1850 - Proceedings of the Old Bailey (3)

From International Robin Hood Bibliography
Date 1850
Topic Alleged police informer does not live at Robin Hood Court, Shoe Lane
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Site of Robin Hood Court, Shoe Lane, Holborn.

By Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2018-06-17. Revised by Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2021-01-08.


[16 Sep. 1850:]
JOSEPH BAKER. I am a potman and waiter, and live at Pickett's-place, Strand. Last Saturday night, about twenty minutes-past eleven o'clock, I was standing at a post in Victoria-street—I saw Moram go across the road towards a man and woman who were standing by the rails—he put his left arm round the prosecutor's waist, struck him with his right fist at the side of the head, and ran off—there was a cry of "Police"—I went after the pri-soner, and when I got to the corner of Field-lane I was tripped up by some males and females—I then ran back, and saw Williams in custody—when I first saw Moram I was walking towards him, and was about a yard and a half, or two yards from him, and I had a good look at him, and gave Fisher a description of him—we went to several places, and at last found him standing at the corner of a narrow dark court in Fox-court, Gray's-inn-lane—the in-stant I saw him I said he was the man—Fisher arrested him, and told him the charge—he said it was a d—d lie, he had not been in Victoria-street all that day—he resisted very much—Fisher was obliged to call two more police-men before he could secure him.

Cross-examined. Q. How long have you been out of employ? A. Three weeks—I was last at Mr. Edwards's, in Stanhope-street, Clare-market—I was there thirteen weeks—before that I was out of employ ten weeks, and before that I was in Clare-street—I do not know the meaning of the word trap—I never heard it in connection with policemen—I never heard what a police-man's trap is, and never acted the part of a trap—this is the second time I have appeared in a court, to give evidence—I gave evidence before on behalf of the police—I did not get any expenses—I have not been leading a strange life about the streets for two years—I was never potman in Bear-street—I live with my father and mother-in-law, at 7, Pickett's-place—I do not live at 7, Robin Hood-court—on this night I saw Moram for about a minute before the transaction happened—I had no reason for taking particular notice of him—when he was first brought to the station, I did not hear Roberts say, "That is not the man:" I do not know what he said, I was not near him—I was talking to one of the City-police, who took the charge; he is not here—I will not swear Roberts did not say so—I did not go up to him, and say, "That is the man I saw strike the blow"—I did not nudge Roberts—I did not speak to him at all when the charge was entered—I left my last place through illness—I was obliged to go into the country—I came back, and in a fort-night was again taken ill—I am not always dodging about Gray's-inn-lane—I go round Holborn, Fleet-street, and the Strand, looking for a situation.[1]

Source notes

IRHB has silently regularized the use of spaces before punctuation marks in the quotation and corrected the HTML text at Proceedings of the Old Bailey from the PDF of the original printed edition.

IRHB comments

By an odd coincidence on the day the above case was dealt with, 16 September 1850, places in London named after Robin Hood were involved in two other cases at the Old Bailey. See 1850 - Proceedings of the Old Bailey (2) and 1850 - Proceedings of the Old Bailey (4).



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