Lawrence, David Herbert 2006a
From International Robin Hood Bibliography
Lawrence, D.H.; Baron, Helen, ed.; Baron, Carl, ed.; Morrison, Blake, introd. Sons and Lovers. Edited with Notes by Helen Baron and Carl Baron. With an Introduction by Blake Morrison (Penguin Classics). London: Penguin Books Ltd.; New York; Penguin Group (USA) Inc; Toronto: Penguin Group (Canada); Dublin: Penguin Ireland; Camberwell: Penguin Group (Australia); New Delhi: Penguin Books India Pvt Ltd; Auckland: Penguin Group (NZ); Johannesburg: Penguin Books (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd, 2006. xxx, 493, [4 advert.], [1 blank] pp. 2 b./w. maps; col. illus. dust-jacket. Paperback. ISBN-13: 978-0-141-44144-3.