Holinshed, Raphael 1587b
From International Robin Hood Bibliography
Holinshed, Raphael; [Wolfe, Reyner]; [Hooker, John]; [Harrison, William]; [Fleming, Abraham]; [Thynne, Francis]; [Stow, John]; [Stanyhurst, Richard]. The Chronicles of England, from William the Conqueror (who began his reigne ouer this Land, in the yeare after Christes natiuitie 1066.) vntill the yeare 1577. Faithfullie gathered and compiled by Raphael Holinshed. And continued from the yeare 1577. vntill this present yeare of Grace 1585. Newlie amended and inlarged. With a necessarie table therevnto annexed, both of names and matters that are memorable. London [H. Denham] [at the expenses of J. Harison], [1587]. [8], 1592, [62] pp.
- Vol. III (PDF etc.)
Bibliographical sources
- STC (2nd ed.), 13569.5.