Barnsdale Bar (Barnsdale)
Locality | |
Coordinate | 53.61717, -1.230087 |
Adm. div. | West Riding of Yorkshire |
Vicinity | At southern boundary of Barnsdale |
Type | Thoroughfare |
Interest | Miscellaneous |
Status | Extant |
First Record |
By Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2014-09-20. Revised by Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2021-06-10.
Barnsdale Bar is a place where the Great North Road forks into a westerly and an easterly branch, now the A639 and A1 respectively. As Dobson & Taylor note, it was a place often chosen for welcoming important visitors to the North.[1] It seems to have been regarded, at least locally, as the gateway to the North. This and the fact that it was one of Robin Hood's chief haunts were Barnsdale only real claims to fame. The last part of the name 'Barnsdale Bar' is due to the fact that there was was a toll bar and house there.[2]
1486 - A Shorte and a Brief Memory
The King himself kepte every Day thus, during both the High Masse and Even Songe in the saide Cathedrall Churche, and that same Weke he remeved unto Notingham [...] The Meir and his Brethren of Notingham in Scarlet Gounes on Horsbake, accompanyed with 6 or 7, with other honest Men al on Horsbake, also receyvede the King a Myle by South of Trent, and bytwene both Briggs the Procession both of the Freres and of the Pariche Chirches receyved the King, and so proceded thorough the Towne to the Castell. From thens the King the next Weke folowinge remevede towarde Yorks, at whos Remeving th Erle of Derby, the Lorde Strannge, Sir William [p. 186:] Stanley, with others, toke ther Leve, and on Saterday came unto Doncaster, wher he abode the Sonday, and hard Masse at the Freres of our Lady, and Even Song in the Parishe Chirche. On the Morne the King remeved to Pomfreyte, accompanyed then and sone after with the Archebishop of York, the Bishop of Ely, Chanceller of England, the Bishop of Excester, Prive Seale; also th Erle of Lyncolln, th Erle of Oxenford, th Erle of Shrewsbury, th Erle of Ryvers, th Erle of Wiltshire, the Viscount Wellis, the Lorde Percy, whiche came to the King at Yorke, the Lorde Grey of Rythyn, the Lorde Grey, the Lorde Fitzwater, Stuarde of the King's Howse, the Lorde Powes, the Lorde Clifforde, the Lorde Fitzhugh, the Lorde Scrop of Upsale, the Lorde Scrop of Bolton, the Lorde La Warre, Lorde Latymer, Lorde Dacre of Gillesland, the Lorde Hastings, and the Lorde Lumley; the Lorde Hussay, Chief Justice of the King's Bench: As also by the following Knights, Sir Richard Egecombe, Countroller of the King's House, Sir Thomas Burgh, Sir John Cheyny, Sir John Grey of Wilton, Sir George Nevell, Sir John Beauchamp, Sir Walter Hungreforde, Sir Robert Taylboys, Sir Robert Willougby, Sir Edward Ponyngs, Sir Humfrey Stanley, Sir John Savage, Sir Davy Owen, Sir Charles of Somersett, Sir Thomas Gokesay, Sir Robert Poynez, Sir John Amelton, Sir Thomas Markenvile, Sir John Savile, Shireff of Yorkshire, Sir Henry Perpoynte, Sir John Babington, Sir Henry Wentworth, Sir Robert Stirley, Sir Thomas Tempeste, Sir Gervas of Clifton, Sir John Turburvile, Sir Edmunde Benyngfelde, Sir John Agrisley, Sir Hugh Persall, Sir Nicholl Langforde, Sir Raulf Bygod, Sir John Nevill of Leversege, Sir William Fitzwilliam, Sir Thoms Fitzwilliam, Sir John Everyngham, Sir Randolf Pigote, Sir Marmaduke Constable, Sir John Walton, Sir Robert Rider, Sir Edmonde Hastings, Sir John Constable of Holdrenesse, Sir Christopher Moresby, Sir Robert Dymok, Sir James Danby, Sir Richarde Hante, Sir John Risley, Sir William Say, and Sir William Tyler, whiche was sent unto the Castell of Midlem. By the Way in Barnesdale, a litill beyonde Robyn Haddezston, th Erle of Northumberland with right a great and noble Company mete and gave his Attendaunce upon the King; that is to say, with 33 Knyghts of his Feedmen, beside Esquiers and Yeomen. Part of those Knyghts Names are ensuen, Sir . . . . . . Multon, Sir Tyme Lorde of Seint Johns, Sir William Geiston, Sir Robert Counstable, Sir Hugh Hastings, Sir William Evers, Sir John Pikering, Sir Robert Plompton, Sir Pers of Medilton, Sir Christofer Warde, Sir William Malary, Sir Thomas Malyver, [p. 187:] Sir William Englishby, Sir James Strangways, Sir Rauf Babthorpe, Sir Thomas Normanville, Sir Martyn of the See, Sir Robert Hilliart, Sir Rauf Crathorn, Sir William Bekwith, Sir Robert Utreyte, Sir Thomas Metham, Sir Richarde Cuonyers, Sir William Darcy, Sir Stephen Hamton, and Sir William A. Stapleston; and so proceded that same Mondaye to Pomnfret, wher his Grace remaynede unto the Thursday next folowing.[3]
- Dobson, R. B., ed.; Taylor, J., ed. Rymes of Robyn Hood: an Introduction to the English Outlaw (London, 1976), pp. 307-308.
Also see
- ↑ Dobson, R. B., ed.; Taylor, J., ed. Rymes of Robyn Hood: an Introduction to the English Outlaw (London, 1976), pp. 307-308.
- ↑ Heritage Gateway: West Yorkshire Archaeology Advisory Service: Toll house at Bransdale Bar.
- ↑ Leland, John; Hearne, Thomas, ed. J. Lelandi Antiquarii de Rebus Britannicis Collectanea. (Londini, 1770), vol. IV, pp. 185-87.
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The A639 brancing off at Barnsdale Bar / Bill Boaden.
Barnsdale Bar, start of the bridleway to Skelbrooke / John Slater.
A1 approaching Barnsdale Bar / Andrew Abbott.