1804 - Unknown - Note on drawing of Robin Hood's Stride

From International Robin Hood Bibliography
Date 1794 or 1804
Author Unknown
Title Note on drawing of Robin Hood's Stride
Mentions Robin Hood; Little John; Robin Hood's Stride (Harthill); Eastwood Rocks (Ashover)
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Robin Hood's Stride to the west, Eastwood Rocks to the east.

By Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2018-09-29. Revised by Henrik Thiil Nielsen, 2021-01-07.


The tradition of the neighbourhood is, that Robin Hood and Little John stood upon Eastwood Rocks, about 1½ miles off, and shot at this stone [i.e. Robin Hood's Stride, Harthill]:—Little John's hit it, but Robin Hood's fell short of it in the valley below.[1]

Source notes

IRHB's brackets.

IRHB comments

The above quotation is the text of a note to a coloured drawing of [Robin Hood's Stride (Harthill)] in a manuscript in the collection of archery-related literature, prints and drawings of the famous English naturalist, botanist (and archer) Joseph Banks (1743–1820). The manuscript includes at least two drawings of the Stride, dated 1794 and 1804 respectively. I do not know which of them has the above note, so the date could be 1794 rather than 1804.




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