1926 - Bates, Joe - Rambles twix Pendle and Holme (2)

From International Robin Hood Bibliography
Date 1926
Author Bates, Joe
Title Rambles twix Pendle and Holme
Mentions Robin Hood's Well (Higham)
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Site of Robin Hood's Well, near Higham.

By Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2019-02-23. Revised by Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2021-01-17.


A few yards from the river [Calder] is a thorn hedge which divides the Shuttleworth and Starkie estates. A bridge now spans the river at this point. Across the way down stream leads to Padiham, up bank to Higham, and against the stream to Brierfield. The riparian rights are claimed by the Starkies of Huntroyd. [p. 35:]
 In the bank under "Eleven Trees" is a spring of icy cold water. It used to be called Robin Hood's well. This water was at one time considered a specific for certain ailments of the eyes.[1]



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