1877 - Proceedings of the Old Bailey (2)

From International Robin Hood Bibliography
Date 1877
Topic Robin Hood on High Holborn mentioned in case involving theft and pocketpicking
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Site of Robin Hood on High Holborn.

By Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2018-06-16. Revised by Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2021-01-08.


[19 Nov. 1877:]
ESTHER LEVY. I let the prisoner the house at 14, Upper East Smithfield—this is my handwriting (referring to the agreement)—the prisoner paid me 150l. on the 30th May, I think—he was quite a stranger to me—the bill was in the window that the premises were to let, and he seemed anxious to have it—I did not suggest we should go to a lawyer, but I took him to Mr. Hind, of Cannon Street, estate-agent, whom I knew, for the purpose of having the agreement prepared—the prisoner had two or three interviews with me—he first came in to make a purchase, and he said he had been after a place where he would have to pay 120l. for the goodwill and 100l. a year—I said my house was cheaper, and he was agreeable to take it—that was all that passed—the nest time he came was about the business, and I let him the house and shop for nine years at 45l. a year—he paid me by a note out of his own pocket, and had no one to represent him—I have a brother—the prisoner did not buy my furniture—I sold him the agreement for nine years—I took my furniture away—when he came he said he should not open the house—he had been trying to let it, and bad advertised it at 75l. and 150l. a year; so he could not have thought it a very bad bargain—he said he had a niece who would come to attend to it, but there was some death in the family and she could not come—a carman took the furniture away-my brother did not go there—he is living at the Robin Hood public-house—I know nothing about an appointment being made there with the prisoner—I don't think the prisoner made inquiries—he made no proposal to me of any kind—he would not be such a fool, I should think.[1]

Source notes

IRHB has silently regularized the use of spaces before punctuation marks in the quotation and corrected the HTML text at Proceedings of the Old Bailey from the PDF of the original printed edition.

IRHB comments

There were (at least) three public houses named the Robin Hood in Holborn: one in Leather Lane, one in the now lost Robin Hood Court, and that at 281 High Holborn. The full record also mentions the "Monarch dining-rooms, 128, Holborn Hill", and on that somewhat tenuous ground I vote for the Robin Hood on High Holborn.



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