Robert le Hod of West Tisted (record texts)
By Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2015-08-30. Revised by Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2022-06-01.
The records show two Robert le Hods resident and/or holding land in the Selborne area. The first, who figures as witness to several charters, had died by December 1236,[1] when Joan, his widow, granted land and an advowson in West Tisted, Hampshire, to the prior and convent of Selborne. The surname is variously given as 'le Hote', 'Lohade', 'Lohod', 'Lohot', 'le Hod', 'le Hout' and (in the latest record, 1265) 'Lood'. It is perhaps natural to think that the Sir Robert le Hod who figures in 1240 was the son of the deceased man whose name appears slightly earlier in so many different spellings, but we cannot be certain of this unless further evidence comes to light. Robert le Hod of 1240 is styled 'Sir' and is explicitly referred to as a knight.
In addition to the charters mentioning Robert le Hod, there are three that mention the lands bequeathed by his widow, "the Lady Joan la Hood" (or similar), without mentioning her former husband by name. These date from 1261, 1284 and [1284-85].[2] Sir Robert le Hod does not appear to have been noted in previous studies.
Records relating to Robert le Hods of West Tisted
11 records concern Robert le Hods of West Tisted:
1226 - Robert le Hote witness to charter
Confirmation by P[eter de Rupibus] bishop of
Winchester to Eustace de Greinville of all the lands and tenements
which Amauric earl of Gloucester, son of Amauric count of
Evereus, gave him in his manor of Mapeldreham, to hold by the
service of the third part of one knight's fee, which service the
aforesaid earl gave to the church and bishops of Winchester for
ever; willing that the said Eustace and his heirs shall hold the
said lands by the said service.
Witnesses:—Walter de Audeli, Henry de Breibuf, John de la
Charite, Maurice de Turville, Robert le Hote, Rogger de Tiche-
burne, Robert de Hottot, Roger Alys, Adam Cornehametone,
Richard de Bera, German de Lanville, Nicholas de Westbure,
Thomas de Ho, Gillibert de Elsi, Peter de Hattingeli.[3]
1230 - Robert Lohade witness to charter
[c. 1230-35:]
Grant from Henry le Sauvage to Peter, Bishop of
Winchester, for the sum of twelve marks, of all his land which he had in [p. 4:]
Tystede by the gift of Ralph de Winesham, rendering annually one pound
of cummin to the chief lord of the fee. Witn.: Roger Alis, Geoffrey de
Rupibus, Thomas de Gimiges, Walter de Thigheburne, Robert Lohade,
John de Venuez, Thomas de Venuez, William son of Unfrid, Roger de
Molend[inis], Alard his brother, Elyas son of Roger, Nich. de Sirlege,
Godfrey the Serjeant (serviente) of Cheritone.[4]
1235 - Robert Lohod witness to charter
[Before 1236:]
Grant from Henry le Sauvage to Peter, Bishop of
Winchester, for the sum of 12 marks, of all the land which he had in
Tistede by the grant of Ralph de Winesham. Witn.: Roger Alis,
Geoffrey de Rupibus, Thomas de Gimiges, Walter de Ticchebom, Robert
Lohod,1 John de Venuez, Thomas de Venuez, William son of Unfrid,
Roger of the Mills, Alard his brother, Elyas son of Roger, Nich. de
Syrlege, Godfrey the Serjeant (" serviente ") of Cheriton.[5]
1236 - Robert Lohot
Presentation (addressed to the Bishop of Winchester) by Joan, formerly
the wife of Robert Lohot, of the Prior and Canons of Selbume to the
church of Westystede now vacant, which belongs to her presentation,
to be appropriated to their own use for ever.[6]
1237 - Robert le Hod
Confirmation by P[eter], "Minister" of the church of
Winchester, of the grant by Joan, who was the wife of Robert le Hod, of
the church of Westistede to the Prior and Canons of Seleburne.[7]
1238 - Robert Lohod (1)
Grant from Joan, formerly the wife of Robert Lohod, to
the Prior and Canons of Selebume, in pure alms, of all the land
between la Broch and the way which extends from Westistede towards
Punesholte, namely, that which is called Trendelcrofte and Rikemanes-
dene in the vill of Westistede, excepting a certain "gora" towards the
north, containing 3½ acres. Witn.: master Humphrey de Myllers,
Hugh [de Rupibus], Archdeacon of Winchester, Luke, Archdeacon of
Surrey, Walter de Tigchebume, James de Nortune, Thomas de la Putte
of Bromdene, Roger Picot.[8]
1238 - Robert Lohod (2)
Confirmation by P[eter], Bishop of Winchester, to the Prior
and Canons of Seleburne of all the land which they have in Westistede
by the gift of Joan who was the wife of Robert Lohod. Witn.: master
Humphrey de Milliers, the Bishop's official, Hugh, Archdeacon of Win-
chester, Luke, Archdeacon of Surrey, master Elyas de Derham, Peter de
Rivallis, Rob. de Clynchampe, John de Colesdone, John de Venuz,
Rob. Marmiun, Will de Ho.[9]
1238 - Robert Lohod (3)
Grant from Joan, formerly the wife of Robert Lohod, to
the Prior and Canons of Selebume, of the church of Westistede so far
as appertains to her as patroness, in free alms, for their own use.
Witn.: master Hunfrid de Milliers, Hugh, Archdeacon of Winchester [p. 24:]
Luke, Archdeacon of Surrey, Walter de Tycheburne, James de Nortune,
Will, de Dunstighele, Will, de Dreitune, Thos. de la Putte, Roger
1240 - Sir Robert le Hod witness to charter
Confirmation from Richard [Plantagenet], Earl
of Cornwall and Poitou,1 to the church and Prior and Canons of
Seleburne of all the land of Bromdene which Hugh de Bromdene
gave them in free alms; together with all homages, scutages,
reliefs, etc., free of all service.
Witnesses:—Sir Ace ("Acio"), abbot of King's Beaulieu
("Belli Loci Regis"), Sir John, son of John, Sir Rich. de Punt-
chardun, Sir John, son of Thomas, Sir John de Venuz, Sir John
de Windelsore, Sir Rob. le Hod, knts., Sir Elias, chaplain, Nich.
de Anne, Rob. de Esthale, Peter Rusinol, Oliver de Stoke, clerks,
John Brethasche, Hugh de Suafham.[11]
1261 - Robert le Hout
Bull from Pope Alexander IV addressed to the Dean and Chanter of
Sumallinges, diocese of Chichester, directing them to protect the Prior
and Convent of Seleburne in the possession of the church of Westistede,
the revenues of which do not exceed 10 marks, and which the said Prior
and Convent have acquired for appropriation, at the presentation of the
patroness Joan, who was the wife of Rob. le Hout.[12]
1265 - Robert Lood
Confirmation by Valentine the Prior and the Convent of S. Swthin (sic) of Winchester of a charter (recited at length) of Peter, Bishop of Winchester, confirming the grant by Joan, who had been the wife of Rob.
Lood, to the Prior and Canons of Selleburne for their own use, of the church of Westistede, together with some land, saving an honest and sufficient maintenance to the vicar.[13]
- ↑ See page named '1235 - Robert Lohod witness to charter'.
- ↑ Macray, William Dunn, ed. Calendar of Charters and Documents Relating to Selborne and its Priory Preserved in the Muniment Room of Magdalen College, Oxford ([Publications of the] Hampshire Record Society) (London; Winchester, 1891), pp. 55, 71-72.
- ↑ Macray, William Dunn, ed. Calendar of Charters and Documents Relating to the Possessions of Selborne and its Priory Preserved in the Muniment Room of Magdalen College, Oxford. Second Series ([Publications of the] Hampshire Record Society, No. 1) (London; Winchester, 1894), p. 64.
- ↑ Macray, William Dunn, ed. Calendar of Charters and Documents Relating to the Possessions of Selborne and its Priory Preserved in the Muniment Room of Magdalen College, Oxford. Second Series ([Publications of the] Hampshire Record Society, No. 1) (London; Winchester, 1894), pp. 3-4.
- ↑ Macray, William Dunn, ed. Calendar of Charters and Documents Relating to the Possessions of Selborne and its Priory Preserved in the Muniment Room of Magdalen College, Oxford. Second Series ([Publications of the] Hampshire Record Society, No. 1) (London; Winchester, 1894), p. 20.
- ↑ Macray, William Dunn, ed. Calendar of Charters and Documents Relating to the Possessions of Selborne and its Priory Preserved in the Muniment Room of Magdalen College, Oxford. Second Series ([Publications of the] Hampshire Record Society, No. 1) (London; Winchester, 1894), p. 20.
- ↑ Macray, William Dunn, ed. Calendar of Charters and Documents Relating to the Possessions of Selborne and its Priory Preserved in the Muniment Room of Magdalen College, Oxford. Second Series ([Publications of the] Hampshire Record Society, No. 1) (London; Winchester, 1894), p. 21.
- ↑ Macray, William Dunn, ed. Calendar of Charters and Documents Relating to Selborne and its Priory Preserved in the Muniment Room of Magdalen College, Oxford ([Publications of the] Hampshire Record Society) (London; Winchester, 1891), p. 23.
- ↑ Macray, William Dunn, ed. Calendar of Charters and Documents Relating to Selborne and its Priory Preserved in the Muniment Room of Magdalen College, Oxford ([Publications of the] Hampshire Record Society) (London; Winchester, 1891), p. 23.
- ↑ Macray, William Dunn, ed. Calendar of Charters and Documents Relating to Selborne and its Priory Preserved in the Muniment Room of Magdalen College, Oxford ([Publications of the] Hampshire Record Society) (London; Winchester, 1891), pp. 23-24. IRHB's brackets
- ↑ Macray, William Dunn, ed. Calendar of Charters and Documents Relating to the Possessions of Selborne and its Priory Preserved in the Muniment Room of Magdalen College, Oxford. Second Series ([Publications of the] Hampshire Record Society, No. 1) (London; Winchester, 1894), p. 49.
- ↑ Macray, William Dunn, ed. Calendar of Charters and Documents Relating to Selborne and its Priory Preserved in the Muniment Room of Magdalen College, Oxford ([Publications of the] Hampshire Record Society) (London; Winchester, 1891), p. 54.
- ↑ Macray, William Dunn, ed. Calendar of Charters and Documents Relating to Selborne and its Priory Preserved in the Muniment Room of Magdalen College, Oxford ([Publications of the] Hampshire Record Society) (London; Winchester, 1891), p. 58. Italics as in printed source.