Hunter, Joseph 1852a
From International Robin Hood Bibliography
Hunter, Joseph. The Great Hero of the Ancient Minstrelsy of England, "Robin Hood." His Period, Real Character, etc. investigated and perhaps ascertained by Joseph Hunter (Critical and Historical Tracts, No. 4). London: John Russell Smith, 1852. [1], 62 pp. 19 cm. LC 1-17077.
Title on paper cover: "Mr. Hunter's Critical and Historical Tracts. No. IV. The Ballad-Hero, Robin Hood. "June—1852". Published no later than June 19 cf. Smith, John Russell. 'Now Ready, Part IV., price 2s. 6d., of the Rev. Joseph Hunter's Critical and Historical Tracts', Notes & Queries, Series 1, vol. V (June 19, 1852), p. 599.
Later editions/printings
- Hunter, Joseph. The Great Hero of the Ancient Minstrelsy of England, "Robin Hood:" his Period, Real Character, etc., investigated, and perhaps ascertained (Worksop, 1883)
- Hunter, Joseph. 'Robin Hood', in: Knight, Stephen, ed. Robin Hood: Anthology of Scholarship and Criticism (Cambridge, 1999), pp. 187-95