Rex, Peter 2005a
From International Robin Hood Bibliography
Rex, Peter. Hereward: the last Englishman. Stroud: Tempus, 2005. 223 pp. Illus. 24 cm. ISBN-13: 978-0-7524-3318-9; ISBN-10: 0-7524-3318-0.
Chapters include: "Hereward: the myths about his parentage", "His real family background", "Hereward the outlaw and exile". "The Isle of Ely in the eleventh century", "Hereward returns to England", "Hereward defies the conqueror". "Hereward after Ely; the enigma of his ultimate fate", "Hereward, the barony of Bourne, and a family called Wake" and "Hereward in fact and fiction".
Bibliographical sources
Later editions/printings