Persons surnamed Robinhood (links)
From International Robin Hood Bibliography
{"pagename":"1283 - R Robehod of Walsham le Willows","Century":13,"Decade":1281,"Year":1283},{"pagename":"1317 - Peter Robhood of Walsham le Willows","Century":14,"Decade":1311,"Year":1317},{"pagename":"1317 - William Robhood of Walsham le Willows (1)","Century":14,"Decade":1311,"Year":1317},{"pagename":"1317 - William Robhood of Walsham le Willows (2)","Century":14,"Decade":1311,"Year":1317},{"pagename":"1317 - William Robhood of Walsham le Willows (3)","Century":14,"Decade":1311,"Year":1317},{"pagename":"1318 - Robhood of Walsham le Willows (1)","Century":14,"Decade":1311,"Year":1318},{"pagename":"1318 - Robhood of Walsham le Willows (2)","Century":14,"Decade":1311,"Year":1318},{"pagename":"1318 - William Robhood of Walsham le Willows (1)","Century":14,"Decade":1311,"Year":1318},{"pagename":"1318 - William Robhood of Walsham le Willows (2)","Century":14,"Decade":1311,"Year":1318},{"pagename":"1319 - William Robhood of Walsham le Willows (1)","Century":14,"Decade":1311,"Year":1319},{"pagename":"1319 - 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William Robhood of Walsham le Willows (3)","Century":14,"Decade":1321,"Year":1329},{"pagename":"1332 - John and William Robhood of Walsham le Willows","Century":14,"Decade":1331,"Year":1332},{"pagename":"1332 - William Robhood of Walsham le Willows","Century":14,"Decade":1331,"Year":1332},{"pagename":"1333 - John Robhood of Walsham le Willows","Century":14,"Decade":1331,"Year":1333},{"pagename":"1333 - William Robhood of Walsham le Willows","Century":14,"Decade":1331,"Year":1333},{"pagename":"1334 - John Robhood of Walsham le Willows (1)","Century":14,"Decade":1331,"Year":1334},{"pagename":"1334 - John Robhood of Walsham le Willows (2)","Century":14,"Decade":1331,"Year":1334},{"pagename":"1335 - John Robhood of Walsham le Willows","Century":14,"Decade":1331,"Year":1335},{"pagename":"1336 - John Robhood of Walsham le Willows","Century":14,"Decade":1331,"Year":1336},{"pagename":"1336 - Walter Robhood of Walsham le Willows","Century":14,"Decade":1331,"Year":1336},{"pagename":"1338 - Agnes Robhood of Walsham le Willows","Century":14,"Decade":1331,"Year":1338},{"pagename":"1341 - John Robhood of Walsham le Willows (1)","Century":14,"Decade":1341,"Year":1341},{"pagename":"1341 - John Robhood of Walsham le Willows (2)","Century":14,"Decade":1341,"Year":1341},{"pagename":"1342 - John Robhood of Walsham le Willows","Century":14,"Decade":1341,"Year":1342},{"pagename":"1344 - Robhodway (Walsham le Willows) (1)","Century":14,"Decade":1341,"Year":1344},{"pagename":"1344 - Robhodway (Walsham le Willows) (2)","Century":14,"Decade":1341,"Year":1344},{"pagename":"1347 - John Robhood of Walsham le Willows","Century":14,"Decade":1341,"Year":1347},{"pagename":"1348 - John Robhood of Walsham le Willows","Century":14,"Decade":1341,"Year":1348},{"pagename":"1349 - Matilda Robhood of Walsham le Willows","Century":14,"Decade":1341,"Year":1349},{"pagename":"1350 - John Robhood of Walsham le Willows","Century":14,"Decade":1351,"Year":1350},{"pagename":"1350 - Matilda Robhood of Walsham le Willows (1)","Century":14,"Decade":1351,"Year":1350},{"pagename":"1350 - Matilda Robhood of Walsham le Willows (2)","Century":14,"Decade":1351,"Year":1350},{"pagename":"1351 - John Robhood of Walsham le Willows","Century":14,"Decade":1351,"Year":1351},{"pagename":"1353 - John Robhood of Walsham le Willows","Century":14,"Decade":1351,"Year":1353},{"pagename":"1354 - John Robhood of Walsham le Willows (1)","Century":14,"Decade":1351,"Year":1354},{"pagename":"1354 - John Robhood of Walsham le Willows (2)","Century":14,"Decade":1351,"Year":1354},{"pagename":"1359 - John Robhood of Walsham le Willows","Century":14,"Decade":1351,"Year":1359},{"pagename":"1360 - John Robhood of Walsham le Willows","Century":14,"Decade":1361,"Year":1360},{"pagename":"1361 - John Robhood of Walsham le Willows","Century":14,"Decade":1361,"Year":1361},{"pagename":"1361 - Walter Robhood of Walsham le Willows","Century":14,"Decade":1361,"Year":1361},{"pagename":"1362 - John Robhood of Walsham le Willows (1)","Century":14,"Decade":1361,"Year":1362},{"pagename":"1362 - John Robhood of Walsham le Willows (2)","Century":14,"Decade":1361,"Year":1362},{"pagename":"1362 - Walter Robhood of Walsham le Willows (1)","Century":14,"Decade":1361,"Year":1362},{"pagename":"1362 - Walter Robhood of Walsham le Willows (2)","Century":14,"Decade":1361,"Year":1362},{"pagename":"1364 - John Robhood of Walsham le Willows (1)","Century":14,"Decade":1361,"Year":1364},{"pagename":"1364 - John Robhood of Walsham le Willows (2)","Century":14,"Decade":1361,"Year":1364},{"pagename":"1364 - John Robhood of Walsham le Willows (3)","Century":14,"Decade":1361,"Year":1364},{"pagename":"1364 - Olivia and Walter Robhood of Walsham le Willows","Century":14,"Decade":1361,"Year":1364},{"pagename":"1365 - Agnes Robhood of Walsham le Willows","Century":14,"Decade":1361,"Year":1365},{"pagename":"1365 - John Robhood of Walsham le Willows and his sons","Century":14,"Decade":1361,"Year":1365},{"pagename":"1366 - Robert Robhood of Walsham le Willows (1)","Century":14,"Decade":1361,"Year":1366},{"pagename":"1366 - Robert Robhood of Walsham le Willows (2)","Century":14,"Decade":1361,"Year":1366},{"pagename":"1366 - Robert Robhood of Walsham le Willows (3)","Century":14,"Decade":1361,"Year":1366},{"pagename":"1366 - Walter Robhood of Walsham le Willows","Century":14,"Decade":1361,"Year":1366},{"pagename":"1367 - Robert Robhood of Walsham le Willows (1)","Century":14,"Decade":1361,"Year":1367},{"pagename":"1367 - Robert Robhood of Walsham le Willows (2)","Century":14,"Decade":1361,"Year":1367},{"pagename":"1367 - Robert Robhood of Walsham le Willows (3)","Century":14,"Decade":1361,"Year":1367},{"pagename":"1368 - Nicholas Robhood of Walsham le Willows","Century":14,"Decade":1361,"Year":1368},{"pagename":"1368 - Nicholas, Peter and Robert Robhood of Walsham le Willows","Century":14,"Decade":1361,"Year":1368},{"pagename":"1368 - Nicholas, Robert and Peter Robhood of Walsham le Willows","Century":14,"Decade":1361,"Year":1368},{"pagename":"1369 - Robert Robhood of Walsham le Willows (1)","Century":14,"Decade":1361,"Year":1369},{"pagename":"1369 - Robert Robhood of Walsham le Willows (2)","Century":14,"Decade":1361,"Year":1369},{"pagename":"1369 - Robert Robhood of Walsham le Willows (3)","Century":14,"Decade":1361,"Year":1369},{"pagename":"1369 - Robert Robhood of Walsham le Willows (4)","Century":14,"Decade":1361,"Year":1369},{"pagename":"1370 - Nicholas and Peter Robhood of Walsham le Willows","Century":14,"Decade":1371,"Year":1370},{"pagename":"1370 - Peter Robhood of Walsham le Willows (1)","Century":14,"Decade":1371,"Year":1370},{"pagename":"1370 - Peter Robhood of Walsham le Willows (2)","Century":14,"Decade":1371,"Year":1370},{"pagename":"1370 - Robert Robhood of Walsham le Willows (1)","Century":14,"Decade":1371,"Year":1370},{"pagename":"1370 - Robert Robhood of Walsham le Willows (2)","Century":14,"Decade":1371,"Year":1370},{"pagename":"1373 - Robert Robhood of Walsham le Willows","Century":14,"Decade":1371,"Year":1373},{"pagename":"1375 - Peter Robhood of Walsham le Willows (1)","Century":14,"Decade":1371,"Year":1375},{"pagename":"1375 - Peter Robhood of Walsham le Willows (2)","Century":14,"Decade":1371,"Year":1375},{"pagename":"1375 - Robert Robhood of Walsham le Willows (1)","Century":14,"Decade":1371,"Year":1375},{"pagename":"1375 - Robert Robhood of Walsham le Willows (2)","Century":14,"Decade":1371,"Year":1375},{"pagename":"1376 - Catherine Robhood of Walsham le Willows","Century":14,"Decade":1371,"Year":1376},{"pagename":"1376 - Peter Robhood of Walsham le Willows (1)","Century":14,"Decade":1371,"Year":1376},{"pagename":"1376 - Peter Robhood of Walsham le Willows (2)","Century":14,"Decade":1371,"Year":1376},{"pagename":"1376 - Peter Robhood of Walsham le Willows (3)","Century":14,"Decade":1371,"Year":1376},{"pagename":"1376 - Peter Robhood of Walsham le Willows (4)","Century":14,"Decade":1371,"Year":1376},{"pagename":"1376 - Robert Robhood and tenement Robhood of Walsham le Willows","Century":14,"Decade":1371,"Year":1376},{"pagename":"1384 - Nicholas Robhood of Walsham le Willows","Century":14,"Decade":1381,"Year":1384},{"pagename":"1384 - Peter and Catherine Robhood of Walsham le Willows","Century":14,"Decade":1381,"Year":1384},{"pagename":"1384 - Robert Robhood of Walsham le Willows","Century":14,"Decade":1381,"Year":1384},{"pagename":"1385 - Peter Robhood of Walsham le Willows (1)","Century":14,"Decade":1381,"Year":1385},{"pagename":"1385 - Peter Robhood of Walsham le Willows (2)","Century":14,"Decade":1381,"Year":1385},{"pagename":"1385 - Robert Robhood of Walsham le Willows (1)","Century":14,"Decade":1381,"Year":1385},{"pagename":"1385 - Robert Robhood of Walsham le Willows (2)","Century":14,"Decade":1381,"Year":1385},{"pagename":"1390 - John Robhood of Walsham le Willows and his sons","Century":14,"Decade":1391,"Year":1390},{"pagename":"1390 - John and Peter Robhood of Walsham le Willows","Century":14,"Decade":1391,"Year":1390},{"pagename":"1390 - Peter and Catherine Robhood of Walsham le Willows (1)","Century":14,"Decade":1391,"Year":1390},{"pagename":"1390 - Peter and Catherine Robhood of Walsham le Willows (2)","Century":14,"Decade":1391,"Year":1390},{"pagename":"1396 - John Robhood of Walsham le Willows","Century":14,"Decade":1391,"Year":1396},{"pagename":"1396 - Peter Robhood of Walsham le Willows","Century":14,"Decade":1391,"Year":1396},{"pagename":"1396 - Walter Robhood of Walsham le Willows","Century":14,"Decade":1391,"Year":1396},{"pagename":"1399 - Walter Robhood of Walsham le Willows","Century":14,"Decade":1391,"Year":1399},
By Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2015-08-28. Revised by Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2022-06-01.
Below is found A) a list of records relating to historical persons surnamed Robinhood, Robehod, Robhood, or similar, B) a list of pages on groups of such records.
Records relating to persons surnamed Robinhood
105 records concern persons surnamed Robinhood:
- 1283 - R Robehod of Walsham le Willows
- 1317 - Peter Robhood of Walsham le Willows
- 1317 - William Robhood of Walsham le Willows (1)
- 1317 - William Robhood of Walsham le Willows (2)
- 1317 - William Robhood of Walsham le Willows (3)
- 1318 - Robhood of Walsham le Willows (1)
- 1318 - Robhood of Walsham le Willows (2)
- 1318 - William Robhood of Walsham le Willows (1)
- 1318 - William Robhood of Walsham le Willows (2)
- 1319 - William Robhood of Walsham le Willows (1)
- 1319 - William Robhood of Walsham le Willows (2)
- 1319 - William son of Alice Robhood of Walsham le Willows
- 1323 - Geoffrey Robinhood of Addiscombe
- 1328 - John Robhood of Walsham le Willows (1)
- 1328 - John Robhood of Walsham le Willows (2)
- 1328 - Robhood of Walsham le Willows
- 1328 - William Robhood of Walsham le Willows
- 1329 - John Robhood of Walsham le Willows
- 1329 - William Robhood of Walsham le Willows (1)
- 1329 - William Robhood of Walsham le Willows (2)
- 1329 - William Robhood of Walsham le Willows (3)
- 1332 - John and William Robhood of Walsham le Willows
- 1332 - William Robhood of Walsham le Willows
- 1333 - John Robhood of Walsham le Willows
- 1333 - William Robhood of Walsham le Willows
- 1334 - John Robhood of Walsham le Willows (1)
- 1334 - John Robhood of Walsham le Willows (2)
- 1335 - John Robhood of Walsham le Willows
- 1336 - John Robhood of Walsham le Willows
- 1336 - Walter Robhood of Walsham le Willows
- 1338 - Agnes Robhood of Walsham le Willows
- 1341 - John Robhood of Walsham le Willows (1)
- 1341 - John Robhood of Walsham le Willows (2)
- 1342 - John Robhood of Walsham le Willows
- 1344 - Robhodway (Walsham le Willows) (1)
- 1344 - Robhodway (Walsham le Willows) (2)
- 1347 - John Robhood of Walsham le Willows
- 1348 - John Robhood of Walsham le Willows
- 1349 - Matilda Robhood of Walsham le Willows
- 1350 - John Robhood of Walsham le Willows
- 1350 - Matilda Robhood of Walsham le Willows (1)
- 1350 - Matilda Robhood of Walsham le Willows (2)
- 1351 - John Robhood of Walsham le Willows
- 1353 - John Robhood of Walsham le Willows
- 1354 - John Robhood of Walsham le Willows (1)
- 1354 - John Robhood of Walsham le Willows (2)
- 1359 - John Robhood of Walsham le Willows
- 1360 - John Robhood of Walsham le Willows
- 1361 - John Robhood of Walsham le Willows
- 1361 - Walter Robhood of Walsham le Willows
- 1362 - John Robhood of Walsham le Willows (1)
- 1362 - John Robhood of Walsham le Willows (2)
- 1362 - Walter Robhood of Walsham le Willows (1)
- 1362 - Walter Robhood of Walsham le Willows (2)
- 1364 - John Robhood of Walsham le Willows (1)
- 1364 - John Robhood of Walsham le Willows (2)
- 1364 - John Robhood of Walsham le Willows (3)
- 1364 - Olivia and Walter Robhood of Walsham le Willows
- 1365 - Agnes Robhood of Walsham le Willows
- 1365 - John Robhood of Walsham le Willows and his sons
- 1366 - Robert Robhood of Walsham le Willows (1)
- 1366 - Robert Robhood of Walsham le Willows (2)
- 1366 - Robert Robhood of Walsham le Willows (3)
- 1366 - Walter Robhood of Walsham le Willows
- 1367 - Robert Robhood of Walsham le Willows (1)
- 1367 - Robert Robhood of Walsham le Willows (2)
- 1367 - Robert Robhood of Walsham le Willows (3)
- 1368 - Nicholas Robhood of Walsham le Willows
- 1368 - Nicholas, Peter and Robert Robhood of Walsham le Willows
- 1368 - Nicholas, Robert and Peter Robhood of Walsham le Willows
- 1369 - Robert Robhood of Walsham le Willows (1)
- 1369 - Robert Robhood of Walsham le Willows (2)
- 1369 - Robert Robhood of Walsham le Willows (3)
- 1369 - Robert Robhood of Walsham le Willows (4)
- 1370 - Nicholas and Peter Robhood of Walsham le Willows
- 1370 - Peter Robhood of Walsham le Willows (1)
- 1370 - Peter Robhood of Walsham le Willows (2)
- 1370 - Robert Robhood of Walsham le Willows (1)
- 1370 - Robert Robhood of Walsham le Willows (2)
- 1373 - Robert Robhood of Walsham le Willows
- 1375 - Peter Robhood of Walsham le Willows (1)
- 1375 - Peter Robhood of Walsham le Willows (2)
- 1375 - Robert Robhood of Walsham le Willows (1)
- 1375 - Robert Robhood of Walsham le Willows (2)
- 1376 - Catherine Robhood of Walsham le Willows
- 1376 - Peter Robhood of Walsham le Willows (1)
- 1376 - Peter Robhood of Walsham le Willows (2)
- 1376 - Peter Robhood of Walsham le Willows (3)
- 1376 - Peter Robhood of Walsham le Willows (4)
- 1376 - Robert Robhood and tenement Robhood of Walsham le Willows
- 1384 - Nicholas Robhood of Walsham le Willows
- 1384 - Peter and Catherine Robhood of Walsham le Willows
- 1384 - Robert Robhood of Walsham le Willows
- 1385 - Peter Robhood of Walsham le Willows (1)
- 1385 - Peter Robhood of Walsham le Willows (2)
- 1385 - Robert Robhood of Walsham le Willows (1)
- 1385 - Robert Robhood of Walsham le Willows (2)
- 1390 - John and Peter Robhood of Walsham le Willows
- 1390 - John Robhood of Walsham le Willows and his sons
- 1390 - Peter and Catherine Robhood of Walsham le Willows (1)
- 1390 - Peter and Catherine Robhood of Walsham le Willows (2)
- 1396 - John Robhood of Walsham le Willows
- 1396 - Peter Robhood of Walsham le Willows
- 1396 - Walter Robhood of Walsham le Willows
- 1399 - Walter Robhood of Walsham le Willows
Groups of records relating to persons surnamed Robinhood
The following page concerns groups of records relating to persons surnamed Robinhood:
- Withycombe, E. G. 'The Name Robin Hood', The Times Literary Supplement (7 Apr. 1927), p. 251; perhaps the first to suggest that Robinhood surnames may refer to the Robin Hood tradition.
Also see
- Historical persons (links) in Allusions section
- Persons named Robin Hood
- Criminals named Robin Hood.