course.




Also see


  1. As of 24 Aug. 2014.