Robin Hood's Bottle (Robin Hood Inn, Barnsdale)

From International Robin Hood Bibliography
Coordinate 53.6064, -1.2229
Adm. div. West Riding of Yorkshire
Vicinity Formerly in Robin Hood Inn, near Robin Hood's Well, Barnsdale
Type Artifact
Interest Artifacts
Status Defunct
First Record
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Approximate indication of the site of the Robin Hood Inn.

By Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2017-05-02. Revised by Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2021-01-06.

According to Roy Pledger, the long gone Robin Hood Inn in Barnsdale "once [...] displayed a three pint leather bottle, said to have belonged to Robin Hood."[1] I have not come across any mention of this priceless object elsewhere, and Mr Pledger does not cite any source, but a three pint leather bottle does seem a fitting relic for a leader of merry men. However, the collection of Robin Hood paraphernalia at the restaurant connected with Robin Hood's Well in Nottingham is also said to have included a Robin Hood's bottle.[2] Without reliable sources we cannot be certain that both of these Robin Hood relics really existed. Perhaps someone mistook the Nottingham well for that in Barnsdale or vice versa'?


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  1. See his comments to his excellent photo of Robin Hood's Well (Barnsdale) at Panoramio.
  2. Bob White. ' The five unsolved mysteries of Robin Hood' (Nottingham Post, 13 Nov. 2013; no longer online). See instead: The Wizard of Notts Recommends: Bob White: The five unsolved mysteries of Robin Hood.