Broadwood, Lucy Etheldred 1908b
From International Robin Hood Bibliography
Broadwood, Lucy E. ed. English Traditional Songs and Carols, Collected and Edited, with Annotations. With Words and Voice Part (in Old Notation and Tonic Sol-fa) / by Lucy E. Broadwood. London. London and New York: Boosey & Co., / by Lucy E. Broadwood. London. ©1906.
'Price six shillings; Also in Limp Cover, Gilt Edges, Nine Shillings net'.
Bibliographical sources
- Broadwood, Lucy E. ed. English Traditional Songs and Carols, Collected and Edited, with Annotations. With Words and Voice Part (in Old Notation and Tonic Sol-fa) (London and New York, / by Lucy E. Broadwood. London), see title-page and back of cover.