Crawford, O G S 1929a
From International Robin Hood Bibliography
Crawford, O. G. S. 'Place-Names and Archaeology', chapter VIII in: Mawer, A.; Stenton, F.M. Introduction to the Survey of English Place-Names (English Place-Name Society, vol. I, pt. 1). Reprinted. (Cambridge, 1929), pp. 143-64.
Later editions/printings
- Crawford, O. G. S. 'Place-Names and Archaeology', chapter VIII in: Mawer, A.; Stenton, F.M. Introduction to the Survey of English Place-Names (English Place-Name Society, vol. I, pt. 1). Reprinted. (Cambridge, 1933), pp. 143-64
- Crawford, O. G. S. 'Place-Names and Archaeology', chapter VIII in: Mawer, A.; Stenton, F.M.; Gover, J.E.B. The Place-Names of Sussex (English Place-Name Society, vols. VI-VII) (Cambridge, 1969), pp. 143-64