1865 - Redfern, Francis - History of Town of Uttoxeter (3)

From International Robin Hood Bibliography
Date 1865
Author Redfern, Francis
Title History of the Town of Uttoxeter: with Notices of Places in its Neighbourhood
Mentions Robin Hood; Clorinda, Queen of Shepherds; Robert de Ferrers; Loxley (Bramshall); Robin Hood's Horn (Loxley, Bramshall); Robin Hood's Birth, Breeding, Valor and Marriage (ballad)
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Loxley, near Bramshall.

By Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2020-10-15. Revised by Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2021-01-17.



A junior Ferrers of Tutbury held Loxley, which is about two miles west of Uttoxeter, in Henry II.'s reign, and in the time of Henry III. it belonged to Robert de Ferrers. In 1327 John de Kynardesleye married Johanna, daughter to a second Thomas de Ferrers. John Kynnersley was owner of Loxley eighteen Edward III. Thomas Kynnersley, twenty-second Charles I.; Craven Kynnersley, seven George II.; and Clement Kynnersley, ten George III., were sheriffs. An ancestor of the Kynnersley's was seated at Kynnersley Castle, Herefordshire, at the Conquest. There is a horn preserved at Loxley, with the proud name of "Robin Hood's Horn," which was formerly in the family of Ferrers, at Chartly. There is no particular reason given for its being Robin Hood's Horn, although it bears his initials; but from bearing three horse-shoes (two and one) it probably belonged to the Ferrars, and came into the family of Kynnersley by the marriage of Johanna, daughter of [p. 328:] Thomas de Ferrers, to John de Kynnardesleye, through which marriage it is supposed Loxley also came into the possession of the Kynnersleys. Loxley Hall is a modern residence, the previous ancient house having been destroyed about sixty years ago, and the ornamental stone work of it, with the ancient sculptured arms of the family, have been formed into a beautiful grotto. The entrance-hall of the present house contains the emblazoned arms of all the chief families of distinction in the kingdom, and paintings of the family for generations back. The present proprietor is C. T. S. Kynnersley, Esq., who resides at the High Fields, near Uttoxeter.

Loxley has attained a degree of celebrity as being, if not the birth-place of Robin Hood, at least the scene of many of his bold exploits. An old chronicle of the date of 1621 relates, that after his return to [p. 329:] Loxley from his visit to his uncle Gamewell, in Warwickshire, after certain inquiries concerning his men,

"Clorinda came by,
The queen of the shepherds was she,"

with whom he fell in love,

"Sir Roger, the parson of Dubridge, was sent for in haste:
He brought his mass book, and bid them take hands,
And joined them in marriage full fast."

According to the traditions of the neighbourhood the honeymoon was spent in the beautiful demesne of Loxley; and many engaging stories have been related by the gardener of Loxley ninety years ago—the maternal grandfather of a friend of mine—respecting both the rendezvous and doings of this celebrated outlaw. These lines are supposed to have reference to the gallant freebooter, on his return to Loxley, after the marriage with his wife—

"Bold Robin Hood and his sweet bride,
  Went hand in hand into the green bower;
The birds sung with pleasure in those merry green groves;
  O this was a most joyful hour."[1]

Source notes

IRHB silently omits a foot-note reference after 'High Fields, near Uttoxeter.' as well as the note itself.



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